Increase font size on Sense

We need azway to adjust the text size for the notifications on the sense. The screen is so small to begin with it makes it very hard to quickly and easily read notifications at the current don't size. If we could make them double the current size it would be perfect.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and your feedback is truly appreciated. I understand your concern about the font size of your Sense and please know every comment shared here is always taken into consideration to improve, as well as make Fitbit more useful for you. Currently we don't have further details to share. However, if there is any change, we'll update this suggestion and the status accordingly. To learn more about this board and how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released, see our FAQsThanks for participating in Feature Suggestions.

First Steps

When I bought the Fitbit Sense I thought it would be perfect for me. However, as soon as I turned it on and the font was microscopic I knew this was going to be a problem. It has a huge screen of wasted space - the font size of what is important is illegibly small. I don't see on this message board that it looks like it's going to solved any time soon. I'm very disappointed in Fitbit.


Moderator Edit: Formatting

First Steps

YES. Please Please can we decide on fonts size for things like steps on clock face. It would change the Sense Fitbit from a good device to an AMAZING one.

I think it would be helpful in your team of designers to have someone whose eyes are not as keen as perhaps they used to be.

I don't wear glasses most of the time but need them to see the Steps on the front clock display which is not good when I'm walking or exercising. You have been told this may times judging by the forums, I'm just not sure why you haven't done something about it yet?

First Steps
Couldn't agree more - It should be part of every company - let alone an
enormous company like Google who now own Fitbit - to test their products
with people of various abilities. This should be a part of any good
diversity and inclusion product strategy.
It's pretty disappointing and frankly, disrespectful to all people with low
vision that Google doesn't see this as something worthy of their time.
First Steps

I found a way to have a larger font on my clock face for my Steps! Yip yip. 

Hope it helps people out there.


For Fitbit Sense    (on iphone)       Open Fitbit App 

Tap top left icon           Tap "Sense"         Tap "Clock Faces"        Best of 2021        Tap    "View all"     Find and choose    "Caturra EAL"   


install it and then choose your colours . The Step counter is above the time and is large enough for me to see without my glasses.  (maybe not for everyone, sorry)     (If you like it send the designer a little donation for his services)


Hill Runner

It's not just the steps; it is all notifications, especially text messages. The watch is useless if you don't have good vision.

Yes, true !
Thanks for the good idea, @ShazFit , but it's not enough for me too.
As @RPFarrah said, i'm 40 and i can't read sms text received on my Fitbit. What a shame !
How can we accept to stay waiting for an hypothetical update !
I hope that this problem will be really treated as it should with the future Pixel watch


Well, this decided it for me. Was about to be lured into a splurge purchase -- the new Sense that's just gone on sale. But I have a Charge 4 that I can barely read right now -- and part of the justification of the potential upgrade was for more real estate, but, primarily, the thought that a higher end fitbit would have the ability to adjust the font size. Apparently not. I can't spend $200+ on something I won't be able to read in the next year. I guess I'll assume they're busy marketing to an age bracket that may not have as much disposable income, but isn't needing to reach for glasses, yet. That's a pity.

Hill Runner

@pjbarry21  FWIW, just noticed that Best Buy has the new Galaxy Watch 4 on sale for just over $200. (I love mine)


First Steps

I did "install" a different clock that has larger type like some other guy
said and I can read steps without glasses.


I am so disappointed in the fitbit sense. I could read the steps & zone minutes on my versa, but the same clock face on my sense the font is smaller. Who works out with reading glasses on? I have spent hours trying to find a “clock face” that allows me to see without reading glasses. my steps have dropped by half. really thinking I should have gone with the apple watch. it seems apple listens to the customers. do not buy the Sense if you are over 40!  

Have you looked at the Caturra Eal clock face? Doesn’t solve the text issue but it does show your steps fairly prominently.


Sent from my iPhone
Please ignore any typos
First Steps
I feel your pain.
I use a watch face in the By Fitbit section called Sp02 Signature.
I don't think it's the biggest face, but I can read the time and steps,
heart rate, etc.
I can't read notifications.
You can tap on the face to cycle through all the different metrics. I do
find it quite good, but I wish they would listen to everyone here and make
the font size for notifications adjustable!

I left Apple Watch because I wanted my watch to be geared more to fitness and I’m regretting it because it’s killing my eyes, please fix the font. 


I just got my sense in for a replacement to my Iconic and now i cant even read it.. This was a huge waste of money

First Steps
Finally got rid of mine. Back to an Apple Watch. I’ll take charging it daily and being able to read it 😂

First Steps
If you read through all the responses, I did find an exceptable third party
"clock" to install. But FitBit should have this as an option. Thanks.


Changing the clock only doesnt fix the rest of the device

First Steps
You are correct. But I do not use all t h e features. FitBit should most
definitely have a font adjustment.

First Steps
I did download that clock and it helped on the main screen. But I still went back to Apple Watch and I can see it all now 😂

Recovery Runner

I don't exercise with glasses on.   I use glasses for reading fine print.  It's difficult to read and select the exercise type.  It's difficult to review the exercise status.  It's difficult to end  or pause recording my exercise.  I would appreciate a feature to change the font size on the watch.  It would be great if we could change the watch font size via the settings on our android and ios  phones. 

First Steps

Wow. I am completely blown away.


Based on these comments, people have been asking for this feature for two years. In fact, judging from some of the other comments, it's been even longer than that, since at least one person was asking for it on older models.


Who in the hell wears glasses when exercising? I guess those of us over 40 are not part of their target demographic.


Just got this thing from Amazon. It's going back. I can't read the screen, and that makes it completely useless.

First Steps
Many of us require bifocals or reading glasses to see up close. In my case, I swim laps before my Aquasize class. I can set my watch to swim easily enough, but once I take my glasses off to swim I can't see well enough to read my heart rate or switch to a different exercise.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @AuntHolly, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about increasing font size on Sense. I've moved it into a similar request. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps

Highly needed! Clearly fitbit designers didn't know their personas well enough. It looks like they designed for people very similar to themselves. A classical beginners error.

A new clock face could be part of the solution, with (much) larger font for the stats (steps, sleep, heartrate). There is plenty of space, and the font for the current time could even be a bit smaller.



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