Maintain Fitbit web dashboard going forward

As an older user, my eyesight and hand eye coordination are poor. So, I prefer the website dashboard on my PC. That dashboard keeps directing us to the mobile app. Please assure you will continue maintaining both as I cannot rely solely on the mobile app. Please consider all of your customers when providing tools. Many thanks!

As reported above, there are no updates from Google after 67 pages of customer complaints on this issue. Why bother? It seems that Google are purposely downgrading the app and dashboard to drive away customers.

I have been using the dashboard everyday and agree with those who prefer to use a computer keyboard to type rather than selecting letters of words on an app.

Moderator Edit: Formatting

Tempo Runner
Last fall the iOS app stopped reporting exercise time down to the second. Now it only reports to the minute and I apparently just drops the seconds so if it reports 30 minutes, the user doesn't know if it's 30:01 or 30:59. With the browser view going away, I will no longer be able to track my exercise to the second. A huge loss for me.

Agree.  Older user that primarily uses the website dashboard for ease-of-use and visibility.  Also, I use the food diary both log daily intake PLUS creating meals and then dividing them into servings which I cannot do on the app. I am sick about these upcoming changes.  None of the recent changes to app format have been improvements. You can bet that I will be looking for a different tracker that has full capabilities on both app and website.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @lmacmil, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per product feedback, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Product Feedback.

First Steps

I have liked accessing my Fitbit dashboard on my laptop.  I am furious with Google for eliminating computer access.  Being forced to try to do daily food journaling on my phone  makes me want to stop using Fitbit and investigate other more user-friendly ways to track my health data.  


Google seems to be good at stripping products of all the features people actually want and use. This is just the latest example. As usual it's without sense at all, the code it written, it already works, it takes up a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of their tech resources so, discontinue it! Yea! because reasons!

Who would want large colorful readable charts when they have small hard to read charts right on their phone! 





I would also like you to keep the website using the app on my phone is very difficult.  Hard to see and trying to log food is a nightmare, especially when trying to look up a new food and you have to type on a small screen.  Please keep the web browser or I just might have to find a new tracker.  I was going to buy a fitbit for my husband for his birthday in Aug but he doesn't have a smart phone and still uses an old flip phone so guess he won't be able to use a fitbit tracker.  I'm sure he's not the only one with this problem.

First Steps

I am moving on to My Food Diary which allows me to record food on my laptop.  It is worth it to me to pay $9/month for this feature.

First Steps
I have just found My Food Diary, and it's worth it to me to pay $9/month to
be able to continue to use my laptop for
recording food. .
google probably owns it.
I think the title says it all. For persons requiring assistive technology, the phone app is not usable. The phone app also does not offer all of the features available on the dashboard. Please do NOT discontinue the online dashboard. By doing so, you are literally shutting out some of your long term customers.

I had carefully logged all my food and drink for six months on the dashboard. Wouldn't bother if I had to use iPad. Don't have an iPhone. I was consuming 1500 to 2200 calories a day and burning 2500 to 3000 calories a day. Didn't loose any weight. I'm finished with food logging but have been using the dashboard regularly to review sleep and exercise. Would like exercise to count seconds again on the iPad/phone app.

Recovery Runner

Please, please, please! See the community post about getting rid of it -- hundreds (at least) of people DO NOT want to use the app exclusively!


I don't think it would necessarily have to be the existing dashboard that would remain, but accessing the data via computer instead of tiny device is necessary for many users.  It seems Google is doing this to streamline the codebase into one platform?  Can google wrap a website around the app and use the same code?  On a feedback post, mairlewis posted the great rationale for why something needs to stay for visually impaired folks who bought fitbits relying on the existing accessibility pathways:

The phone only app does not work for visually impaired people. The web app must be retained to provide full accessibility.

 This is Googles policy on accessibility:

"When we say we want to build for everyone – we mean it. Accessibility is written into our mission statement and core to our values as a company. We don’t think a problem is solved until we’ve solved it for everyone. Technology’s great promise is to give everyone the same power to achieve their goals. As long as there are barriers for some, there’s still work to be done."

- Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google

So, please Fitbit, live up to your commitment on accessibility.

Recovery Runner

There is no way that I can use Fitbit via the app... It prevents me from using accessibility features that I use daily, as I have a neurological disorder. I feel discriminated against. I've supported the Fitbit brand for 5 years; This is due to end in 3 days if the online dashboard is removed. The app is not accessible, is missing features, and besides, having the desktop app makes a lot of sense besides accessibility, I don't see why I have to pick up my tablet when I'm working at my computer, and then be lacking features, this is a massive step backwards. I urge you to reconsider.

Tempo Runner

Sadly I think the ship has sailed regarding removing the dashboard from the website.  There are probably tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of Fitbit users and most may not even know about this website.  A few dozen users complaining about this isn't going to change any minds at Google.

Recovery Runner

Yes! I also have vision and dexterity issues and the phone app is close to WORTHLESS.

PLEASE keep the web-based dashboard. You do NOT want to drive us out of the Fitbit ecosystem.

Do NOT drive us to the iPhone and iWatch crap.

Base Runner

Losing the dashboard is a dealbreaker for me, too: My vision is fine (so far—I’m sure this will be an issue to me as well in a decade or so 😝), but the removal of the “calories your body will use by midnight” from the app has made the app all but useless to me; I have to go to the Dashboard every day to decipher the calories I’m “allowed” to eat each day in order to plan my meals. 

Also, the app doesn’t allow you to input walking in terms of steps, which is how I measure when my Fitbit dies or I forget to wear it, but the Dashboard DOES allow input in steps. 

Base Runner

Add me to the list of users who are unhappy with this decision.   Viewing Fitbit on a phone is hard on older eyes, and trying to type on the touch screen is difficult for those of us with circulation issues.   I love my desktop version.   Please don't take it away.  

Recovery Runner

It is a big step backwards discontinuing the Windows Dashboard.  It was one of the things that distinguished Fitbit from the other apps.  Much easier to use than working on the small screen of the app.  Will be looking for alternatives.  Why was this done?

Distance Walker

I’ve been a Fitbit user for 8 years,  I’m on my 3rd device (purchase)  

One of the major draws for me staying with Fitbit has been the Website Dashboard UI.  

If that goes then so shall I.  

The app is not user friendly and difficult to use and poor in comparison to the web browser dashboard which I access on a nice full size , easily readable screen.

I DO NOT want to use a phone app with my Fitbit.

I DO want a desktop browser website dashboard.

Bottom line - no Website Dashboard then another customer will be gone, in fact it will be 3 customers as we all use the dashboard for our Fitbits in my household.  

None of us use or want to use the phone app.

Please listen to your customers or lose them. 


I'm also leaving FitBit. Ever since Google bought it, they have been degrading its capabilities and interface.

I want the web interface, I don't like the new app interface and rue all the functionality it has lost over time. 

If I log a "workout" on my device, the app won't let me correct it to what it actually was (hockey for example); now by losing the web interface, I lose the ability to correct it (not that Google made it easy).


Yes! I use the web browser dashboard daily since Fitbit nuked the ability to label workouts correctly. I don’t understand why they haven’t fixed this feature yet. 


I like the fact that on the Web Dashboard I can see my day at a glance.  I really hate having to have to scroll down to the various iOS app items to see them in isolation to the other date I was looking at.  I still do not know why there was no email sent out about these changes which appears to be a bit gutless on the part of Google.  Don't forget to rate the FitBit app in whichever App Store you are using so that people know what they are signing up for when they purchase a device.

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