Integrate with iOS Health

Hi there,


I'm really excited about Apple's announcement of the Health App in iOS 8 to be release this fall.  I'm looking forward to seeing a product announcement by Fitbit for a successor to the recalled Fitbit Force, and I'm really hoping to hear some exciting news about Fitbits intigration with Apple's new Health App to be released alongside iOS 8 this fall.  


This is a huge oportunity to make your devices even smarter and more integrated - Please support these APIs!  Thanks!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

I just called, and the guy I got was unwilling to confirm anything.
Biddy, Doesn't the Ultra sync with the computer and not phones? The app would access your online account, but it doesn't update until you are in range of your computer and the little thing on the cable.

Please add ios8 integration with Health. Frankly I'm a little shocked that this is something I need to "vote" on. iOS Health integration opportunities have been announced for months. If Fitbit is somehow thinking that they're better off isolating their product and data in tiny little Fitbit-only silos, they are in for some real trouble and will lose me as a customer.

iOS 8 Health wasn't a surprise to anybody in the developer community. What is a surprise is that somehow this company didn't even consider participating. Even more surprising is insulting your customers by making us go into online forums to beg for an expected feature. 

Not applicable

Time will tell if fitbit has actually submitted an app to Apple... And yes, Camelothosting, I realize that someone told you that an app had been submitted... But here is the deal... Why isn't someone from Fitbit ( moderator, Dev team, customer relations) addressing this issue  in writing. It would take mere moments for someone from fitbit to type the words the app is in development or submitted or whatever... But they have been silent... It isn't a good sign 

Base Runner

I find this interesting.  Yesterday fitbit support tweeted that it sent the update for healthkit to Apple.  That tweet has now been deleted.

you may have a point, I give up. it seems people are either just too high strung to believe that its done or dont bother to read. 


I do know that tactio health had announced that they had their app ready to go, new one came out today and NO healthkit. and the information that they had on their site about being healthkit ready have come down, Im sure they are being tarred and feathers as well  Probably more since they publically said it was ready.


As a software developer I can say that I have anounced that a project was due in a certain time frame and when ( LIFE ) happened and it wasnt done on time I was blasted, threatened and called everything but a saint, 


Sometimes Silence and crumbling is much better than opening your mouth and getting burned

with that Im out, 

Base Runner

I don't think there is any question that fitbit will be forced to comply with healthkit.  It's just a question of when, and how much business they will lose in the interim.  Personally I think they should make some kind of announcement to calm their ios users.  I'm willing to wait, because there is nothing out there that I would want to buy right now.  However, in November Basis will have something that will do everything the fitbit does plus have notifications for android and iphone.


First Steps
Yes. HealthKit!
First Steps

HealthKit? Hopefully happens sooner rather than later. I'd hate to give up all my historical data and move to a tracking device that stays current with tech trends. 

no new apps for 24 Hrs now


First Steps

Please add health app support asap. Don't need other feathers just make items sync over please

Here's my vote. Yes, please!
First Steps

Would love to see my Fitbit data in the health app.

First Steps

So agree with getting Fitbit updated for ios Health app. I have all my diet and exercise apps syncing with health app and it is awesome to have one single point of info. It just seems that Fitbit is not keen on the integration/share. It could really boost sales as more people with iphones will suddenly want to get fit. Still looking forward to it. 

Premium User

Still no Healthkit integration!? 


Recovery Runner

When will this be happening, I am tempted to ditch my fitbit in favour of others, the lack of any kind of comment from Fitbit has left me a little concerned, I can get data from my phone with the need for the tracker if i use the withings app, but I have got used to using the Fitbit, however I'm no mug if fitbit are going to drag their heels then I will move on without them! This is how I ended up ditching my Jawbone and moving to Fitbit

First Steps
Still not one word from fitbit? Nothing? My fitbit flex customer loyalty wanes, especially when the Apple watch is on the horizon.

Herishi and paphman, 


Fitbit has responded to twitter concerns with this:


"We haven’t integrated with HealthKit, but are interested to see where it goes and how it may impact people’s health."


So basically they haven't even decided whether they're going to integrate at all. They're waiting to see "how it goes" and then make a decision. Rather than make a clear, definitive statement about their plans, they are wishy-washy and use weasel words to get out of making commitments and providing information to their customers.


Sounds like they've helped me make my decision, too. I am not going to wait around for a company to stick its toe in the water and then wait for everybody else to jump in. I'm going to go to a tracker that actively plans on integrating the latest features and improving people's fitness and lives. 


So, Fitbit, you go ahead and wait it out. I won't be waiting for you. Looking forward to using Health with a competitor's product.

Not applicable

GoOutside... Seriously Fitbit said that?... Oh snap... I have a lot of time invested in my historical data... But if Fitbit is going to opt out or choose to ride in only when victory is assured... Well I freely admit ... I like my tech fresh... I owned a laser disc player back in the day... I enjoy riding the tech wave... One of the reasons that I moved from bodybugg to fitbit... In the tech world stagnant product only survives if it has no competition... I will give it a few weeks and then start shifting to support apps like my fitness pal and wait for the Apple watch.

Recovery Runner

I think its obvious that Fitbit has made no effort to work with Apple on a Healtkit integration. If they were in the process they would be happy to answer these 14 pages of comments. Since Fitbit is silent I have to assume they have no intention on working with Apple for integration. At least not in the forseable future.


Time to look into a new device. Thank you for eveything you have done in the past. But like anything else if you can't keep up with technonology you have no leg to stand on in this battle.



First Steps

Yes! 14 pages of discussion asking for this and no one from Fitbit responding????

wow!  Well if you have a 5s or beyond it counts your steps anyway. Maybe they see the writing on the wall. But some people can afford a Fitbit but not a new phone or apple watch. There is still a market. I don't get this decision. 

You can't  back door through my fitness pal to get your activity into Healthkit. There is no option for that. 

Come on Fitbit respond to us!!!

Recovery Runner
I just got this via email
"Hi Steve, 
Thank you for  your question in how to link HealthKit with Fitbit.
At this time, is not possible to link both apps. We're always striving to improve Fitbit products and services, and we very much appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. Please take a moment to vote for this option at 
Our product team looks forward to reading and incorporating your suggestions into future versions of Fitbit apps.
Thank you so much for your feedback and for participating in our new community!


Monica H and the Fitbit Team"



So the question is what tracker do I get? maybe we can change this thread to


"What tracker is everyone going to get as Fitbit are stuck in the past?"


Ideas people?


Nike Fuel is my next stop.

Base Runner
I left Nike Fuelband to come to fitbit. My fuelband had to be replaced 4 times in one year. They have a great design but the button to read your information always breaks. Their website is always down also. I will make my decision on which tracker to go to in late November, but it won't be Nike.
Not applicable

I found my Fitbit replacement.  The Withings Pulse Ox looks like a good fit.  It has a band if you want to wear it on your wrist (additonal purchase), but it also clips to your clothes just like Fitbit.  And you don't need the stupid dongle to sync with your computer.


Fitbit's response to Healthkit integration, or rather lack of response,   has been very disappointing.  My opinion is that men are more likely to wear the same watch day in and out than women.  I think most women accessorize depending upon what they are wearing.  Unless they are dedicated athletes, women are less inclined to purchase and use a fitness tracker in watch form.


I HATE wearing anything on my wrist day in and day out.  Fitbit is being weird about this.  I think Fitbit's lack of response to Healthkit is a horrible business decision, but time will tell.

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