Make more clock faces for Charge 6

I just got my wife and I matching Charge 6 watches and while I'm overall pleased enough with the user experience so far, the clock face selection leaves a lot to be desired. The vast majority of the options are simply unusable. The remaining few acceptable ones still are not particularly endearing.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Stepping Up

I agree.  The vast majority appear to have been made by children using crayons.  The Charge 6 is a fitness tracker.  Where are the clock faces that actually give you fitness stats that are readable?

Stepping Up

I completely agree. I want a clock face that shows me the time, date, and a couple stats of my choice at a glance. None of the clock faces are good, there are just a couple that are less bad. Please give us some clock faces that we can customize to show us the stats we're most interested in.

First Steps
Could be similar to the current Sans watch face. Just would like the time to be seperated a bit instead of stacked on top of each other. Also an option for all white text would be nice. And an option to show the date with day like MON 12 instead of NOV 12
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @jrebs, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about making more clock faces for Charge 6 with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


I agree. also a simple interface to upload a tiny image in background of clock face maybe? 😶‍:fog:️

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @jeremiah532, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about making more clock faces for the Charge 6 with us. Because this product feedback was already requested on this board, I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

First Steps

x2 on this.   The only one that I like is premium only...

Heck give me the same one from my charge 2 and I would be happy.

First Steps

I also find the options for the watch faces to be too few. 

I like slashed best, but would love to see it in a color other than pea green. How much would it cost you to add some color choices to your most popular ones? 

Recovery Runner

Yes, please can we have more watch faces, partially in the heavy stats style. Also, make some customisable with regards to order and colours. 

I only use target, the rest are not good at all.


They're terrible, childish and unprofessional 


I agree, these clock face choices are horrible to the point that I don't really care to bother using my Charge 6.

Just set it up and was disappointed in the lack of apps and clock face choices/options.

I purchased this as an unobtrusive alternative to my Samsung Galaxy watches and to give myself an additional choice to add to my collection of wearable devices, however I must say that this has been a disappointment and I certainly don't see what all the hype over Fitbit is after this.

First Steps

Yes, new watch faces are definitely need with customizations too.  And please bring back the Bingo games!

First Steps

Yes, new watch faces are definitely needed with customizations too.  And please bring back the Bingo games!

Recovery Runner

Agree. More new watch faces, and in the current ones add options to customize the colors, in most of them it is not possible, and in those that can, there are only 4 colors to choose from.

First Steps

The watch faces that are currently available appear that they were designed either for children or by children. Having something that is just a watch face without all of the faff would be great. Honestly, if I disparage to look at it I'll never use it and might as well return it.

First Steps

I would also expect some more classic looking faces with colours customisation. Current choice is a bit childish.

Base Runner

Still no new clock faces. Why so stubborn? Come on Fitbit isn't it time you listened to your customers and created some adult designs?


I strongly agree with this thread. I will not buy a Charge 6 until there are at least one or two easily readable, basic, clean, non-distracting clock faces available that I can wear in any setting. 

First Steps

Entirely agree the provided faces are eclectic. Please provide a selection of professional (suitable for a work environment) faces. Please also provide the DAY with the Date information e.g. Thurs 14th March


Base Runner


"If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit."

Has this feedback received enough votes to be shared with the 'various teams' yet? If not how many are required?


First Steps

Laughable that some of us think they care...I will hold my breath till they add more.    Nobody bury me when I pass out.

First Steps

We need discreet, clean, customizable, clear reading faces like we had on charge 2 and 4.

Why arent there customizable options??


My $40 Amazefit had hundreds of options. I miss them. Please allow 3rd party watch faces or at least give us more options. Please! 


We need more clock faces

First Steps

Would it be impossible to port the clock faces from Charge 4 to Charge 6? I upgraded my clock today and I'm a bit dissapointed the old discreet black and white choices aren't there anymore. I can think of a few situations when I really don't want my watch to be bright pink and mint green.

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