Make more clock faces for Charge 6

I just got my wife and I matching Charge 6 watches and while I'm overall pleased enough with the user experience so far, the clock face selection leaves a lot to be desired. The vast majority of the options are simply unusable. The remaining few acceptable ones still are not particularly endearing.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


Any updates on this? Please bring more clock faces to Charge 6, or let us customize them (at least the colors).

First Steps

Very poor selection currently available. I would like a nice simple analogue face suitable for when I use my metal strap at work or in the evening. Of the two existing analogue faces, one is too difficult to actually read the time at a glance and the other is too feminine for me (and at certain times of the hour it can be difficult to read, too).

Base Runner

Yes Id like to say the clock faces are a case of form over function, but I cant even say that. They are just a mess and need an urgent overhaul asap.

First Steps

I agree with others here. I just bought a Charge 6 because my Charge 4 bit the dust, and am sorely disappointed with the available clock faces. I want to see as much data displayed as possible in a readable fashion without having to go looking for it. The current clock faces are pretty much all glitz and no functionality. I liked the suggestion someone else made of porting Charge 4 clock faces to the Charge 6. Fitbit needs to not try to fix something that isn't broken! 

First Steps
Chrage 6 Versa needs more clock face options.
First Steps

It would be so nice if there were 3rd party support for clock faces, I really want to turn my watch into a pipboy! Pleeeeease make this happen ❤

First Steps

Very (extremely) disappointed with the clock faces available on the Charge 6
As mentioned by others I do not want a funky, designed by a kid, on an angle, cut-off, over-designed mess.

If you are unable, or unwilling, to provide the ability for the community to provide sensible clock face options via a supported SDK, then at least provide *ONE* basic, professional, clock display - please.

A simple sans serif 24hr display, with option for date display and some other stats as a static "customisation" would probably make a lot of people happy.

Personally I only want to have the date and heartrate on the screen alongside the clock, so having the ability to have the extra information selected/configured *fixed* would avoid the annoyance of tapping repeatedly to find the only bit of information wanted due to accidentally tapping the screen and it tabbing onto some other information that I am not interested in.

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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @ErWilkos, thanks for sharing this product feedback about making more clock faces for the Charge 6 with us. Because this idea was already requested in this board, I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the product feedback shared here doesn't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

I've recently replaced my charge 4 with a Charge 6 and when rowing I have to tap the watch face no less than 4 times to go from the unnecessarily oversized HR counter to see what my calorie count is. This is infuriating as I am trying to do it in between strokes to quickly grab the bars again with my hand.  To make it a million times worse, this sometimes turns the screen off instead of getting to the right counter, or I accidentally go past it. I absolutely cannot believe that I have to do this now.

How hard can it be to take a design that was working perfectly well and just apply it to a new device? It's not asking for much. I agree with the other comments that these clock faces are ridiculous and a step backwards in functionality and usability. I would give up the juvenile designs in a second for something that does not require multiple taps to see relevant information all the time.

First Steps

I completely agree with all of the comments here.  All I want is date and time, followed by calories and total steps, in one organized display.  The closest I can find still has calories and steps on two different screens to toggle between, and no ability to update colors or simplify the time display.

Shouldn't be that hard to give us some more options with a simplified or even customizable display.


First Steps

These certainly have to be the ugliest and most outdated looking Fitbit clock faces I've ever seen. The 1960s called and they want their style back. It's 2024, after all.

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