Fitbit features for Seniors on Premium

Fitbit features: gentler exercises, delete menstruation, fall alerts, medication tracking, adjustment for age in heart expectations.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Laroc, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding Fitbit Seniors on Premium. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


I also would add that perhaps a different bracelet could be developed that would be easier to close for someone with arthritis. The updates suggested above and this one could be added by the user is so desired.

First Steps

Maybe they would work better as individual options so you can choose what suits you for example I have multiple disabilities that mean that I would definitely use the low intensity exercise and medication tracker but I like the menstruation tracker enabled.

First Steps

So far, Fitbit works for me as is, but I see the value in having a set up for seniors who are not as able as I am. I also like the idea of an easier bracelet. Monitors that are specific to seniors would be good. I use the sleep and heart information, and I wonder if there are differences for seniors in that section? 

First Steps

Please include exercise programs for people with arthritis. There are so many people that want and need this. Typical exercises do not work for us. 

First Steps
People have been asking since 2019. Why hasn’t there been anything done?
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @X35, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding more exercises for seniors. We appreciate your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. At the moment we don't have more updates on this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps
That’s not a good answer. Please ask your management
Stepping Up

Yojana: Where is that "similar request" posted please? My subscription is about to expire, and if there's no change in the status I won't be renewing. 

First Steps
Please add some senior citizen workouts on your premium workouts. The ones you have are all for young people v
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Carrien59, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the possibility of having a Senior Citizen section with specific workouts with the Premium subscription. I noticed that a similar feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here, this helps to keeps the boards more organized. Make sure to add your vote as well to support this suggestion, this helps the team of developers to keep track of popularity and demand over time. 


Thank you again for your participation in the Community. 

First Steps
A special program for seniors especial seniors with osteoarthritis is very much needed

Sent from my iPad

The initial post was about 2 years ago. Has there been any changes to develop something for seniors? Apple has some but I can't get those free like I can the Fitbit Premium. Are there any plans?

First Steps

I am extremely disapponted that no coach on fitbit premium caters for seniors. I have difficulty getting on to the floor, like many seniors, but all stretching involves floor work. Not on coach is senior. Just to remind you: we need to keep fit to stay alive. Please change your attitude. 

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