Horizontal Inspire series clock faces

I just had to update my Fitbit because the display got super glitchy.  I updated to the Inspire HR from the Alta HR.  I was very disappointed to see I can no longer have a "sideways" clock face on my device. I have grown used to this in the past few years wearing my Alta, and am unclear why this would no longer be supported.  Please update to include this option!


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Stepping Up

agreed with all these others the alta clock face's was better and there should be more options lime that on the inspire also the adding of date day and moth like the alta had sometime si forget that... vote it up...

First Steps

Our dear. Wish I'd found this post before buying the Inspire as a Christmas gift. Back it goes.....


Spent ages looking for this for my mum’s inspire. Characters size for other info screens are also really small in vertical. Would be much better if horizontal was available and step counts etc would spread across screen horizontally and therefore be larger! 

Recovery Runner

If a horizontal clock face would allow displaying the Statistics in a larger font (so you can read the Steps easier), then I am all for this idea.  I honestly don't care if the clock face is vertical or horizontal, but I care whether the statistics are displayed in an easily readable font, and I can see how a horizontal clock face may give more room for a larger font such that both the Clock (currently huge font) and one of the Statistics (currently only available in small fonts) could be displayed at the same time.

First Steps

Six months of requesting horizontal face and larger font on Inspire HR. 

Is there a solution yet? 

Funky clock face are not needed. The purpose of this watch is functionality and for your demographic it is not working. 

It has been a year since I started posting. Clearly no one at FitBit cares - no responses, no changes.  >sigh<

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We have been asking and posting about larger font sizes instead of ridiculous new clock faces for almost a year!  Obviously Fitbit does not care!  They just want you to buy another one:  I wish they would take all of these hundreds of comments seriously.  It can’t be that hard to give a horizontal font option either!


We have been asking and posting about larger font sizes and horizontal ones instead of ridiculous new clock faces for almost a year!!!

First Steps

Having bought an insipre hr in order to upgrade from an alta hr - extremely disappointed with the inability to use a horizontal clock face. Why should an older product have more options??

I always preferred the horizontal clock even if you have to tap to move through the other options. Please improve this! 

Stepping Up

So I had this crappy little thing for maybe 2 months than I got a new one through my insurance and I chose the charge 3 and I find that the charge 3 is more like the Alta and I love it I missed my Alta

First Steps
How did you get it through your insurance?
Stepping Up

United healthcare offers fitness programs to stay healthy, and they will help you get a Fitbit

First Steps

Is this issue still not resolved? I had looked it up before buying inspire HR and thought I’d see a fix so I’m super disappointed in the vertical watch faces. I have never seen writing so small on a Fitbit and I hate the looks of the time with stacked numbers. 

Stepping Up
I ended up getting a fitbit charge 3 my insurance paid for it and it
reminds me more of the fitbit alta i used to have infact the clock face i
use on it is almost just like the one on the alta i used to have plus the
button less feature is also the same
First Steps

@bevedawn does the charge also allow to select which stats show up on the screen? The inspire seems to think I want to read every single thing available in the app

Stepping Up
Yep it has everything it costs more but is better plus the battery lasts
longer as well

I've been looking into possibly upgrading to the inspire HR from the Alta HR {the screen seems extra dark in daylight so I can't see it, and the battery is starting to act funny- after 2 years though it's had a good run at least!} but I would really prefer to have a horizontal clock face as well please!

Stepping Up
Do not get the inspire hr you will hate it get a charge i have the charge 3
and it is more like a upgraded alta then the inspire is plus better battery

Wish I’d have seen this before ordering! Oh well, I guess I’ll have to see for myself when it comes 

Stepping Up
I am sorry i did not get to that sooner the inspire is well horible and
nothing like the alta

It’s okay, probably not for everyone. Sense it’s here though, I might as well give it a try at least.

First Steps

I agree. My husband just bought his first fitbit. It was the Inspire HR. I've gone through 2 Alta fitbits and loved them. We were assuming the same features from my Alta would be available on the Inspire. Both of us are disappointed you can't have horizontal view. It's very difficult to read the micro print size of the vertical view. You can easily read the Alta horizontal display. He has to sync his Inspire to his Fitbit app on his phone in order to read the steps and other info. Glad I still have my Alta. I won't be buying the Inspire as a replacement until they fix this issue. 

First Steps

so this has been something requested for over a year and there is still no horizontal clock face. 

Very disappointed Fitbit 

Base Runner
Hi! I wonder if you could offer a horizontal alternative for clock face/ display image with simpple BIG NUMBERS for all data (steps, heart rate..etc)? For Inspire HR.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @LeenaFIN, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see horizontal Inspire/Inspire HR clock faces. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

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