Gym Workout App (Design/Customize My Own Workouts)

Would love to see something similar to the Gym Boss timer, where you can basically design your own works by entering the interval times, number of rounds, breaks/rests, and the exercise name. They even allow you to personalize the colors used, so you can color-code things (legs, abs, rests, etc).


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity


I absolutely need something like this. 


I am an avid fitness person and just purchased a Fitbit Versa. I previously had a Pepple HR band (which we all know the company went out of business a while back). There was an excellent app called “Custom Workouts”. In the app settings, you could create a workout, and add any number of intervals to it. Each interval you can give it a name, specify if it should be reps or a timer, and specify either the number of reps or the time of the interval.


In the watch app itself, the first screen is a scrollable list of your custom workouts. You can select your workout and then it would begin. During the workout, you can choose to pause the interval (if it is a timer interval), stop the workout, or skip to the next interval. It would also tell you what the next move/interval was on the bottom of the screen.


This was THE PERFECT app for my workouts because I had everything on my wrist and didn’t have to carry around my phone while working out to look up which moves I was gonna do next. I am pretty disappointed that the Versa doesn’t already have an app like this. I absolutely need this! Yes, there is an interval timer built into the Exercise app, but you can only specify two intervals and select the number of times to repeat it. Very basic. 


I am also a software developer and previously did create an app for Pepple devices, and I have already checked out the Fitbit studio to create apps. I am not too strong with js/css/rjs, however if I could get my hands on the source code for the interval timer/exercise app, I would gladly voulunteer myself to expand on that to include custom timers/workouts. I am just really eager to have this feature!!! This is definitely what I want the most out of a fitness watch. 

Recovery Runner

Cando for me. JS is not that far away from C. Actually, it is easier. So you should be able to build it yourself?

Definitely trying to! I think the most difficult thing is getting a comprehensive settings view for this app. Their settings API seems pretty limited...
First Steps

I am trying to improve my half marathon time and want to follow a custom workout plan my trainer has created. I have to use a stop watch and google maps to do something like 10min warmup jog + 4 Repeats of (400 M at 5K pace + 2 min recovery) + 10 min cool down jog. Nothing in fitbit to help me do that 😞

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum
Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs located at the top right box of the Feature Suggestions Board screen. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.
Recovery Runner

I am very disappointed off Fitbit

I have bought a Fitbit charge 3, and I was expecting to have a good fitness app.


But unfortunately, the app is not good at all,

Essential functions are missing,


We should easily have a possibility to make a work-out plan, where we can add different exercises with sets and repetitions (sets and time period for exercises like plank), where we should be able to log weight.


There are tons off free apps that gives you the possibility, but i bought a Fitbit tracker and i expect to have the possibility to add my exercises to the Fitbit app and not using other apps.



Day one: squats, 3sets, 15reps.

                lunges, 3sets, 12reps.

                plank, 3sets, 60secons. (time interval)

Day tow: pushups 3sets,15reps.



Recovery Runner

We should be able to add Custom workouts!



The first reason is that Fitbit app it`s a fitness app that should keep track of your overall activity like:

Sleep, Food intake, Water intake, Calories IN and OUT, Body fat ... and other


But let's say that i do in my home some extras for my health and appearances, and i do some workouts like: squats, pushups, plank, crunches, reverse crunches, and others.

Activities that are not involving much hand movement, and i want to log them in Fitbit app because:

1. I want to keep track of them.

2. Because Fitbit app cant be accurate if i cant log that extra activity in it.


(how can the app have any accuracy if i cant log my workouts?

I did today over 45 pushups, over 60 squats, over 120-sec plank (and others), not much hand activity so the c3 will not track anything, but i want to add this manually in the app this way the app can have some accuracy)


With all said Fitbit should add this Feature in a hurry (All good fitness apps have the option to add workouts manually. ALL OF THEM


Partner with others app that can do this


Te request is relatively simple. and will need to have the possibility to add:

1. Exercise - where u can add them with some basic info like sets and reps or time, and weight.

2. Routine - where u can add your exercises and create some routines. 

First Steps

Hi, I'd like to make my own routine ahead of time and then have Fitbit Coach give me the cues/notes on my phone or Versa during my workout.

Keeping Pace

So I do a lot of core mat workouts (Pilates, Gyrokinesis and Strength training) to maintain strength and flexibility. I would love to be able record my own workouts and sync it with metrics from my Fitbit ionic, Heart Rate Monitor and Moov to do Heart Zone guided training. Could you enable the platform to allow for users to customize their fitness coaching workouts per their training needs?

First Steps

a feature in the app to track weight, reps, and sets of certain lifts during weight lifting workouts.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @nick.wagner2016! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing your idea. I've moved it into a similar request. A los of users who love to do reps will love this. Keep sharing your ideas.


