Make sleep score optional

Suggested idea is to have the sleep score optional ! 

We should be able to choose if we have the score or not , I hate feeling like I failed my sleep!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity


 I am not going to pay for premium to find out more about sleep score. I’ll just get an Apple Watch and Fitbit can go F-itself.  I’m filling out a health survey and it says how many hours of sleep do you get and I CAN’T SEE THAT ANYMORE.  I really resent being judged by a stupid app like this based on random inputs that they pulled out of their butt.  Thanks for randomly judging all the insomniacs out there who are just trying to figure out how much they’re sleeping 

Stepping Up

Other than keep changing the topic subject, the concerns over the sleep score don't seem to have sunk in with the moderators.

I've posted a simple 3 question survey on the sleep score, the options are basically:

1) Love it - keep as default and permanently hide avg. sleep.

2) Neutral - no strong view on sleep score vs avg. sleep as the only option

3) Terrible remove sleep score as the default and reinstate the avg sleep score as default.


If you have 10 seconds please register your opinion on the sleep score vs the old avg. sleep, so they can understand where their customers stand:

Base Runner

Now the sleep score comment thread has been renamed AGAIN? Fitbit moderators can't even use correct grammar, how can they begin to address our concerns?

Not applicable

This changing of the title of the thread (AGAIN) is nuts. It just exemplifies that they change things for the sake of changing things, regardless of of whether it makes sense. Or maybe it's an ESL issue.  Or maybe they're trolling us. Who knows anymore.

Recovery Runner

Just curious since I'm not that familiar with twitter, what happens if we
retweet your post?

I've just flagged the  new title of this "Feature Suggestion"

"Some unidentified Moderator has changed the Subject of the discussion yet again. This time the subject has been made both misleading and grammatically improper"

Stepping Up
It doesn't change the voting, it just allows your followers to see your
posting / retweet, and provides them visibility on the poll and the option
to vote on it as well.
Base Runner
CBC news so called enhancements. on line carried a story about Fitbit and their problems with changes they made to programs, the dashboard and

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Base Runner
I commented before and I will make the same comment again. Someone in a senior position has to take charge of this file and make some decisions. Most organizations begin to respond when the volume grows as it has in this case. For every person commenting there are probably 10 or 20 more who just can’t be bothered. Overwhelming concerns and opposition to the sleep score and the change to the dashboard look are being ignored. Fitbit is missing the boat and is just creating more consumer upset.

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Not applicable

@DALwpg I did email someone very senior yesterday but no response. Not sure why I’d expected that there would be. 

Not applicable


Not applicable

They’ve changed the title again? Absolutely ridiculous and unbelievable. This goes to show that they’re not really taking this seriously.  They are handling this whole thing so badly. The greed and the arrogance driving these decisions (and their silence and insistence on not changing it back) isn’t the right motivation and certainly won’t keep their loyal users who they don’t seem to value. I’ve taken mine off. Quite liberating actually. It’s resigned to being a basic step or activity counter now until I can find something else. 

Not applicable

Seeing how they handle this has actually been eye-opening as it reveals a lot about their values/intentions and is also highlighting that they won’t be reasoned with which is ultimately coming off as them being insensitive to their audiences’ needs - their commercial drivers and monetisation of their customer base is clearly more important to them at this point. This is leaving a sour taste in my mouth so I’m not sure I’d ever want to wear it again or trust them after this.  In a situation like this, a lot can be said about how a company responds (or doesn’t in Fitbit’s case). A complete and utter joke. 

First Steps
What if we were to stop wearing our Fitbits at night in protest...? A co-ordinated boycott...

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First Steps

I don't think I'm saying anything new here, but want to add my voice to the choir.


I have been a Fitbit user since 2016: my family lives all over the world but one of the things that we do together every week is participate in a challenge or Family Faceoff. I love how flexible the app is, and how you can personalize the home screen to emphasize the features that you care the most about ... and my vote would be to make the sleep score an optional feature!


To echo what other community members have said -- I don't need to see a seemingly arbitrary score when I wake up every morning. (Yes, yes, I know that you explained how you calculate it ... but still!) I really love being able to track my sleep and have adjusted my target bedtime, wakeup time, and sleep duration to what works for me and my schedule. As a result, I make an effort to go to bed on time and genuinely look forward to a little green star in the morning because it means reaching a goal that I have set for myself. But this mysterious sleep score makes me feel anxious and unhappy to the point that it makes tracking these aspects of my health unpleasant. If I'm going to continue using Fitbit in the future, I'd really like the option to remove it.

