Include GPS elevation in activity summary for Charge 5

The Charge 5 no longer has an altimeter. However, for some activities like hiking, walking and running it is nice to see to see this. It would be nice to see the elevation in the activity/ training overview during a GPS recorded activity. Strava also bases the elevation on GPS data and it would be nice to see this included.
Recovery Runner

I have just gone from a charge 4 which has this facility and very disappointing not to see this on the charge 5. A facility used regularly by all cyclists and hikers and I for 1 would not have got a charge 5 if I had known this in advance.  You have to assume that everything in a 4 would be available and better in the 5.


extremely disppointing that charge5 has no way to track elevation.

internal GPS but you won't let us see elevation?

when we go up and down hills, we can't track that?

so very disappointing.


Recovery Runner

I hike a lot and my Fitbit charge 4 just broke so I “upgraded” to a charge 5. Really annoyed that the hikes don’t track elevation any more! I’d rather have elevation stats than a pretty coloured screen. It’s a fitness tracker and so I’m left using Strava. 

Recovery Runner

My charge 4 broke so I “upgraded” to a charge 5. I hike a lot so elevation is important to me so I’m really annoyed that the charge 5 doesn’t do this especially when it has gps! I’d rather have elevation than a pretty coloured screen - it’s a fitness tracker! 

Not applicable

Yeah, lack of GPS or altimeter elevation data is very disappointing. They've added stupid bells and whistles while the core functions get worse. But don't worry, they'll probably try to sell our elevation data back to us as an upgrade on the Charge 6. Before you buy a Charge 6 better make sure it includes a heart rate monitor 😉  I'll probably be using a Garmin or something else by then.

First Steps

Trying the Charge 5 after many happy years with my Garmin HR+. It uses GPS data to display elevation on my runs. I LOVE that feature, and I am pretty torn about leaving it behind. Would be great to see that feature added. SUPER useful alongside pace and heart rate data. 


OMG I just “upgraded” to a Charge 5 and can’t believe it does not have an altimeter. I used this daily to track my stairs usage. Like every thing else with these Fitbits if you measure it then you will do it. I used to take the stairs instead of the elevator just to beat my own record and earn badges for elevation. Unbelievable that this feature is gone. Please bring it back for the charge 6!

First Steps

No way to count elevation? Super lame. And why am I still being offered stair badges? Weak. I'm new to Fitbit, and this is really disappointing. 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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