Improve navigation to find badges on Fitbit app

Earning a badge is motivating!

Being able to see what you are working towards is motivating! 

Having your badges in some sort of order that makes sense is needed in order to be motivating! 

Being able to find your own badges and trophies should not be hard! 

I tried finding my badges after the app updated... I went to various places and was left in confusion. You have to go to your own profile (2 separate clicks), click on badges and trophies, and then realize... They are in no sort of interesting order. The "top badges" aren't always correct. In the steps badges, it is from 5000 to 15000 back to 10000 again. It's confusing when it doesn't need to be. Just have the sections for each type of badge, and operate in the same way as the trophies. Full bright colours for the ones you've earned, grey dim for the ones you need. (I realize that could be a lot, you could have a generic grey circle for the "next badge" with the writing beside stating what they need to accomplish in order to get the next badge, rather than starting out with a hundred needed grey badges. ). 

Badges should be easy to find. There should be a place you can see all badges you haven't yet earned. (The trophies section is much better, yet just as hard to find, since they are together). 

I've seen suggestions for new badges (which would be fantastic), but really, I'd like to see Fitbit make better use of what they have currently as well. Fix the UI. There's no need for there to be so many clicks to find something.

Put badges and trophies in the discover section. 

Let people see what they are aiming for. 

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi there, what a nice suggestion @Meeshmeesh1.  I hope many users cast a vote for this idea and leave a comment to show support.


interesting little statistics but completely useless


I dunno, I like to see and aim for new goals...

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