Base Runner

Here is some reality.  This is under featured suggestions.
Take a look at the votes.  This thread has 310.  Asking for more clock faces has over 4,000.  I doubt that this is really going to make any difference.
At this point, I am waiting to see how many more times the name will change before this thread is shut down.
The faith and trust I once had are gone.
It is time for me to move on.
Commenting on social media does seem to help.


Far more than 310 comments here, because MANY have been deleted. This is a complete Fitbit fiasco. I haven't seen anything like this that I can remember with this company, especially with changing the name of the thread several times, and NO official response despite sleep numbers that are so far off they are embarrassing to even look at and try to justify. Yesterday I received an 80 "sleep score" for 5 hours 21 minutes of sleep and a very bad night, but a 71 score for 7 hours and 20 minutes the night before. And I posted screenshots. Still there. Nothing has changed. People do not WANT to leave. We have YEARS of stuff saved in many cases. But for whatever reason, the people that run the show here are not changing anything. I have no idea if paying a subscription would even change what I can see. It's not clear at all. But why would anyone PAY for a service for the very same view and sleep average that we already had by paying $200 for our device that probably cost $10.00 to produce?

Base Runner

Granted, comments have been deleted.  Also, there are multiple comments from the same people.
This thread has only received 310 VOTES.  That is an indication that only 310 users have taken the time to vote that this is an important issue.
Fitbit has totally dropped the ball on this one.
They are under a lot of financial pressure.  The first flag I noticed is when they had more sales and dropped prices than they have ever done.
After years of being a Fitbit owner, I have my exit plan in place.  That includes exporting my data from Fitbit.



Your team keeps changing the title to this forum, and it’s inaccurate and frustrating. Please change to: “Make sleep score optional (on/off option) AND return weekly sleep average data in app”


Those are the issues at-hand. We are talking about both topics. It’s unprofessional and manipulative for moderators to continue to change to arbitrary or misleading titles.


I request the average hours of sleep feature be returned and the sleep score be removed or an optional feature. The reason I purchased Fitbit was medical for tracking my average hours of sleep nightly. The sleep score tells me that I failed every night nor have I ever succeeded. Being judged and graded on factors that are not pertinent to me sets all users up for failure.  Let us judge how we feel about the sleep we got. It’s our sleep. Do the task your product was purchased for and provide the data; not a judgment or a grade.

What I NEED to know Is my average hours of sleep per night. It’s already quite inaccurate  as it calculates my downtime as sleep time though I’m not sleeping;  so it’s still a crapshoot. 

The sleep score enhancement is inconvenient and not user friendly. 

I will gladly and swiftly switch to a new product if it simply told me my average hours of sleep. 

Not applicable

This post was moved here against my wishes. I've edited out the content because I strongly disagree. Just delete the thing and be done with it.

Recovery Runner

I am very unhappy with fitbit’s Sleep Score. I will not remain with fitbit unless it is deleted or made optional. Due to family and pet schedules, I have two sleep sessions per night. Plus I have sleep apnea.  Please return the total hours that are important to me. I am an adult and can evaluate my sleep given good data. Thank you for hearing us. 

Base Runner


You forgot to look at the time both threads have been around. The one you mentioned has been gathering votes since January. While this one exists since July, when Fitbit rolled this update to a few users, with the most of the votes coming from the last week, when everybody else got the update. I think it got more than 200 votes during the last 8 days.


Agree! Please make the sleep score optional.


The sleep score explanation is only given when an additional fee is paid so the sleep score should only be given to those who choose to pay the fee. 


This seems like a marketing scam to increase Fitbit’s profits. We need to give a review of the app in the App Store and change our loyalty to other fitness watches if Fitbit doesn’t hear the concerns voiced. 


I hate the “sleep score”. It’s useless information, not what I expect from a fitness tracker. My average hours is the reason why I bought Fitbit to begin with. That and calorie counting are the 2 features I depend on most. Other trackers are out there that I can switch to, and I will, if Fitbit doesn’t fix this. Not gonna pay for Premium so they can kiss my a$$!

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