Increase challenge participants to greater than 10

We (my Fitbit friends) would like to increase the challenge numbers to include more than 10 people. Our group includes way more than 10 who are active and want play



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Base Runner

Fitbit is a public company. (NYSE: FIT)  There needs to be growth to succeed as a company.  I would like to see some effort for improvement.  This is very frustrating for long time users.

I am a Weight Watchers member, and Weight Watchers sells Fitbits. At our meeting, we have formed a Fitbit group for challenges. We can only have 10 people jn a challenge. We would love to be able to add as many other WW members to our group as want to join. We see each other every week, at our meeting, and are having lots of fun, and walking more than ever. Fitness is a big part of what we work on, amd this would be so helpful with our success. Thank you
I agree, they need to increase the number of participants you can add to a challenge. It's frustrating (and less fun) having to start a second challenge as a work around to involve everyone.
First Steps

This would be a huge win if we could increase the number of people in our challenges.  Right now we have some coworkers who always feel left out because we have to add them to alternate challenge groups because we've hit the max of 10.  Even just a bump up to 15 would be a big benefit for us.

Base Runner

We've been asking for this for years, but Fitbit could care less. I have no faith in them ever increasing the number of active challenges you can be in. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong.

Community Legend

Please add your comment and vote to the existing request, this is a duplicate. 

- Allow up to ten chsllenges

Recovery Runner
Why exactly is it there? Is it necessary? I'm missing out on invites to the workweek hustle as i'm waiting to finish the weekend warriors and other challenges i'm part of - i'm sure that I'm not alone in this?!

I can't fathom a reason for it, but being able to be part of more is certainly beneficial for us in terms of motivation.

Also - can the number participants in a challenge be looked at? The reason I'm in so many challenges is because I have more than 9 friends in our weight loss group, not to mention others friends with fitbits. You may as well limit the number of friends we can accept! Surely if you doubled the limit for example, you could scroll if you can't fit them all onscreen together?

My two big bugbears. Surely they can be fixed? Although I've just seen similar requests dating back to 2014, so I perhaps shouldn't hold my breath. I think it would make using a Fitbit to get fit much more beneficial to people.


As your product becomes more and more popular, the need for an increase in the ten person challenge limit is becoming a necessity.  I work in a middle school and one quarter of the people in the school wear fitbits. More than half get bumped from getting into a challenge every week.  It seems like an easy enough fix.  Is it on the horizon?  Please?  

First Steps
Good morning Fitbit support team,

I wanted to know if there's any plan on increasing the number of runners per challenge? With my friends, family and coworkers using Fitbit, not all can join a single challenge since the limit is only 10 per challenge and our group is a total of 16 people.

It would be a great software update to give us the ability to invite at least 20 runners per challenge so no one is left out.

-Daniel M.
Hi, EmmaJ885. Don'the hold your breath dear. Many of us would like to see the limit ofn the number of challenges removed. Especially since they have a new glitch in the system that sends a message "you cannot be in more than 5 challenges at once". Unfortunately, my daughter and others on the forum have been getting that message, even though they ARE NOT IN ANY CHALLENGES, My daughter has GOTTEN IT FOR 85 DAYS!!! She sent an report to customer support that day. we both have called, emailed, and got the same reply. We are working on it. This would not happen if the limits were removed. Keep complaining and and good luck. We have decided to call them everyday and get friends to also. Maybe if they are in undated with calls they will start listening.
I sure hope that you, I, and others are proven wrong!!!
First Steps

I work for a public college and would like to create intracampus challenges for students, staff and faculty. Looking forward, we would also like to challenge other campuses within our system - even if it is only reported by campus and steps to begin with.  Is Fitbit working on this issue?  Thank you.

Not applicable

the limit needs to be removed


I am constantly having to say sorry, I am already in 5 challenges

Not applicable

not holding my breath, maybe when we get fed up and all use another product from another company that they will then implement it hoping that we all return


the only reason why we are using Fitbit is because it is currently the best option, but all it will take is for another company to release a product that is as good as Fitbit and does what we want for us to move over to it, and then Fitbit will then realise that they should have listened


it wouldn't take much effort to increase the challenge limit and number of participants in each challenge, sure it will cost more money, but it isn't like they are making shed loads, but to keep customers, they need to keep the customer happy


might replace it with an Apple Watch at xmas

Community Legend

But AW doesn't offer any challeges. 

I'm still asking to why the need to be in more than one of a type of challenge? If one can't get you moving, how is a second challenge going to help. 

Not applicable
Which would you prefer, 5 people in a challenge or 10?
First Steps
I hate that I'm starting a step challenge with a bunch of girls and there can only be 10 people in the challenge groups 😞 This really sucks. Please try to fix this!

Is anything being done about this suggestion??

Base Runner

I've been following this suggestion for quite some time and have no read any input from Fitbit or the Moderator in quite some time. I think this is ridiculous and no one is listening to us. This suggestion cannot be that hard to implement.

Recovery Runner
Sadly I don't think anyone's listening either.

It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. (2 Corinthians 3:5 NLT)
Recovery Runner
I'm doubting it because no one from Fitbit has yet to respond.

It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. (2 Corinthians 3:5 NLT)
Recovery Runner
I'm hoping Fitbit will respond. S is ms like an easy fix but I get Fitbit has to care first.

It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. (2 Corinthians 3:5 NLT)
First Steps
I love Fitbit challenge- but please increase participants to more than 10 people #squadgoals
First Steps
Yes please increase the people allowed in the challenge
First Steps
Absolutely. I don't like excluding my friend from Fitbit challenges
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