Mobile App Dashboard design

For a while, my mobile app dashboard looked a lot like my browser dashboard. Check it out:


I LOVED the tiles for the time I had them and how it showed your progress. It really made the experience more motivating and I think tracked a lot more/felt more motivated with that user experience. Please roll it out soon becuase I don't have these tiles anymore!!


Moderator's edit: added labels and edited title for clarity

First Steps

I just got a Fitbit recently, I was loving it, and then yesterday all of a sudden the dashboard changed into a much less helpful dashboard. Turns out I was part of a test, and now the interface I liked and got used to is gone. Please give us the option to get that other interface back, it's so much more readable.


And also don't test interfaces without telling people - I'd be way less annoyed if I'd opted in and known it was a test that could disappear at any time.

Not applicable
Yes!! I agree! It's similar to the dashboard on the website! I loved it very easy to read!! So much better then this other stuff!
I second this! I loved the old one sooooi much better. Sleek and modern. Now it looks like the technology age has reversed
First Steps
I totally agree!!! I hate the old way! Give me back the circles!! I so agree with the testing it out on the customers thing too! That irked me! I should of had a choice!
Base Runner

I for one do NOT want my phone app to look like that. It wastes too much space on the screen, and if it is like the browser dashboard it is not adjustable (items such as calories, etc. can be moved or hidden) like the current text base phone apps.

First Steps
Yes, I totally want this dashboard back! I Loved it too!
When I want that look I go to my computer .
Not applicable
Looks awesome! Hope it's implemented soon!
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey, this is a great idea! I like these tiles also.


Thank for sharing, hope this will be available soon. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey, this is a great idea! I like these tiles also.


Thank for sharing, hope this will be available soon. 

Not applicable

I just wish the same options were available on the mobile app as are on the web site and vice versa.  I would like to see how I'm doing in challenges on the web site, for example, and see Fitbit communities on the app. 

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

I've got great news! This dashboard is now available for Fitbit iOS App version 2.23. iOS users can switch to this dashboard by:

1. Updating to version 2.23 of the Fitbit iOS App, click here to be redirected to the iOS App Store.

2. Click the Account button in the bottom right-hand corner.

3. Scroll down and click the Advanced Settings button.

4. Toggle the Preview New Dashboard button at the top of the page on.

Thanks for posting on the Feature Request Board!

Not applicable

The new dashboard for iOS is nice, but I still can't seem my Activity Groups.  Hopefully more functionality from the web site/dashboard will make its way into the iOS version.

Recovery Runner

Tracking is poorly designed in mobile app.

If you have fitbit you definitely interested in tracking your workout,to enter tracking option you have to scroll down to tracking tap and then tap on the tiny stopwatch. Try doing that when your phone in an armband.
Move the tracking option to top of the Dashboard and make a Large centrlied activation icon.

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