Integrate with Apple Watch

The options available for wearing your FitBit with business casual clothing is extremely limited. Please partner with Apple & allow us to use the Apple Watch to track our steps for a premium subscription. I love the APP & currently proudly wear my flex daily, but would really like the option available when the Apple Watch is released.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Recovery Runner

In a few weeks this request will be 3 years old and nothing has been done.  Fitbit has no incentive to fix this.  I for one will be wearing my daughter's old flex with my AW to stay in challenges with her.  Sad!


I'm looking for a Fitbit one I just can't wear two bracelet devices I guess that is what I will do. I now have an AW and love it. 

Recovery Runner

<<I'm looking for a Fitbit one I just can't wear two bracelet devices I guess that is what I will do. I now have an AW and love it. >>


They make clips to use with the Flex 2.  I don't think they make the One anymore.. but the Flex 2 will sync wirelessly with newer technologies.  


First Steps

Hey all.  I recently got an AW as well.  But I miss my Fitbit now I wear my Fitbit Charge HR 2 on my ankle!! The heart rate seems to be the same as my iwatch shows.  I extended the strap with a hair elastic and it works great!!


I can't see Fitbit integrating with iwatch now that they are coming out with their crappy version of a smart watch...and hopefully apple's new update will make their health app more like Fitbit's.  I honestly think Fitbit missed the boat.


Fitbit are not listening to their customers so this thread is useless. When the new so call smart watch fails what’s going to happen then. My FB One is no longer holding a charge for more than a few days so I’m going to abandon carrying it around for just participating in challenges with friends. I’ve had my Apple Watch since they came out and I can’t ever seeing myself going back to a Fitbit device. With the AW being the top selling watch now Fitbit should look at what their business model should be in the future.  They need to wake up and smell the death of feature bands just like the feature phone has died out like the dinosaurs. 

Someone earlier posted about using the app Activity Club. I have it and it
needs some work...But it does work with all different kinds of items (Apple
Watch, Fitbit, Garmin, etc.). We need to keep talking about this both in
the app remarks so the makers improve it, and here so we encourage more
people away from the Fitbit application. Maybe if they see a decline in
users they will finally take action.
First Steps

Please add Apple watch!

First Steps

YES, please!

First Steps

I, too, would like to add my voice to the growing list of people who would like to use their AppleWatch with the FitBit app. We have 6 in our family who regularly challenge each other. I am getting an AppleWatch and would like to stay in this group but will have to stop using FitBit resources. My wife would like this option as well.

First Steps

add me to the list of people begging Fitbit to integrate with the apple watch.  You are insane not to.  Hardware is a losing game for you Fitbit, you need to stare that reality in the face and get on board with pursuing users of your service on a subscription basis.  I would pay $1 per month to use fitbit on the iwatch just for the challenges part.  also (not related) get better at food MFP!!!

First Steps

I’m a long time Fitbit user who recently got an Apple Watch. I’d really love to be able to continue tracking my steps without having to wear both devices. 


Right now, Fitbit is a hardware-based company with a data platform, but not integrating with Apple health is a losing proposition. Fitbit should be a software/data company that fosters a community of wellness. I’d be willing to pay $5/month to synchronize my watch data with Fitbit. And let’s be honest, a monthly subscription is a better, more reliable revenue stream than hardware purchases. This is a win for everyone! 


I love my fitbit and the Fitbit community, please play nice with Apple so the customers can keep our own data. 

First Steps

I am about to buy an Apple Watch Series 3. But before doing that, I simply had to check ... 


So I am not the only one who has asked the question if the Apple Watch can be synced with the Fitbit App. 

It is clear that Fitbit is ... doing ... nothing? I've seen comments and threads going back 3 years now! 


Right now, the number of friends I have that have an Apple Watch outweigh the number who have a Fitbit. Furthermore, my "inactive friends" list is growing longer as most of them have abandoned Fitbit for their Apple Watches ... and competing with each other. 


I am on my 4th Fitbit presently. It is clear that I am not the only one who is loyal and loves Fitbit. However, there are also many of us who are Apple fans far more than one activity tracker. 


I also agree with the suggestion of a small subscription - especially for Fitbit owners - I would love to keep my stats and my history ... I mean ... all those trophies nd badges! 


Come on, Fitbit ... do something! 


From what I can gather, there are more people who will say "bye" to Fitbit if we can't use it with the Apple Watch - but as rightly pointed out, Fitbit will gain a whole load more customers just for the app. 

I said goodbye and haven't looked back. At this point after so many years
of inaction, they'd have to really offer something special for me to buy a
Fitbit product
First Steps

Do not make blackberry mistake..


They kept saying no to the BBM being an application in every phone, until everyone forgot about them and after that they underwent and no one really cared about their app because it was  forgotten.

First Steps

Well, officially saying goodbye to my Fitbit. The new iOS4 Health app seems to work pretty well.  The challenges aren’t there like Fitbit, but I can add friends and we can cheer each other on.


I posted a couple days ago that I’ve been using Fitbit on my ankle and watch on my wrist...just became a PITA.


I feel bad for Fitbit...they could have been great. 

First Steps

Still nothing happening?? I'm going to bite the bullet and get the apple watch this week, it would be great if we could get the fitbit App on it 😞

First Steps

Please create an app for the apple watch I too would pay for it.

First Steps

Just wondering if there was any update on if this is going to happen. I have just gone from a Fitbit surge to an iwatch and i am currently going down the leaderboard as now only the steps on my phone are counted! It would be great if this would happen however, i can understand why Fitbit haven't done this yet as they may be thinking that people will stop buying Fitbits and just get apple watches instead, but i think the price difference alone will mean there is still a market for all Fitbits.

I've done it got my watch and adapting .... goodbye fitbit hello Apple Watch I can even pick up calls in it ...
Stepping Up
Hi, I have no update yet. I am using both my Apple Watch and my Fitbit Flex. I found a clip on option for my Flex on Amazon.

Get Outlook for iOS

Make a FitBit app or lose me forever. 

First Steps

I'm planning to switch from my 4 month-old Blaze to the Apple Watch series 3. My wife is trading out her Surge for the same. We'd both love an integration for the FitBit app.

First Steps

Faithful fitbit user until i started developing some watchos apps this week for a work project. Between the wife and I, we've had 5 fitbits and I participate in approx 4 challenges weekly with multiple members. I am also an investor and interested in the future of this great company. Fitbit's community offers a separate and distinct value proposition. As one of the leading fitness social media platforms,  Fitbit's leadership should definitely pay attention to the sentiment from these users and embrace openness. Not only will it provide an additional and sustained revenue source, it would convey to the street that FIT's leadership can think beyond hardware sales. Its really a no-brainer. 

First Steps

I too would love a fitbit app for apple watch. I love the fitbit but had had lots of issues with the Surge. What I loved about it was I was able to leave my phone at work and still track my steps at lunchtime or to and from meetings. Now I have started using my apple watch I have to carry around my phone because the watch doesn't seem to track my steps without having my phone with me. even with the mobile tracker option. It would be so great if it was created and I would be happy to pay an initial fee for the app (1.99). But NOT an annual or monthly one. 

First Steps
I think FitBit should make a band for the Apple Watch that integrates the two ecosystems. My third FitBit is dying/dead. :’(
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