Make the Wallet app removable on all Fitbit devices

I don’t use the wallet app or fitbit pay and would like to be able to remove it like all the other apps.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Stepping Up

Don't use it. Don't want it. Get rid of it please. It's existence is just a massive security risk.

First Steps

I have purchased over a dozen Fitbit devices for myself and family in the past years. This may be my last one with the Charge 5.

The wallet feature on my Charge 5 is intrusive and should not be mandatory.

Had I known this to be the case I would not have purchased the device.

My Charge 5 should not constantly be reminding me to enter a card. This is a fitness device and should not be another way to allow access to financial data. That is NONE of your business.

Focus on what you do best and do not require people to use features like the wallet.



First Steps

I'm not interested in using the Fitbit wallet, and I don't like getting a notification 10-15 times per day that I haven't set it up yet.  I am not going to set it up.  It's like being on a road trip with a 3 year old child.

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Please make it stop!!!!!!!!

Recovery Runner

I guess since people have been asking for this for two years and NOTHING has been done, we’re expected to just live with it.  I wasn’t going to buy another Fitbit after my charge 2 died, but stupidly, I saw an offer and bought a charge 5.  This darned wallet notification is driving me nuts….  So regret it! (And bring back the steps break down on iOS while you’re at it Fitbit developers! 🙄

Distance Runner
Make Fitbit pay an app that users can install or uninstall as they need.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @charleskn, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about being able to uninstall the Wallet app from your Fitbit device with us. I noticed a similar idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestion board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this idea by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

Recovery Runner

I am here to second or 125th the motion to to make the accounts feature optional on our trackers. It is a feature that I have no intention of using and it interferes with use of the other features for which I purchased my Fitbit. I have already had enough other issues that this is likely my last Fitbit would like to see them become more user-friendly before I go.

First Steps

I too have been frustrated with the wallet feature constantly insisting I use it. This DEFINITELY my last Fitbit device and I am sad about it. I have used Fitbits for many years because they were small and nimble devices that did the job nicely. Now they are trying to be an Apple or Galaxy device and there are many of us out here that don't use them because they are over-featured.


Again, I am done with Fitbit 5. The finance thing was the last straw......

First Steps

I adore my Fitbit and just upgraded from the charge 4 to the 5. The fact that I have to swipe through a useless “payments” screen to get to anything else I need to use (do not disturb, sleep mode, settings, find my phone, etc) is ridiculous. At least with the charge 4 the wallet wasn’t FRONT AND CENTER. 

PLEASE make it an option to remove this or at least hide it further in the app so it is less prominent 

First Steps

The device is great. The pay app is not robust in terms of features and now resembles bloatware. The lack of user control actually detracts from the customer experience. It is enough so that, as a user I would actually consider another coloring device. It appears that this is not a priority as it appears this issue is over one year old. 


Please, please get rid of it. I moved from a Charge 4 to a 5, and so far my least favorite thing about the new tracker is that the wallet/payments is the first thing there when I swipe down. I have no intention of ever using it. And I don't want it right there. I'd prefer DND to be the first quick setting. And then the settings app. It bothers me how difficult it is to change the brightness.

Not applicable

Irritating 😠 

First Steps

I returned my brand new Charge 5 Fitbit for full refund and reverted back to using my old Charge 2. Never knew an upgrade could be so disappointing. The constant prompt to ‘Add Card’ that Charge 5 defaults to every time should be disabled. It should be tracking fitness and motivation to be fit not tracking payment options.


I wish I had known that the annoying wallet app is forced to be on my charge 5.  I like everything else about my new Fitbit and it’s a great tracker but I will never use wallet and I don’t want to ever set it up.  It really needs to be able to be removed.



Recovery Runner

I will never ever pay for anything with my watch! Ever!! If it cannot be removed, at least give users the option to move the tile further up the list of quick responses to just before the settings. Also allow the RFID chip to be turned off if not used.


Her is another vote to STOP the Wallet  pop-ups, several times a day. If I want to put my personal information (credit card) onto a tracker, I will do it. I don't want to be asked over and over again when I just want to see the time. And while we're on the subject of seeing the time, WHY can't I just see the time when I lift and look at my wrist? Why do I have to stop whatever I'm doing with my other hand, my dominant hand of course, to push a hard to push button just to see the time? And why, intermittently, does the time come up when I lift my wrist, and most of the time not?



Moderator edit: format

Moderator edit: word choice 

First Steps
Please remove the payments app. If you do not use the fitbit to make payments, this app is unnecessary.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Makaiodk, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about removing payment apps from devices. I've moved it into a similar request. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

My fitbit has been working normally with the exception of some HR consistency. But lately it has been asking me to add a card to my wallet and won't accept no for an answer. I have no intention of using the wallet or Fitbit pay and it's constantly refreshing and asking me to add one. It has leached +/- 80% of my battery daily with notifications
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Tyler_W, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about removing payment apps from devices. I've moved it into a similar request. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


So everyone.. it sounds like when it comes to the Fitbit wallet notifications and it having been apparent years that people have been having this problem, Fitbits stance is go pound sand. Thanks Fitbit.

First Steps

It's very irritating when "PAY" comes on when I'm trying to check my heartrate.  I would never use a watch to pay anything!  Please make available a method to remove.  I have a Charge 5 and I take water aerobic classes and my fingers are wet and trying to change to the clock face!!

First Steps

All features should have the ability to disable them. Particularly the wireless pay option. Starting about 2 days ago, my fitbit is going to the payment screen literally multiple times per minute. I cannot even move fast enough to get to the screen I want before it interrupts. Even when water lock was on. It always bugged me that it had to be on my menu, but now it's materially altering my ability to use it at all. It wrnt from 100% battery at 3pm to completely dead by 8:30pm. 

Recovery Runner

This wallet app is very annoying. I feel like I see the “setup wallet” more than my clock face. 😑  There needs to be an option to remove, hide, or disable it. 

First Steps

Please allow setting to remove this wallet option. I know its by design and future use planned. But I choose to optout. Regards C arbon C redit

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