I just need a stopwatch integrated into the workout app, so that I can set rest times between reps and sessions.  I have to use the stopwatch on my phone to do this, which is quite an annoyance.


Hello, I know this has been brought up many times, but I’ll bring it up again. It would be nice if we could add custom workouts in the Fitbit app. 


As it is now, I can only add a “custom” workout on the dashboard, but that seems to not take my HR into account. Not sure if that’s correct, the results just look different from the preset ones. More importantly, it does not show up in the app to view all the stats. I can only see it on the dashboard. Only preset workouts that are added on the dashboard show up in the app. 


It would be nice if we could add a custom work out in the app, like we can on the dashboard and have it track our HR. It might give more accurate results that way. 


I understand that I can use a preset workout, like golf that I never use, and use that for my custom workout, but that’s not really the same. As others have pointed out, some of these seem to have presets set into them for the workout. These leads to not getting correct results like calories. Again, I could be wrong with this, but it seems that way. I understand nothing will be perfect, but allowing it to be a blank slate and go off of HR and time, should help and please a lot of people. 


Examples of what I'm talking about would be push ups along with workouts that don’t have much arm movement/steps.


For the time being, I’m using a preset workout I never use, but it would be nice to have more customization.  


Im also using the Charge 3 Fitbit, and running version 3.0 of the app that came out on July 3rd 2019. 

Recovery Runner

This suggestion is for some type of software (either on the app, through a computer, or both) that allows us to create workouts free of charge (this text is mainly for the moderators, so that way it can't be marked as "Third-Party App" as Workout Builder by Genius Wrist requires payment). From there, we could follow along on our phone/computer with stats like heart rate, steps, calories, etc. You can choose how you want to implement this (if at all), but I would like to see this feature added, especially due to the lack of available free Coach workouts.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @random_username, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!

First Steps

I would love to see the ability to edit your workout details on the app for tracking workout specifics and comparing future workouts with the same movements to show progress. I do a lot of circuit workouts and will group different movements together and as a result I will just use the basic "Workout" option which works fine for simply tracking HR, calories, and time. I know that you can edit your workout category but it's only limited to the options you provide and doesn't really do anything for what you are actually doing. Instead it would be great to be able to title a workout with a name you'd like to give it and then put the details of sets and reps of different movements.


From what I can tell Fitbit is all about tracking quantifiable data that can show improvements and results. This would be a great way to allow the user to track even more using your app powered by your device to improve themselves and push harder to get better and healthier, you could even add a community aspect to it by sharing your workout details with others. You could even add a simple query search where you type in a name and it brings up all relevant workouts you've logged. It would be a great way to remember a workout you've done recently, do it again, and compare times to show progress.


You already have a very detailed way to track food intake details so why not for the workouts. I hope to see it in the future because I would love to use it and I'm sure others would as well.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @KgWiggins, thanks for sharing those ideas. I've moved your idea to customize your workouts to a similar request. You can also check this suggestion, post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support. We wanted to let you know that the other ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:


To filter the workouts in the Fitbit app, check this one.

To compare all your workouts logged in your account, go to this idea.


Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!

First Steps

Yes, would love a workout plan feature as others listed. If songs can be downloaded from a 3rd party like Deezer, etc, I was thinking that transferring workout plans from 3rd parties could also be done. I would like to use only my fitbit only and not have to carry my phone or a workout journal. would be excellent if you had say your chest press listed, reps, and then the fitbit would give you a buzz to let you know your rest is over and then time to proceed to the next exercise all through the use of fitbit and some wireless headphones. Guess I'm going overboard with wishful thinking, but hey future is coming.

Status changed to: Third-Party App
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Julie.Wolfe  and commenters, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We’re excited to let you know that this Feature Suggestion has been developed by a third party developer, and can be downloaded from the Fitbit App Gallery available on Fitbit Smartwatches. You’ll find the Fitbit App Gallery by selecting your connected Smartwatch in the mobile app, choosing the ‘Apps’ tile and toggling to ‘All Apps’ at the top of the screen. You can then search third party apps by category and choose your favorite of the relevant options available. Happy exploring!

Please note that if you have feedback for the third party app, you can contact the developer directly by opening their app in the Fitbit App Gallery, finding their contact details (if they have shared them publicly) under ‘app details’ or ‘clock face details’. Thanks.


Very interesting info here


I make a lot of effort to maintain my figure and health.I eat healthily, I always do sports, I go to the gym and I run in the morning in the park next to the house with a neighbor of mine.As long as I don't persevere, I can't reach the performances I want.When I see people with big muscles, I don't understand how to do that.It's clear they're on steroids, but I'm kind of afraid to take risks.I have read on many forums about steroids and opinions are different.Someone says it's ok, someone doesn't. I recently found a site that explains how to manage them correctly and how important it is to choose them correctly.I don't know, I want some opinions. What do you say/think about it? I need help.

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