Fitbit Water Bottle

I just really wanted to recommend Fitbit to make their own water bottle that tracks the amount of water a person is drinking and automatically syncs with the Fitbit app. The thermos smart lid is not a good product and the reviews online show it clearly. Hydration is a part of daily health and Fitbit would benefit all of its users in a real way by creating such a product.


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity & Labels.

Recovery Runner
Great idea!!! I'd buy it!!!!
First Steps
Love this idea!!
Pace Setter
Yup. I've been looking for something like this. I found hidrate me on Kickstarter. But they don't seem to be fulfilling orders and showing solid business ethic.
Recovery Runner
Just read the Kickstarter excited when I watched he'd the video....very disappointed they put more effort and money into that video than the bottle which has so many issues with syncing and also the quality!!! I wouldn't dare waste money backing something that's rubbish....will wait patiently for a company to make something amazing. Can't wait to see a water bottle!! Come on the first to successfully crack it!!!
Recovery Runner
I would love a FitBit water bottle! I go through days where I'm drinking lots all day, and then other days where I don't have anything after my morning coffee until late afternoon 😐

I have a bottle with straw already and it's 750ml which is good, now if only I reminded myself to sip 100ml every hour, I'd be fine!

Hey FitBit, could you perhaps add an update where the Blaze vibrates once and shows a water drop icon on the screen at intervals to remind us to hydrate? :droplet:
Recovery Runner
@Laurenypop - what a coincidence... My name is Lauren and the Laurenypop username was already taken 😁😁😁
First Steps
I would 100% buy that if it was priced reasonably. Honestly I want everything the app can track to be automated and water seems doable.
First Steps
I like the idea of a quick add for water on the Blaze. PLUS I would really benefit from the option for WATER REMINDERS.
First Steps

I think it has been suggested already but being able to track water from the fitbit itself like a tap to add 8 Oz feature would be very helpful for those of us not attached to our phones. Thank you for your consideration.


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.

Stepping Up
I completely agree with logging water from the face of my blue during exercise. I play a lot of sports and it would be really nice whenever I down a bottle of water to be able to add it on the spot instead of trying to remember how many bottles of water I drank while I was playing a sport.
This is a great idea. Please make sure it works on android and iOS
Tempo Runner
We really need improved water resistance. Garmin's vivosmart is awesome, worked way better than my Alta and its waterproofed to 5ATM. Too bad Garmin's app really sucked or I'd dump fitbit. I don't care about tracking swim activities but it is imperative that I can leave it on in a pool, it's less hassle and I'm less likely to lose it. Also I run in rain, and am concerned rain will damage it if showering will, plus I hate taking the tracker off to shower.
First Steps

Surge update request:  Please add water logging to Surge rather than force users to find their phones to open app.  This is a huge issue as I have to log my water for medical reasons.  Multiple users have suggested this update.


Hardware request:  Please provide better waterproofing (5 ATM perhaps).  


Thank you!

First Steps

Completely agree!  The ability to log water consumption from my Surge rather than have to open the app on my phone would be a huge upgrade!  The two main things that I track for medical purposes is my daily steps and my water consumption.


Tapping to add 8oz at a time as suggested by JUjj (see above comment) would be perfect.


Please move forward on this suggestion!

Thanks so much!


This is a great idea! Drinking water is important and sometimes it is hard to tell how much you have had.

Love the water reminder. Just have the charger HR vibrate so it will remind us to drink more water.
I'd quite like a silent alarm as a reminder for water consumption, especially if I haven't logged anything recently (or not enough) and my physical exertion is high
Recovery Runner
Would buy.
Base Runner
Totally agree
First Steps
I also want to add water and coffee from my Blaze!
Stepping Up

Had the same idea, logging waterintake directly from blaze. Can't be that difficult to make it happend. Fitbit...MAKE IT HAPPEN!

First Steps

It would help a lot for the people who want to track water history. It would be easier to track what period of the day you drink more water, and also with reminders and challenges, would help to improve the health of Fitbit users

First Steps

There's a cool one coming out that's called the Seed Bottle by Moikit, its an indiegogo kickstarter, but backers are curently having problems getting the product itself. The company keeps having issues. But if they can get theit act together and it becomes available for regular purchase, it's supposed to sync with FitBit

Definitely this is one of the first features I realized I wanted after using my new Blaze. Just to be able to tap +8oz in the moment would be ideal. Especially on the Blaze which really underutilizes its touchscreen. Add caffiene tracking to the fitbit app and thats even better!
Recovery Runner

I like the idea for the blaze to have the tab, maybe when you open the tab you get the options to select your 8 12 and 24 oz but a third tab that is custom and able to use the two side buttons to add a custom size bottle. 


Also might be worth adding that you have your 3 main sizes and then a fourth that you can customise from the app and let you add your own size because some people do use the same botthe over and over again.

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