Full integration with Runkeeper (bi-directional flow)


I've always enjoyed running with Runkeeper, but now I like the Fitbit app very much as well. But data only flows from Fitbit to Runkeeper, not vice versa. I would really love a bi-directional flow. That would really be my cue to buy a Surge.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label


The only reason I bought the Fitbit Surge was so I could do my workouts without taking my phone with me so that I could then link that workout back to Runkeeper. I guess I should of researched what connecting with Fitbit meant before purchasing. 


Time to finish the linking so that individual activitiies including GPS data are sync'd to Runkeeper too.



This is a note from the Runkeeper help center regarding Fitbit.


"We currently input 24 hour stats from Fitbit, not individual activities, so you will not see duplicate activities.

Data only flows from Fitbit to Runkeeper, and not vice versa. We'd love a bi-directional flow, too. Contact Fitbit support to make this happen!"


Looks like the ball is in your court.

Make it happen please.

First Steps

I have been using RunKeeper to track my exercises for several years and I recently bought a FitBit. I would love if there was bi-directional data flow between these two apps.

First Steps

I too woud love it if my runkeeper stuff would sync onto Fitbit. Please make it happen!

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Hey @Banks2 thanks for stopping by and sharing your idea! I think it could be a great improvement to our current integration with Runkeeper to sync data in both ways. 


If you have any other great idea like this, don't hesitate in visiting our Feature Request board again! Woman Wink


Me too - please add full 2-way Fitbit/Runkeeper integration !!!

First Steps



Exactly the same situatio here - Can full 2 way syncing of all activities be allowed between fitbit and runkeeper - i'm already starting to regret the purchase of the fitbit charge hr on the way. Afraid I might have to return it if the integration with runkeeper is not fixed 😞



First Steps

Absolutely have to add to this list.  The manual input standard response from the mods is not helpful.  Without proper integration, I'm seriously thinking about returning the device before it even arrives.



Stepping Up

Agree there should be two way integration - I run a lot but none of this gets to Fitbit.  To say we can manually enter the data is just brushing us off - I find it somewhat rude.  If I wanted to manually track data I'd get a pad and pencil - I use apps and activity trackers to automate this.  There must be some other reason FitBit chooses to not have bi-directional integration - would be good to know what that is.


I love runkeeper and fitbit. I am a bicyclist and I have been using runkeeper for a few years for biking. I also use runkeeper for going on walks too. I just got my fitbit and I was so excited when I found out that runkeeper syncs with fitbit. I thought that runkeeper would send all my info over to my fitbit, but I found out that it is the other way around and fitbit sends all the info from my fitbit to runkeeper because runkeeper is still considered a 3rd party app. I had to switch to strava (another biking app). Strava does send info to fitbit and fitbit sends my info to strava. It would be great if Runkeeper did the same as Strava and was no longer a 3rd party app. I would much rather use a biking app that has all my stats for biking. 

First Steps

Don't understand why this isn't possible.. Or at least allow a tcx upload in fitbit

Would be so much better than manually logging runs etc that were tracked on runkeeper


I was dissapointed to see the original post had been archived, I have just purchased the Surge and was looking into syncing with my RunKeeper app only to find out it doesn't fully sync, only Fitbit data syncs to runkeeper, why will Runkeeper data not be synced with Fitbit, it seems like an absolute no brainer, I don't understand why whoever first enabled the app compatibility didn't make it a 2 way street, please work on this.

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@marktully680 It seems like this feature request may have been erroneously archived. I unarchived it and merged your request into it. Thanks for pointing it out.

Fitbit to runkeeper would be awesome

Disappointing that ANT+ is not supported by the Charge 2  , it would have been nice to have the the Charge2  HR monitor work with Runkeeper or Mapmyfitness to have the HR to integrated in the voice cues of good running apps. The Fitbit Charge2 is clearly not made for runners concerned about training in zones. The Fitbit voice cues don't even  suggest the option HR.

Recovery Runner

Me, too!  At a minimum, you should be able to push Fitbit Exercise data to an equivalent Runkeeper Activity.  I spent the money to buy the sensor, I should be able to send the data where it is needed.  


Also, I tried exporting the data for a Fitbit Exercise (Treadmill) to a TCX file and importing it to Runkeeper - it looks like the TCX export might be broken because it gives me a well-formed XML doc but there is no useful data in it.  Maybe there needs to be waypoint data for the TCX format?If so then the website should disable that feature for exercises with no map data. 

First Steps

I just bought the charge 2 and I don't understand why you can sync your runkeeper and fitbit apps only for daily steps, calories etc and not for the most important things when running: heart rate and distance? I use runkeeper since I started running so I'm planning to continue using it for my tracking. Runkeeper says it's not possible because the fitbit devices only works with fitbit software. I would really love to have this two compatible so I can get the most out of my workout! 

Recovery Runner

Hi, i have just bought the charge 2 and runkeeper activities still dont sync with fitbit - as in they dont reflect in Fitbit - is this expected to be introduced anytime soon?


A bi-directional Fitbit and Runkeeper app interface would be like a Christmas present!  I really need, for medical reasons, to manage my heart rate when I exercise and I cannot stand chest strap heart rate monitors. The FitBit Charge 2 solves that problem, but I love my run keeper for all the other features, including route mapping.  PLEASE consider add the interface. Thanks !!!!

Recovery Runner

I would like to see the integration where I don't have to download TCX file and upload to Runkeeper. There should be a facility in the Fitbit app to export a selected activity to Runkeeper. The current limitation forces a user to log into the account from a PC/Mac and download and upload the activity, which is cumbersome.


Is there more information about the haerth reath link between Fitbitt en Runkeeper? If that works i will by a fittbit blaze 

First Steps

Upvote - the only reason i brought a fitbit was as i thought I could sync activities with runkeeper.    Really disappointing to find it wasnt supported however have stuck with fitbit assuming at some point it would support it (seems pretty straightforward feature to develop) - alas no...

Other devices sync to runkeeper - why not fitbit?


Can Fitbit sync data from Runkeeper to your Fitbit accounts. And allow app on ionic watch.

Not applicable

Hi @PrinsesDendy and commenters, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We’re happy to let you know that this has been implemented. You can find out more hereThank you for sharing your ideas and enthusiasm with the community.


Humm... correct me if I'm wrong, but 2-way integration with Runkeeper is NOT implemented... Still only works from fitbit to runkeeper for me...

Did I missed an update or do I have something to do from my side to make it works?

If the status changes is a mistake, can you remove the status «Released» of this thread?


Status changed to: Under Consideration
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