Larger font size for heart rate on Inspire 2 clock faces

The fitbit inspire 2 has 19 clock faces, all with a large time and small stats. Please add a clock face with large stats only, or large stats and a small time.

If I want to wear a watch, I'll wear a Casio Lineage, Armitron, etc. (and I do, with the fitbit). The fitbit is for stats, hence wanting a clock face that highlights stats.

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Moderator Alum

Hi @BrendanG, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding a larger font size for heart rate on Inspire 2 clock faces. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


I agree and want a main screen face with large stats. My primary reasons for buying the Inpsire2 was the heart rate/steps stats and the slim band. Time is the least important to me.


Please make a stats face for those of us hungry for stats!  Thanks 🙂


Totally agree. I need a large font to see how many steps I have taken without having to put on my glasses or make foolish efforts on my eyes. I bought the Inspire to see the steps, not to see the time. The font size of the steps is ridiculously small, 10% of the screen? As much.


It would also be great to be able to see the number of steps taken per hour without having to swipe my finger six or seven times across stats that I really don't care at all... water, calories... 


Usability... that concept... 🙂 How come my old old Zip and One were better in this regard? I miss its simplicity and efficiency. This is an involution...


Thank you!


Seems like this feature, which is needed for us over 50, is not currently planned. Pity, as all that would be needed is a different clock face. Looks like I won't be planning to continue to use my inspire 2 once my subscription ends.


I have a watch but need a fitness tracker. Large font size for heart rate/distance/steps would mean i do not have to stop, find shade, find glasses, find phone. Not an incentive to keep subscription without this mod.

Thanks for looking into this.

First Steps

AGREED. Smaller symbols, larger type!  May not keep me Inspire 2 because of this. 


Smaller symbols, larger type!  I also second this suggestion. Thank you. 


Bump, bump, bump. This is a must have. I was surprised and disappointed to not find a single clock face option with a larger font size for Step Count and other stats. I already carry several devices with me that tell me the time. My Fitbit is for fitness stats!


Bump. This remains a big issue and concern for me. 


Still is to me too. Looks as though my custom will be going elsewhere.


I agree that stats font sizes should be larger than clock font size. I bought it for being able to check bpm whilst exercising. My old Alta HR had large fonts, making it easier to glance during workouts.

First Steps

As a runner/hiker the most important thing to me when exercising are the stats. As I get older I can't see them while I am exercising unless I stop to look. 


The size of the font for the steps and HR should be larger so it is easy to see while exercising. I don't know anyone who exercises with their reading glasses on. I don't need a large shoe or large pulsing heart to understand what I am looking at but an option to have a face for steps and HR with a larger font would be great. 

First Steps

I don't need to see a large symbol of a heart. I need to see the actual NUMBER. Please please please make a choice for large font stats!

Recovery Runner

I agree!   The Luxe is even worse.  
it seems they are not considering this seriously, I tried to open a defect that the font is so small and support said it is a design feature and is working properly.  The case number is 43579989 and I asked to have it escalated, but there are over 200 new requests to increase font sizes going back to 2019 and Fitbit just doesn’t seem to care.   

Recovery Runner

Agree completely with this comment, it would be very nice to allow users to increase font size for the stats to be displayed.

we don't need the time to take over 3/4 of the space and then the stats to be super small.

Please consider some options asap, this is over 1 year old and nothing has been offered yet.




Bump. Need a watch face that shows date, time, heart rate, and steps. Similar to charge 2 and charge 3. Simple stuff. Its as if the developers don't use the products or get feedback prior to release. Going to return this thing. 

Stepping Up

At 73 my eyes aren't great and the HR is tiny. I track my HR at key points during my elliptical HIIT workout. I had been using an oximeter and hoped the Fitbit Inspire2 would be both reliable and easy to use. There should be some easy way to see just my HR and large enough so it's visible when I am moving. Can you make it possible to lock on the HR screen and make the # bigger so the HR can be checked at multiple intervals during a workout?

First Steps

I need a much larger font for heart rate display primarily, but other data as well.  I bought the Fitbit Inspire 2 specifically for the heart rate capability.  I am astonished that the only display options I can find have this datum shown in such a puny font.  At age 60, riding my recumbent trike on bright trails, it is impossible to read the HR -- even with my bifocals.  Please please please add a face that allows the user to see the HR (or other selected default item) in the largest possible font.  I do not need the clock, the time, or really anything else on the screen when I am exercising. Thank you.


Yes! I care much more about heart rate and distance stats when running than I do about the clock! Thanks! 


I can't see the stats without actually taking my Inspire 2 off.  


I really wonder why the options for what you're viewing on your Inspire 2 are primarily focused around a clock.  That's not why people by a FITNESS device.  And there are clocks everywhere.  At least make it so the fitness numbers (heart rate, etc) can be viewed without reading glasses.  If it was as big as the clock numbers, for the current options with the larger numbers, that would be no problem even in bright situations (the brightness level when in sunlight is another known problem - the low contrast caused by this makes it harder to read - scientific fact).  So at least provide an option to have larger fitness numbers.

Thank you,


First Steps

I 100% agree that stats (especially heart rate) need to be more easily read. The time can be in a small font because I have a wrist watch and a cell phone that provide time in large fonts. I'm well into senior years, and I need glasses or a magnifying glass to read the Inspire 2 heart rate value. That makes it pretty useless as it currently is.

First Steps

I just bought this -its going straight back for all the reasons described above but particularly for the fact that a feature that should be standard needs 'likes' to be included. And then I will post on every fitness forum I use to ensure  as many people as possible are  aware of such a ridiculous shortcoming. Thanks all!

First Steps

Just bought my first tracker … the font seemed larger until I changed the clock face… BIG MISTAKE… now all the stats are tiny 


fitbit was purchased for steps and stats not clock


This change should be a NO BRAINER 


I agree completely:  this need a “clock face” to display heart rate (only) in numbers as large as possible.  The ONLY reason I got this device was to track my heart rate while running and biking, and I can’t read the numbers without my reading glasses.  I’m 68 with good distance vision, but can’t run with my reading glasses on.  Come on, guys, this would be a trivial software tweak that would make your device way more useful to a large segment of the population.

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