Fitbit Water Bottle

I just really wanted to recommend Fitbit to make their own water bottle that tracks the amount of water a person is drinking and automatically syncs with the Fitbit app. The thermos smart lid is not a good product and the reviews online show it clearly. Hydration is a part of daily health and Fitbit would benefit all of its users in a real way by creating such a product.


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity & Labels.


yes!  This is the one thing that makes so much sence that it hurts that's its not already a feature.


Thermos Brand makes a smart water bottle, I actually learned of it through the Fitbit compatible apps page... It did send info to Fitbit but the thermos water bottle quit working after about 12 hours and was returned (it was not cheap and was just a water bottle at the end of the day).  I loved the idea though and can't help but think that Fitbit would do it better... Buy their idea and we will all buy water bottles from you I promise.

Does it work with android? 

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

@Patience191 I don't think the Thermos brand works with Android at this time.

First Steps
Please add this feature. I think it would be a great addition as I want to track my water intake but hot my blaze in order to be more separated from my phone.

I would love for Fitbit to come up with their own bottle that wold sync with the app and vibrate your Fitbit to remind you to drink after a certain amount of time...maybe even customizable as to what you want that time to be. It would need to be durable, have a handle, open and straw spout option, and be double walled for insulation. It needs to hold a decent amount of water without being too big and be able to fit into a cup holder but be easy to hold. 

Please add this feature, I have to unlock my phone and open the app to log my water intake which is very inconvenient.
First Steps

Please add this feature, drinking water is something you do many times along the day, so having to unlock phone, open app navigate and track manually is so annoying that I end allways giving up after 2 or 3 days...

First Steps
I like the water feature on the app but is there any way you can add that to the fitbit it self. So I can just tap my fitbit when I down another bottle? I like being able to keep a count but I forget to go into the app to add it every time. If it was on my wrist it would be so much easier! Thanks!
Base Runner
Wanted on the charge 2 as well.
First Steps

A Fitbit water that measures the amount you drink would ideal. I never lodge my water so this will be brilliant. 

Recovery Runner

My brother, who I recently got a Fitbit for, came up with an awesome idea. Maybe, hopefully, this will be the next thing you guys come out with.


Since your app encourages us to drink water. Why not have a water bottle that syncs to the app updating our water intake? Would make it easier then having to always enter the app.


Moderator Edit: Labels.

Recovery Runner

Good Morning,


I've am looking at third party smart waterbottles (the thermos smart lid and the HidrateSpark 2.0) for tracking my drinks and updating the fitbit app. The app updates work (sort of), but it would be great if fitbit sold their own smart waterbottle and had it integrated directly into the fitbit app to simplify the process.


If this is not possible, maybe you could work with a smart water bottle partner and have their product have the ability to log directly into the fitbit app (for fitib customers) or it could use their own app (for non fitbit customers). This may also prove unfeasible due to licensing issues etc etc. 


Recovery Runner

I woud love to see this feature added as well. I did look at the other solutions available. I first looked at the thermos smart lid, but was turned off this as the build quality and reliability appears to have a number of issues. I'm looking at the Hidrate Spark as well, but the hidrate app talking to the fitbit app appears to be troublesome with updating (I will most likely go for this solution).


It would be fantastic if Fitbit had their own waterbottle that updated directly into the fitbit app as hydration is extremely important and I m lazy and want this tracked intead of manually adding my drinking into my fitbit app. Maybe run a kickstarter to get this product backed for development? I would back this campaign for sure.  

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

I found this idea very interesting, It would be a cool addition to our line up of trackers as it will be benefit for a lot of users. I encourage to keep voting for this idea. I would like to see this in a near future! 


Thank you for your suggestions.

Pace Setter
I've had a Hidrate Spark 2.0 since December. No issues syncing so far. Works pretty decent. Sometimes it's off by a few oz or so. But nothing major 

I agree that Fitbit should come up with their own tho 

First Steps

I would love to be able to log my water intake directly on my Blaze rather than on the app on my phone! 


I second and third these ideas.  I would really love to be able to add my water intake right on my Blaze.  Like others have stated, picking up my phone to unlock then log into the app just to add it is frustrating.  I find myself not logging water at all because it has become too difficult.

Tempo Runner

That has been implemented on the market. One bottle that I'm aware of is the "Hidrate Spark 2.0". I'm sure there's others like this. 

Recovery Runner

Yeah sadly saw that too a day after this post.

Stepping Up

I bought a Hydrate Spark bottle for the sole purpose of not having to log my water manually (it connects to FitBit).  But even better if FitBit made their own as the syncing between the 2 can fail sometimes.

First Steps

I'm in the market for a smart water bottle.  I want it to integrate with Fitbit as that's the platform I support at this point.  I have the scale, charge hr, and looking for hydration.  that's one feature I can't seem to keep on top of because it's more of a hassle that it is worth.

First Steps

I have a health issue that would greatly be valuable to me if the Fitbit Blaze (and other suitable wearables) could easily track water intake with a flick of the wrist and a single tap on the screen.


Constantly while at work, I tend to forget about simple body signals such as "Drink water, you're thirsty!" And "Time to eat, you're losing energy!" It may sound like a joke but this is a real problem for many people and I'm aware of my own self having these health problems.


Fitbit has the potential to greatly increase our self awareness and well being if it allows a very easy way to track ourselves. Requiring the manual "tap" is a simple way to remind us that drinking water is important to daily life and productivity.

First Steps

Just reveal the ability to log water, food, that kind of thing through IFTTT, and I can choose the most convenient method for me - a smart button, telling Google Home I've finished a bottle, etc.

Base Runner

Please can Blaze have water consumption input added to the Blaze device itself?

It would be a superb, very useful and time saving feature. Many Fitbit wearers cannot access their smartphone every time they take a drink of water!

Thank you.

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