Merge multiple sleep fragments into one sleep log and score

I am constantly being awakened in the middle of the night because I have 4-year old twins (one with autism which means his sleep cycle is all over the map). When I am awakened, I am usually moving around (taking kids to the toilet, changing night-time nappies, soothing kids with bad dreams, switching beds to better quieten a kid so the rest of the house can sleep, getting a glass of water, etc.). I also use the Surge automatic sleep recording feature to track my sleep. I don't want to have to sstart or stop recording anything manually.


On many nights, if I get up, the Surge will create multiple sleep logs. At 4am, it has done this when I have been awake for 9 minutes or more. At 7am, it has done this when I have been up for less than a minute - and yes, sometimes I go back to bed after 7am while my wife takes over after my nighttime "shift". These multiple sleep logs are inaccurate because that 9 minutes, or 1 minute, or whatever it is isn't counted as awake time.


All I need is a single command to merge the multiple logs into a single log with the gaps between logs calculated as awake time. This would solve all the display issues with multiple logs, and give me a much clearer view of my entire night. I would have a single sleep pattern graph and a single sleep log calculation.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and labels

First Steps

Due to my work/home schedule I sleep in two blocks of sleep - for example, from 04:30 to 07:30 and again from 13:00 to 17:30.


How about adding more than one sleep session to accurately depict how much I really sleep?


Would be great to be able to log the occasional nap I get, too.

5K Racer

As far as I know Fitbit already supports as many sleep session a day as you want. Just log them as you would normally, holding down the button to start/stop, and if it logs it as an activity you just have to edit it and check the "this is a sleep record" check box.

First Steps

Yes it does record multiple sleep sessions but does not appear on the mobile app as total number of hours slept for that day. Would love that feature fixed.

Tempo Runner

I log my sleep manually because I finally just got frustrated with the tapping stuff and stopped using it.  It would ultimately be in the opposite mode I needed or I would accidentally put it in sleep mode. Wasn't feeling well today and slept more than twice - when I tried to log the 3rd sleep period - it wouldn't let me and said I already had an entry for the day.  People take naps - so we should be able to log as many sleep entries as we need.

First Steps

I'm a shiftworker too and would really like a total sleep for each day. I see it already records each sleep but only displays the last period in all records and graphs. A total for the day would be far more representative.


I too would like to see multiple sleep records in the Android app. It shows the overall times but I'd like to be able to click on a time and see its detailed picture of sleep/restless/awake, rather than just one (the longest? The first?)

First Steps
I have contacted the customer service regarding this issue and they have confirmed the issue.

In the Android app (not sure if the problem exists with the iPhone), the sleep log graphs ONLY account for the first sleep time frame fire the day/night. So if you were to sleep multiple times through the day, the app only shows one graph for the first time frame. This is annoying if you are trying to track your sleep patterns. However, the app does log each individual sleep time frame's but not the actual different graphs.
Recovery Runner

I was about to begin contacting support about this.  I have multiple sleep disorders so I will never only sleep only once in a day.  I bought my Flex because of sleep tracking.  I need to know how I sleep so I can understand how bad my symptoms will be for each part of each day.  Going through the website is far from an acceptable work around for this.


Last night I slept 10.30 until 2.10 then 2.50 until 7.00, whilst both sleeps show in list only the second is recorded in the chart. Please record full sleep.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Recovery Runner
I agree. Most important
Accidently clicked on mail to accept your comment as solution, any idea how I reverse this?

Would really like ability to merge sleep and retain details about awake periods etc. I would say this is the 2nd most important thing for me on my fitbit. Sleep is one of the things I am working on to help with my overall health and weight management. For me it is important to see the trends in my sleep and the graphs are not accurately showing what is happening with the sleep records broken if I need to get up briefly during the night. Please find a way for us to merge sleep records without losing all the details!

Recovery Runner

While not a one-step process, here's what I do. I look at the last sleep log entry and make a note of the real time that I got up in the morning. I then delete all log entries except the first one. Then, I edit the one remaining sleep log entry and adjust the end time. This will consolidate all the data during that time into one sleep log entry.


First Steps

ybakos, thanks for the thought. Unfortunately, your solution doesn't solve my problem. If I delete a sleep log, then I lose all of the data that goes with it - when I was awake; when I was restless; and when I was sleeping soundly. It is that graph, and the summary data that goes with it that is most important to me to retain. If I just manually extend the first sleep log, then it looks like I slept soundly for all that time when, in fact, I might have been awake or restless for a lot of it. That is why I want the sleep logs merged: I need to retain all of the data. Otherwise, I may as well just use a pen and paper to record when I went to bed and when I got out of bed. Thanks again for your input. Fitbit, please make this simple change - let me merge sleep logs.


