Indian food database

The main objective of this product is to to track your activites and provide a dashboard of your daily intake vis-a-vis your calori burn out. Unfortunately having only a limited number food databases defeats this purpose altogether.


The FitBit products are gaining popularity the world over, and are also triggering the emergence of other competitors. Therefore at this juncture, it would be wise to include some more regional food databases. 


Since I am from India I would like to request for an Indian Food database, that would definitely make my life easier while using FitBit Flex that I currently sport.





Moderator Edit: Added Labels

If you can add different countries food item in the chart it will be great ,I am an Indian and it's difficult to add food items in chart all the time.
First Steps
Now that Fitbit officially started selling in India, it would be nice to include Indian food database for food logging.

Please add an Indian food database asap. It would benefit all the owners of Fitbit from India. 

First Steps
Hello, Please add Indian Food Database.
First Steps

I have been using fitbit for longtime.  I think it's great product to stay fit and healthy.  Previously I have used other apps which had larger indian food database (fitness pal) It really helps with all the indian food in database to track my calaories and ingredients intake. There is large indian population in USA using fitbit on daily basis.  Having indian food will help maintaining your audience staying with fitbit and not switching to competitors.




I don't understand the current status of this really valuable request. This has been Reviewed by Moderator about 18 months ago, and there has still not been any actions post that? Are there any plans at all for adding the Indian Food Database, or will the community still have to rely on external apps and searches?

First Steps

Please add Indian Food Database.

Some of the options to be considered
- vegetarian and non- vegetarian
- option to override default calories for these foods - all of us modify the recepie to less oil etc

Please add Indian food !! Waiting to use it with my Alta


We really need an Indian Food Database. I am sure India is one of the biggest markets for the Fitbit and it make no sense whatsoever that there is no Indian Database

First Steps
Please add indian food in the database as I could see lot of people are realising the importance of logging food and get the count of the calories. I am sure there would be a surge in your market capitalisation as well.Hoping to hear about this update from you guys soon.
First Steps

Please add Indian Food Database for calculating the calories...

@jdsingh84 wrote:

The main objective of this product is to to track your activites and provide a dashboard of your daily intake vis-a-vis your calori burn out. Unfortunately having only a limited number food databases defeats this purpose altogether.


The FitBit products are gaining popularity the world over, and are also triggering the emergence of other competitors. Therefore at this juncture, it would be wise to include some more regional food databases. 


Since I am from India I would like to request for an Indian Food database, that would definitely make my life easier while using FitBit Flex that I currently sport.





Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Great news! You can now use the Indian food database with Fitbit. To edit your current food database check How do I track my food with Fitbit?


See you around Smiley Happy

Thank you!
First Steps
There are so many Indian users and so many people who want to buy Fitbit, but give up due to lack of adequate food database. I personally have stopped logging my food intake due to the same and feel m not getting optimum use of my Fitbit. Request Fitbit to add Indian food database asap... the trouble of adding it will be worth it for both the company as well as the end customer 🙂
First Steps

Hi team 


Currently your database doesn't cover Indian food items adequately making your product less useful to Indians to use your product. Request you to increase your coverage.


thank you 


First Steps

Apps like HealthifyMe and MyFitnessPal are good enough to record Indian foods. But it would be good enough that our very own Fitbit starts recording Indian foods. This would nake recording what we ate easily and quickly without the need of opening two apps simultaneously.

First Steps


I think its high time fitbit has to think how they want to cater Indian consumers, Either they add Indian foods into their database or tieup with one of the companies who offer Indian food database. Instead of spending time in looking at multiple places for food calorie information.

First Steps

Hi I can see many posts recommending to add more Indian database. I too would request the same ranging from Street food to homemade food to restaurant good to packaged food.



Is India Food Database still not available on Fitbit?

Doesnt make sense if you are investing so much into the ecosystem and not able to use it completely

First Steps

Hello, please include indian food Database in the app. We are using Fitbit globally, we should have the access to all the cusuines around the world.

First Steps

Very valid suggestion, upgrading Indian food database will add more premium members for Fitbit. 


HealthyfyMe can be used as a reference by your team, it has a perfect Indian food lists.

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