Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

Not applicable

@King_B I'm using Power Sync as well, but it doesn't sync all the data to Health Kit. It only syncs daily summaries, which is extremely limiting. Your daily steps will be shown as 10,123 at 23:59 (?) every day, rather than showing how many steps you did at different times throughout the day. It's the same for all data that it syncs to HealthKit.


FitBit won't let any third parties (including Power Sync) have access to all the intraday (full) information.

Recovery Runner
Emails and tweets for support get response, to come to this bloody thread.
Stepping Up
It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if they simply have an autoresponder for tweets and support messages that redirect all mentions of 'Healthkit' or 'Apple Health’ to these forums.
Not applicable

Sad that the decision is not to integrate with HealthKit.


HealthKit is an open standard for access to health data and fitbit isn't willing to integrate?  I'll be switching to an Apple Watch so I can have open access to my own data.


I really hope you decide to be more open, but since the decision is between open vs. locked-in I won't be purchasing any more fitbit products and will be going to Apple Watch soon.


[Sadly shakes head]


Not applicable

 @steffieagle @HopefulRunner So funny that you mentioned BlackBerry in your comments!!  I actually typed in a comment about BlackBerry too, but decided delete that part.  But, you are SO RIGHT.


I'm planning to switch to the Apple Watch and, sadly for fitbit, will never look back once I do for the exact same reason we all happily left BlackBerry: Being locked-in.


Fitbit --->  Healthkit please

First Steps

I can't believe this post is from 2014 and the integration hasn't yet happened.  This needs to be done NOW.  You say our voices are being heard, yet there are 133 (as of 5/13/16) pages of comments on this issue, and it's still not happened.  Get with it.

First Steps
Disappointed, please
introduce this feature.
Do Fitbit even monitor these posts??
Integrate already! Sucks when I forget my Fitbit. May as well just carry my phone all the time.

@Monkey121: Every few months @RickyFitbit pops in and says they read every post, but I've posted direct questions to him here (Namely, "What would it take for FitBit to change their position and integrate with HealthKit?") and never gotten a response...


Since I share heart rate and sleep with my doc, syncing it with the health app would make life legit 100x easier. 1 less thing on the list of millions for a person with medical conditions that this awesome product helps monitor
It is interesting that so many users continue to express interest in this feature and yet a year later there is still no integration. I really like my Fitbit, but am strongly considering another product that will integrate. It would be nice to see what is causing Fitbit to demonstrate such a lack of interest in pursuing this.
First Steps
Wanted to get my weight data into Lark from Aria but seems not possible. I ditched my Fitbit flex for Apple Watch this year. Staying out of HealthKit means I'll not buy Fitbit again even though they make good stuff. It's a shame.
How have you found the watch?


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mainly, but here is a link to my photographs of aires, stellplatz,
chateaux, wargraves, NT properties etc. Please enjoy them
First Steps
i like it. Particularly like Siri on the watch to send messages and play music hands free. Exercise elements also good but not as good as a Garmin for running. If you sweat a hit the touch screen stops working.
I do not have the watch. If I forget the Fitbit, my steps logged with the phone in the health app do not carry over to my Fitbit. My Fitbit is down 12,000 steps from this weekend plus the active info.

Sent from my iPhone
Cross-Country Runner

Hi everyone! Thanks for your feedback. 


@mrjonlor I'm not in the position to determine nor provide an answer to your question. What I can do is inform you that I'm going to compile more feedback and forward it to our teams again. If there is any developments, I'll make sure to update everyone here. 


I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. As of today, our statement still stands.


Thank you


Moderator Edit: Removed personal information 

Recovery Runner
While your acknowledging questions @RickyFitbit the one I have asked many times is why you connect to Microsoft Healthvault which is Microsofts version of HealthKit but not Heslthkit when the reasons behind both must be the same. Having made the decision on one it should be simple on the other.
Thank you in anticipation of your answer.
First Steps

FitBit not integrating is not a question of cost or customer need. Small players have shown that implementation is easy and above 133 pages of customer requests have proven the customer demand. It is a question of locking people in an ecosystem and thinking that FitBit can get people purchasing more into their ecosystem that way.


I disagree. Only thing that matters to me is the quality, but even with great quality I am not going to deal with a locked ecosystem.


After a while of watching this issue not being solved, I gaveup all my FitBit devices (except Aria, which I'll probably give up as well). Will not purchase any more until the issue is resolved.

Cross-Country Runner

Hi @iwatts - Thanks for reaching out again. As I've stated previously to your request, I'm unable to provide an answer to your question. I will not provide an answer that is dishonest and/or untrue. Please understand that once I have more information, I'll make sure you and everyone here is aware. 


I'm sorry I'm unable to provide the answer you're looking for, but know that your question is being forwarded to our team. I hope I will be able to provide a better answer in the future. 

Not applicable

"It is a question of locking people in an ecosystem and thinking that FitBit can get people purchasing more into their ecosystem that way."


This is the only reason for Fitbit's decision. They want to lock us into their ecosystem with the hope we never leave.


It won't work. It never does.


I'm stuck with my Charge HR for the meantime, but when it dies, I'll be switching to another provider, and doing a lot more research before purchasing. Fitbit has shown you can't assume that a device supports Health Kit. It really is a pity, because the hardware is good, but without full support of iOS, I won't stay with them.


The FitBit staff can pop into this thread once every six months, pretending to care, and say, "we're listening", but in reality, they are completely ignoring us. Any reasons they tell us are just excuses to cover up the end goal of attempting to lock us into their ecosystem.

First Steps

I totally agree with the posters in this group, please integrate with the IOS Health app!





Stepping Up

So… who’s up for getting this trending on Twitter and Facebook to help force the hand of the Fitbit head honchos? No doubt starting with just how duped you feel after purchase, that Fitbit lock your data in and refuse to open up to HealthKit and let you do as you wish with your own medical information? How many of you would have thought again if you knew it beforehand? It might be too late for us, at least this time around, but I’m sure we can at least warn others from falling into the same trap.

I’d suggest ‘#FreeMyFitbit’ for a hashtag. What do you reckon ?

Also, many of you might not know but there are plenty of alternatives from other manufacturers, you don’t have to fork out for an Apple Watch. Jawbone, Moov, and Pebble Watches, to name just a few.

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