Maintain Fitbit web dashboard going forward

As an older user, my eyesight and hand eye coordination are poor. So, I prefer the website dashboard on my PC. That dashboard keeps directing us to the mobile app. Please assure you will continue maintaining both as I cannot rely solely on the mobile app. Please consider all of your customers when providing tools. Many thanks!
First Steps

Yet another dumb decision.

When are the fools that make these decisions going to get it through their obviously dim heads that not everyone wants to use a tiny little screen on a mobile phone, and prefer a proper website page.

Recovery Runner

absolutely agreed. there's plainly no visually impaired persons on the dev/marketting team

Recovery Runner


Recovery Runner

Fitbit has been such a disappoingting experience in the last few years. You have repeatedly removed beneficial services despite user feedback. The removal of something as vital as the dashboard is further indication that Fitbit is committed to its decline in user experience and will not get any better or seek to offer value for the user. 

The first thing I do when I return home from an activity is visit the dashboard on my computer to get a full look at the detail in my stats, properly name my activity, view maps, and I do the same thing at the end of the day for my overall calorie and health picture. My health data is important and I use my laptop as my main portal for managing my health. Use of a large screen is important and vital to me. 

This will be my last straw as a Fitbit user. I have had my eye on other trackers for a sale and will use Prime day sales to finally switch after over a decade with multiple Fitbit products beginning with The One. 


Tempo Runner

Agreed! I use the phone app, but it doesn't have all the functionality of the web-app and begrudgingly I have been using both. By the way, for those of you here, did you read the new terms for commenting? I will post relevant parts below....I wouldn't hold out any hopes of responses from the company.


"....However, neither Fitbit, nor any of its employees, may accept or consider any unsolicited suggestions, including ideas for new or improved products or services, new marketing campaigns or product or service names. Therefore, please do not submit any such unsolicited ideas in any form to Fitbit or any of its employees."

"If, despite our policy, you still submit an idea to us, then regardless of anything contained in your submission you agree that following shall apply: (i) we shall have no obligation to review the submission;..."

Tempo Runner

also...why does the stupid phone app round down activity time to the minute rather than provide minutes and seconds? That was a stupid decision to change it.



I use the web dashboard, and wish not to see it done away with.

It works, there's no reason to get rid of it unless you're actually just firing the web dev team in the background.

Base Runner

I agree with everyone   comments about Google's deciding to remove the dashboard from the browser and how that was a poor and bad decision. They failed to think of people that have limited vision and how it may be harder for them to use the app because of the smaller screens. They failed to consider that not everyone is familiar with using an app.

Base Runner

Fitbit has always been good at "revenue enhancement. Nothing is interchangeable or standard. Each watchband is unique. Each charger (some with multiple moving parts!) is unique. Killing the web site is the next coup in revenue enhancement.

The phone app is "nice" but it is unsuitable for people with limited eye sight like us seniors and for people who like to see all their data at once like people who track their health seriously. Also heath trends are long-term and are not limited to last week's activities or diet.

But profits must prevail. If you kill the web site, you make more profit. Good for you. And it will work until people start replacing their fitbits with health trackers that provide them with the services they want rather than Fitbit's policy of "we decide what you need."

It's been a good "run" but my patience with your company has "run" out.

P.S. Thanks for ALL the warning.


agreed - ease of use and vision issues are my main objections to removing access to the desktop browser version of the dashboard

Pace Setter

The dashboard is a very valuable tool for people with disabilities to use with their fitness trackers.  That alone should be reason enough to keep the dashboard up and running.

Many Users also have at least 10 years of data and time invested in the dashboard and menu management using the app is reportedly next to impossible to do, so why invest a lot of time and money to improve the app enough to even come close to working as well as the dashboard, when the dashboard is working great, with minimal bugs, already?


Recovery Runner

I totally agree with the others on this! Bring back the website dashboard. Why would you do that? I would think that you would consider polling FitBit user before making these kind of changes.

First Steps

I am 76 years old and only use a cell phone for talking only. Due to age fingers and eyes do not work well together on something as small as a cell phone.  I love my 27-inch screen for working and viewing.

Before Fitbit, I used a spreadsheet to track calories, food, vitamins, weight, and activity for calories burned. the spreadsheet information was based upon time spent performing the activity like vacuuming, mowing, walking the dog, or even taking a shower. When I purchased my Fitbit watch, I started moving food data from my spreadsheet onto But since com is going away like the 8 track or VHS tapes, I guess I will have to reactivate my Excel spreadsheet. I am getting too old and tired of this constant change to get me to spend more money.

Recovery Runner

Please bring back the online dashboard for Fitbit! It is not only easier to log weight, food, and water, but also is much easier to view exercises stats in. The online dashboard provides more information than the app, such as showing the most steps you've done in a day and your record miles in a day. I was extremely disappointed when I found out the dashboard was being removed, and I hope Fitbit reconsiders. At the very least, please make the Fitbit dashboard available in the app that can be downloaded to browsers. Thank you. (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)

First Steps
PUT THE DASHBOARD BACK ON MY LAPTOP.. it is NOT EASIER to do it on my phone. You may be saving pennies but will be losing paying customers. I cannot see all my options and look at all I've done in one area on my phone... screen too small. PUT IT BACK
Recovery Runner

Yet another corporation that is forcing people to have and use a phone or nothing. Not everyone has or uses a phone.

For people with poor eyesight, disabilities or simply like laptop interaction here we have another company that doesn't care what you want or need.

I for one hate cell phones... Navigating them with severe hand arthritis and big fingers make it very hard to navigate. But Fitbit doesn't care...

So, time to look for a company that does. I don't say this lightly as I have been using the laptop to track my health and progress for a very long time.

Thanks again Fitbit for not caring about customers that bought your product....


I totally agree.  i love the dashboard - it is the main reason I use fitbit over other apps. if it goes I will likeluy stop using fitbit.

this is a decision that ignores what users want

Recovery Runner

@Senseiande if you find such a company, please let me know. I will follow because I too rely on the laptop website and struggle with the app.

Recovery Runner

Totally agree. This is discrimination against older users and users with disabilities. I work from home and have Fitbit open on my desktop in the background and glance at it from time. I certainly can't see any detail on the watch and i hardly ever use the phone as it is too difficult. Besides continually unlocking and searching through another device to open the app is extremely inconvenient anyway. I recently got my 10year anniversary badge and if we are going to have reduced functionality I will certainly be exploring other options.

Recovery Runner

Totally agree - the phone is unusable for those with accessibility issues and poor eyesight. The browser dashboard is far superior in many ways

Recovery Runner

Totally agree - it is one of the key features that I use and the phone is impossible!


Your removal of the dashboard from the web is a revelation of your contempt for your users. You won't put the same features on the phone app, but SCREW the users that use them. When the 6 months go off, I'll quit the Expensive upgrade version and only look at the stats about once a day. I used GARMOON for over five years before getting a Pixel watch—a much better experience with GARMIN. For one, I could input exercise directly into the stats. I water walk in the morning, and the watch doesn't register this hours-long activity. I thought the attitude before with Fitbit was screw the user, and you have just confirmed that is still the attitude!

Base Runner

 I agree.  I use the browser dashboard every day.  I use it to rename activities that the Fitbit has auto-named.  You can't do that with the app.

Tempo Runner

Yes, PLEASE keep the web dashboard as I can't work on that tiny phone app.  It's way too small.


Yes - keep the computer dashboard option.  Another STUPID move by Google since taking over Fitbit.

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