Increase Font Size on Charge 4 for different stats

I'd love to be able to change the clock face on Charge 4 when I run.  Right now, the pace is the largest number and I don't care about that.  I'm 62 and the fact that I'm still running is great!  I run by time and I'd love to make that the largest number on the clock face.  Then maybe add my heart rate.  Just a thought.


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity

First Steps

My husband got me the Fitbit Sense for Xmas. I love it and I can read it outdoors with no readers on. If you want to stick with Fitbit I recommend looking at the Sense.  I was not wanting to look at Apple.  After hearing from my husband and his complaints on the Apple watch I wasn't interested.  


It would be nice if Fitbit provided the information about readability in its descriptions.  It is impossible to read the letters and numbers on my Charge 4.  Had I know about this issue, which I only found out in hind site, I would have opted for Fitbit Sense.

First Steps

I agree.  I can read my text messages barely!  Should be an option to increase the font for all purposes on the watch.  Please make this change.

First Steps

Please give an option to increase font size on charge 4. Can't read text messages.

First Steps

I agree!  Please let us increase the font size on the Charge 4!!

First Steps

The feedback to have a larger heart rate clock face for those of us who are getting older/need reading glasses has been posted many times for years. When is Fitbit actually going to listen and do something about this. I was dissappointed to buy an upgrade to the Charge 4 and find this still to be an issue. My next wearable will not be a Fitbit. Really, how hard is this clock face option?


I am facing similar issues.  I cannot read any information re steps taken, heart rate and so on.  All I can see is time, which is given in such large letters.  Very disappointed with Charge 4.  Charge 2 was serving me fine, until the band broke and could not be replaced.  Planned obsolescence!

The font size should be increased everywhere on the fitbit Charge 4 (except the clock face). Use Charge 2 as your model for font size - it is MUCH better
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @CynHN, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to increase font size for Charge 4. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

First Steps
Got an apple watch! Can now see my heart rate very clearly. Sleep data not as great as FitBit, but still figuring it all out.

Cara Fernandez

P.S. This email was sent from my phone, please excuse the poor quality.
First Steps

You must allow font size change. The current font size is way too small and extremely annoying !


thanks but how do you "allow" it

Not applicable
I have a Charge 4 and find it very hard to read my step count heart rate and battery level Its very small and there seems to be room on the screen to make it a bit bigger.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @SunsetRunner, thanks for sharing this suggestion about increasing the Charge 4 font size with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to keep the forums organized and make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Not applicable
Thank you your response. To be honest I think I may return my Charge 4, the face type is so small it’s virtually impossible to read accurately. I have to look at my phone app to see if I need to charge it. I have had Alta before and could read them easily.
Sad as I love checking my step count and wanted to check other things by upgrading my device.
Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Please increase the font size. A lot of us have the fitness tracker tied to our health insurance system and so we cannot easily switch to another tracker. The small font size of Charge 4 is extremely frustrating. While we exercise regularly to keep hanging on to our youth, the Charge 4 reminds us of our advancing age - that is extremely unflattering. This means Fitbit is lacking engineers that understand how to improve user experience. Ability to just change faces doesn't quite do it. Hopefully, Fitbit will fix this issue soon. It is all software and configuration and it should take months to fix it.

Not applicable
Well lets hope they start soon, as its driving me mad trying to read the screen on mine, infact I often use the app on my phone for the relative info.

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First Steps
If I was fitbit...i would do nothing but large fonts 🙂 it is tough even
for people with. good eyesight ...

First Steps

I am very disappointed to learn that despite all the numerous  requests from Fitbit’s older customers to increase the font size for some critical displays, nothing has been done!!  I guess fitbit doesn’t really care about it’s senior customers.  It seems like age discrimination to me and probably does to most of the folks who have requested this.  Unfortunate and disappointing especially given the price tag of the products.  


I see a lot of older Charge 4 users commenting about the minuscule font size.  As a senior I have the same issues and cannot read the information at all.  I agree with the person who said that it shows that Fitbit does not care about its older customers' needs.

First Steps
Hey Fitbit! we do not mind scrolling ...just make it big enough ! 🙂

Not applicable
Brilliant reply. Let’s hope they take your advice. So fed up with my Charge 4 it’s impossible and I have to use the app on my phone to get the info I should be able to see on my Fitbit.
Keep messaging people they may take notice eventually.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I too struggle to see the icons on the display. It’s very disappointing as I want to monitor my stats as I run. I end up having to borrow another brand gps watch which seems a shame - this watch appeared to have all the features I wanted - I just can’t see them!

I switched back to my cracked-face charge 2 - it’s more readable and is more intuitive to use. I got the charge 4 for the built in GPS and use in water sports but it is actually too difficult to set and see during exercise so it is actually useless to me. Back to the drawing board, FitBit.
Not applicable
Yes couldn’t agree more

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