Increase Font Size on Charge 4 for different stats

I'd love to be able to change the clock face on Charge 4 when I run.  Right now, the pace is the largest number and I don't care about that.  I'm 62 and the fact that I'm still running is great!  I run by time and I'd love to make that the largest number on the clock face.  Then maybe add my heart rate.  Just a thought.


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity

First Steps

The Charge 4 text function is useless if you need a microscope to read it. The scrolling marquee style on the Charge 2 was much better with larger characters. Very frustrating to rx a text and not have clue as to what it says or who sent it. You end up stopping what you're doing, and digging your phone out of your pocket, which defeats the purpose.

C'mon fitbit ... should be an easy software change to allow options for older folks who can't see characters that are only a couple millimeters in size. Wish I had not thrown out my old Charge 2. Researching other watches.

First Steps
I had an Inspire HR 2, love it but I can't read how many steps I've done without my glasses. Obviously I don't want to carry my glasses when out exercising. I've just replaced it with a new Charge 4 but I've got the same problem. Please can you make the font size bigger for the number of steps to make it easier to read for those with sight problems
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @DC09, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to increase font size for Charge 4. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. You can also check this other suggestion: Increase font size for Inspire family. A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

First Steps
Increase the step count font on the Charge 4 so it is a big a font as the time display
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @eddyfactor, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the possibility of increasing the font size of the stats shown on the screen of the Charge 4. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here, this helps to keeps the boards more organized. 


Thank you again for your participation in the Community! 

First Steps
That's great.....The *feature **suggestion* already exists.

The actual* feature *however, that has been *suggested* for several months,
seems to be wishful thinking on the part of the users.

Thanks Fitbit!!
First Steps

Please, please, please, add more charge 4 clock face options with a larger font size for the ‘steps’ so those of us over the age of 50 can read our steps when we’re out for a walk/ run without our reading glasses. This is a common complaint amongst my friends who have fitbits. I use the retro 2 face and it would be so easy to do this. It’s an option that wouldn’t cost you much and it would make so many of us happy and you would sell more product to middle aged people. Thank you! 

First Steps

I have had my charge 4 for a while, but have been so annoyed that I can read anything with the small font, I rarely use it. I just tried to get using it again, but it is driving me crazy that I can’t read the small text. Please create a new font option! 

yes please! Same for inspire. I tried to post this, but cant seem to:

Watch options

Just “upgraded” from the Alta to the inspire (wish I didn’t but my Alta stopped working)

The new watch face options confuse me. They do not seem to support typical user needs.

Most only feature the time.

When stats are included, they are tiny.

I’m genuinely curious how difficult it is to push out some new designs. Including suggestions


As a user, when I walk I need quick access that is readable of my steps and heart-rate.

As a user, when I work out, I need quick and readable display of my heart rate.

As a user, If I wanted a watch, I would be wearing a watch. I chose fibit for a reason. Hope you can support these use cases. Thank you

Not applicable
Brilliant response, hopefully the more of us that complain perhaps they will do something about it.
I also changed from
An Alta and wish I hadn’t bothered to be honest.

Sent from my iPhone

Thank you!

yo, Fitbit. I’m available for UX work 🤣


Is locked but has 191 likes. 
this one has almost 100

Clearly this is a feature that users want. 

So far they have not, and their customer service is the WORST i have ever
dealt with.

First Steps

I just upgraded from a charge 2 to a charge 4 and am looking for a way to make the battery percentage bigger and to be able to see my texts better. So far it looks like I should have saved my money and just stayed with my charge 2. So far, very disappointed 

First Steps

Has there been any movement on increasing font size? Just got a Charge 4. First fitbit ever and was hoping for a hydration reminder and


now after 12 hours of use I could really really really us larger fonts!



Moderator edit: format

Recovery Runner
Faces with larger fontsize that show Steps and Heartrate!
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hello @HashimGashi, thanks for sharing your idea about the possibility increasing the font size for stats in the Charge 4 clock faces. I noticed that a similar suggestions has already been posted, so I’ve moved your post here, this helps to keeps the boards more organized.


Make sure to add your vote as well to support this suggestion, this helps the team of developers to keep track of popularity and demand over time.

if you feel it's more important to integrate Spotify or Pokemon Go before dealing with the font size that has been asking for YEARS, just because there are more votes for those features, I'm sorry and surprised ... There are logical and essential demands, and others which are only frivolous but popular ... Make the right choices !

First Steps

Sent from my iPhone
Well said!

Hey Fitbit:
I'm in the same situation. Over 50 now and eyes are struggling with reading the Charge 4 on my arm and for some reason there is no clock face where the heart rate is big enough to read without readers... which I don't want to wear while exercising. It would be REALLY helpful to have a clock face option that allows us to scroll through the stats with 1 or 2 stats per page as BIG as the text can be. Seriously... does Fitbit think people over 50 aren't in their target demographic?

Base Runner
Thanks for this post. Hopefully the people at Fitbit start listening. Not
sure why this is so hard and is taking so long.--
Roy van Eerden
Recovery Runner

even the simplest update seems to be a big project for Fitbit. as I understand it, this question has been up now for several years but that nothing has happened. if you compare with other companies, they have hundreds of faces to choose from.


I'm thinking of getting rid of Fitbit completely and buying one from another company.

First Steps
They do not seem to listen many complaints ...the half full glass is
that it trains our eyes :)...

Base Runner
Considering that. Prolly wait till this one dies. --
Roy van Eerden
First Steps
I just bought a Fitbit Charge 4 and besides the time, the font size is SO small.  I will have to return it - who wants to wear reading glasses to exercise?  It is very disappointing to see that this has been an issue for so long (via this forum).  I will go with another brand.
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