Food tracking: add "After Dinner Snack" as an option

I often eat after dinner and would like to be able to track specifically that it is an after dinner snack. Please add that as an option.

Recovery Runner

I would also like to have the Cholesterol count added to the food log.

Status changed to: Released
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for your suggestion! We've added an "After Dinner" option to the food logging page, which will accommodate your evening snacks!

Distance Runner

For some reason, there's no option for the After Dinner category for my Android phone.  Given just how many of us have Android devices, this seems to be ignoring a huge number of customers.  I can log the after dinner items on the dashboard, but then they don't register on my mobile app, and my calories are understated, thereby rendering the dashboard category totally useless.  Can't we get this updated on our Android devices? 

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