Kinetic self charge fitbits

My idea is that the fitbits should be kinetic. Fitbit is all about being active, if you have to take your Fitbit off all the time to charge your activity tracker will be stop start. If the Fitbit charged with your movement and activness you would never have to take it off. With the technology that is in watches now this is defiantly possible. 


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I think this suggestion could be a really nice addition! Hopefully this will be implemented in the future, so keep voting!


+1 on Kinetic or Solar charging.  Considering where, how, and why people wear Fitbits, this seems like a natural thing to have.

Tempo Runner

As I am sitting here at my computer while my Fitbit Blaze recharging I began to think, why are fitbits like the Blaze, Surge and others of similar larger watch size not enabled with Kinetic capabilities.  I can understand some of the smaller units like the Flex or Aria not having a Kinetic feature, but not the large ones.  This technology has existed for over 10 years and is well developed in other watch products like Seiko.  The reality is this is device while filling the need of a watch is designed to help track our activity and thus movement or Kinetic energy.  So I ask could Fitbit not consider development improvements in the next generation of their product to support this feature?



Stepping Up

was walking along and one of my biggest hates is the fact that i miss statistics because i have to take it off my wrist to charge and then thought it would be so handy if the watch kinetically changed so here i am finding this suggestioon so i agree with this one as well

First Steps

My wife and I charge our Fitbits while showering, washing the dishes etc....not a problem 😁

First Steps
hi there don't really know how or to who but I wanted to share and Idea I had for next fitbit how about having the fitbit charge it self with every step you take or the more active you are so you always have a charge as long as you are active by you moving it counts your steps and then a small infitbit charger would move back and forth charging it so be active to power you fitbit
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That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion. Keen to hear what others think?

First Steps

Hey fitbit, this is a suggestion that you should make a fitbit called 'Get Active' so every 1k steps you get gives you 10% battery so you have to do steps to charge your battery. You have 5% in the morning so you can start and then every 1k steps you do gives you 10% battery. I find this a good way to get people active to see the time. I posted this on the Fitbit's Instagram page and they said to come here. 😊

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Moderator Alum

Hey @pomzzybuddy! Thank you for sharing your suggestion. I merged your idea into this one because they are very similar. Do not forget to give kudos, just click on the thumps up button.


Having this for the Ionic would be great too.  10 hours falls short on ultra marathons, having it kinetically charge as i go would be fantastic and put it well ahead of Suunto and Garmin 

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