My Charge HR often records my sleep as 2 (or 3) seperate sleep periods.  This is sort of accurate as I have toddlers who I get up for and get broken sleep, but would like the option to see all sleep for a night on the one line in the  Sleep Dashboard and a single graph rather than 2 or 3 lines and graphs.  Both periods show with "Today" as the date so hopefully could be combined without too much trouble. 


Grouping all periods in one line/graph would provide a clearer view of a night's sleep rather than over 2 graphs.


This could be an option in settings for those who prefer it over multiple lines, and maybe a sensitivity option for how long you need to be "awake" before it considered it puts iot over 2 lines.  That way if you have a sleep in the afternoon (say) it could record that as a separate graph if wanted.

Base Runner

Yes, I too wake up in the middle of the night and lose accuracy. 

@PeterMikl wrote:

I am constantly being awakened in the middle of the night because I have 4-year old twins (one with autism which means his sleep cycle is all over the map). When I am awakened, I am usually moving around (taking kids to the toilet, changing night-time nappies, soothing kids with bad dreams, switching beds to better quieten a kid so the rest of the house can sleep, getting a glass of water, etc.). I also use the Surge automatic sleep recording feature to track my sleep. I don't want to have to sstart or stop recording anything manually.


On many nights, if I get up, the Surge will create multiple sleep logs. At 4am, it has done this when I have been awake for 9 minutes or more. At 7am, it has done this when I have been up for less than a minute - and yes, sometimes I go back to bed after 7am while my wife takes over after my nighttime "shift". These multiple sleep logs are inaccurate because that 9 minutes, or 1 minute, or whatever it is isn't counted as awake time.


All I need is a single command to merge the multiple logs into a single log with the gaps between logs calculated as awake time. This would solve all the display issues with multiple logs, and give me a much clearer view of my entire night. I would have a single sleep pattern graph and a single sleep log calculation.


Stepping Up
I just noticed my sleep statistics only show one sleep sessions per 24 hours. Browsing internet, I found out I wasn't the only person who had this problem. It has probably come up a bit on the forums, so moderators, please move/merge if needed.

In any case, I don't understand why the dashboard (ot, the statistics/sleep goal is where the problem is) counts it like that. How hard can it be to add together the sleep sessions within a 24 hour interval? Unless it has to do with taking a nap, but I feel that should also count. I often wake up at night, and end up staying awake for a while before falling back to sleep. The last 4 weeks (that's how long I've had my charge HR), I've only had one 8hr session count towards the goal. But in reality, I slept 8 hours a lot of those nights (summer vacation). It annoyed me quite a bit when I just found out.

So, yeah, I feel this should be a priority to fix, and should at least be easier than adding extra tracking functionality or similar.
I often wake up in the middle of the night for an hour or so and get up. It would be useful to be able to record miltiple sleep sessions during 24 hrs
Premium User
Recovery Runner
I have the surge and it does track multiple sleeps. Which product are you using?
I'm using the one. I can toggle sleep mode on or off but it seems to only
use the last one period when it evaluates my sleep for the day.
First Steps

I would love to be able to merge 2 or more sleep logs into one for the day to truly see how long I'm trying to sleep, am awake or restless (without having to manually add it all up). Please add this feature to the IOS app and/or desktop dashboard for the Charge HR as well.


I completely agree with post.  I have the same problems.  What would really be great is if the Fitbit merged them automatically.  It sould be able to see that there are multiple sleep records with short periods of activity and automatically merge them.  That would be Fantastic.

First Steps

I just contacted FitBit Customer Support, and they reported that the Android graph displays the longest sleep period of the day. It really needs at least an option to display the total sleep for the day (and in my mind, displaying the same data differently in two different areas is actually an error in the system). With the Dashboard showing the total sleep, and the graph only showing the single longest sleep period, the same data shows up vastly different if you have more than one sleep period in the day. Misleading, at best.


Thank you.

First Steps

I would like to be able to set the "standard" start/stop times for the sleep analysis function. I am often awake several times thru the night for extended periods of time (ie: 15 mins to 2 hours). As the function now operates I only get results for the last sleeping period, not from when I first started my sleep cycle to the end of it (ie: 11 pm to 8 am). This would give a much more accurate picture of my sleeping habits, which I could then use with my physcian.

Stepping Up
If the app tracks sleep properly but you wake up for an hour or so and the go back to sleep and it then tracks a second sleep episode properly it will create two proper sleep events. However, if you select one or the other o see the details it displays ar a Day level and does not properly combine nor seperate the two distinct sleep events. Rather it appears to inappropriately merge the data into an incorrect single daily event. It does not show the two seperate events with an awake period between them as you would expect if it were to combine for a single daily event. Rather it creates a singly daily event that is just incorrect with incorrect data.
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