In Idea Status Definitions we have :
New Suggestion: A new idea. Vote and comment if you like it!
Reviewed By Moderator: We hear you, and have conveyed your comments to developers for review.
Under Consideration: Our development team is investigating how we might move forward with this idea.
Implemented: This idea has been implemented. Enjoy!
Declined: This idea isn't quite right for us.
Existing Feature: We've already done it!
Archived: This idea didn't pick up any momentum, and has been closed due to inactivity.
Duplicate: This suggestion has already been posted. Add your vote to the original, please.
What about "In progress" ??
Here's developers will show us what they are doing (developing) now. So we can look up for what they're doing and maybe have a little feedback in their work ?
Come on FitBit, we want to know what you're doing now ! 🙂
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