Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

First Steps

Please approve developers to use the Partner API for iOS apps so that we can get our actual data rather than summary or interpolated data.

First Steps
I would love my steps from Apple Watch to show up on the FITBIT app. Sync solver doesn't work properly.
First Steps
The Fitbit app is laid out so much nicer and has the challenge features.

I own an Aria and a Fitbit device and would love to see support for the Apple Health app. I've been using the Apple Health app to monitor my overall health and am disappointed that I have to manually enter my weight data into the Apple Health app.

First Steps

Adding my name to the list of folks who would love to see integration with the Apple Health app.

First Steps

Bought a fitbit only to find it dosent integrate with healthkit, I will be returning it.  I use an Apple Watch and I wanted my wife to use the Fitbit, oh well, looks like she is getting an Apple watch.

First Steps
I just got the Fitbit charge HR. After reading multiple years of comments that Fitbit has ignored I will be returning it tomorrow. If it's unable to allow integration of data to ihealth on my iPhone, then I will go with a brand that does. Too bad as I really thought the Fitbit to be a good product. I can't believe they ignored thousands of comments requesting a simple update allowing the data to integrate with Apple products.
Yup.... Ignoring years of us iOS users requests!!

I'm so glad you posted, like many others are now posting that they're returning recently purchased fitbit products because of the absurd negligence of an entire segment of their user base for whatever reason... I really don't give a **ahem** anymore what their rationale is in keeping us in the dark and stringing us along for years is unforgivable. My fitbit Charge HR is in my bedside drawer discharged and dead. I only wish I'd known about this I would've saved the $150 and put it towards an Apple Watch which I'll be buying when version two comes out. But for now I'm using a Microsoft band 2 which I really don't care for either, but at least I don't have to have anything to do with Fitbit and my data is no longer being "owned" and used by them. Really sad that you actually think you're going to compete with Apple and the Apple Watch with whatever new stuff you're coming out with. Clearly the writing was on the wall when all fitbit products disappeared off the shelves of every Apple store in every state. Just wished I had wised up sooner.


Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

retweet, and and hit shame fitbit on all social media.

Stepping Up
> retweet, and and hit shame fitbit on all social media.

Already started SWright8369. #FreeMyFitbit was kicked off a few weeks ago.

Hop on it here:
First Steps

My second post .....


So, I just got rid of my FitBit Blaze in favour of an Apple watch. As I mentioned before I have the Aria scales. You ( FitBit ) need to listen to your customers.. You need to open the API's for developers, you need to allow your products to work with Apple's health app and you should allow the Apple watch to work with your FitBit app ( which, I have to say, is also very good )


It's not difficult for you to do this and it currently just looks like you just don’t care what your customers are asking for !!


I've seen a post about tweeting , I may well post some stuff on facebook.....


Shame on you fitbit ......

I'd also like the Fitbit to sync with the health app
Stepping Up
I agree. I have also gotten an apple watch. After 5 years Fitbit is letting me down in so many ways that I about to give up on them
Gary Mair

I would like to sync with Apple Health. I was disappointed when the ability to track BP numbers went away. It would be nice to get all the health data in one area.

Stepping Up

Couldn't agree more... Please do integrate Health SDK !

First Steps
Two years passed and Fitbit still doesn't have Apple HealthKit connection. Are you waiting that enough people leave for a competitor before implementing this highly requested feature?!

I'm pretty sure this is just an old fued and fitbit would rather continue the fued than take care of customers. Like many others I have specified how they could easily monetize this and stop losing customers. The ecosystem is cool but I'm not having two devices. I'm really curious how much money they would make if they did care...


Side note of enjoyment for those of us bitter.. I enjoy being the early adopter in my group of friends. So when I enjoy something everyone usually follow and know there's a group of people that shall leave fitbit in favor of getting an apple watch. 🙂 #strengthinnumbers  <--stolen from Golden State.

Recovery Runner

@RenoGuy, yes, it's unfortunate that Fitbit has taken on this stance. Like you and many others here, I was hopeful that Fitbit would integrate with HealthKit when I purchased my Charge HR when it first came out. Under the pretence of 'listening' to its customers, and this thread (which Fitbit started) claiming that this important request is 'under consideration', many loyal iOS customers hung on to the hope that this feature would be implemented. It's now been 2 years and counting with no action from Fitbit.



Because of Fitbit's inaction, I've switched over to the Apple Watch and not looking back ever again!


In addition to tracking basic fitness data (steps, heart rate, calories, etc.), the Apple Watch offers many more practical features (which I have personally used) than any of the Fitbit products currently have:


  1. The Apple Watch seamlessly and painlessly integrates with HealthKit (you own and control your data)!
  2. It's rugged - washable under running tap water to wash away sweat and sunblock.
  3. Stores music and connects wirelessly to bluetooth headphones.
  4. App driven - get apps, dashboards, etc. that satisfy your needs (i.e. coaching, health, sleep tracking, etc.)
  5. Apple Pay is super convenient - easily pay for your drinks or snacks after working out without ever pulling out or carrying your wallet.

I've owned my watch for a year now and it has exceeded my expectations. I don't work for Apple. I'm simply a very satisfied Apple Watch owner and a very dissastified past Fitbit user, dissastified primarily at Fitbit's lack of honesty and consideration for its iOS user base.




Keeping Pace
I saw that on Twitter that the development team is looking at this to see the future plans for this. So there's still a chance that this will happen.
Recovery Runner

I have bridge for sale…

Fitbit has been stringing people on for years.

Lots of noncommittal statements.

Can you post a link to the tweet?
There is no chance, I gave up my fitbit about a year ago because they have continued to misrepresent their unwillingness to even consider this integration.
Keeping Pace
Recovery Runner

@BrendanAllen, I  have to LOL at that tweet! It's essentially the same B.S. Fitbit has given since the start of this thread 2 years ago. Good luck with the waiting and the hoping!

Not applicable
Bump on this. Surprised it's been 2 years and no movement with this.
Recovery Runner

Fitbit didn't reply to two follow up tweets.

Saying they are looking into it is not the same as they will be doing it. It is a con job.
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