More Accurate Battery Life or % in Mobile App

I have owned a Fitbit Charge HR for about 2.5 weeks now. Using the battery life indicator icon on the dashboard on my iPhone or IPad, I was shocked to see that I was at one-half reserve or less by the second day after full charge. I have no notifications permitted and only sync when I open the apps ( few times in 24 hours.) When I plugged in the Fitbit to recharge, however, the battery reserve always showed much greater than the dashboard icon reported. "What gives?" I asked. So, today I called your trusty tech support staff who has just confirmed that the battery life icon on the dashboard only has three "levels" it can report: full, medium, and low. Hmmmm. Not so cool.

OK, guys, please revise your onboard firmware and app software to more accurately reflect the true status of the battery reserve when checking into the dashboard. The "new dashboard" graphics have not addressed this issue. Otherwise, a lot of folks are going to be charging their devices unnecessarily rather than tracking all the fun on wrist or ankle, where they belong. Thanks!


Moderator edit: Labels. 

Recovery Runner
I also vote yes for this.

Currently the Fitbit Charge will display a lightning bolt to indicate that it's charging. However It'd be nice if there was a battery % number inside the battery itself or give us the option to display lightning bolt or battery %.  Battery % gives us a better visual indication of how much life is left and or how much charge is left.  This should also carry over to the Fitbit App.


A Percentage battery life remaining indication would be very helpful, especially when charging.

Recovery Runner
What would it take for you to move the status to "under consideration" for this? Surely this is a reasonable request?
Not applicable

Definitely needed - my Surge only seems to be lasting three days.  I would like an indicator on screen or on the dashboard.

Stepping Up

I have the Surge and the battery life indicator in the app just says Full, Medium, and Low I believe.  It would be nice if you could give actual percentages rather than 3 arbitrary word descriptions.  

First Steps

Ditto...I have the Fitbit one and I never know when my battery is low until I check my emails and see that information.  It woul dbe great to be able to click the little button on my FitBit one and have a picture of the battery showing my the level of battry life that I have.  This would be so much easier and faster than checking my email for a "low battery" message.

Recovery Runner

I have the flex & I also have the same problem.  A battery percentage indicator like a cell phone has would be extremely helpful to all users I would think.

Recovery Runner

Can I also add the need for a battery level indicator on the device itself?


It is there when you plug-in to charge, but not an option to show while wearing it?  Seems like a basic feature to me.

I completely agree. Rather than the full, medium and low can't we have a percentage synced every time we sync.
Not applicable

Completely agree ... a battery % indicator as a separate screen would be a wonderful idea.  Also .. enabling this to be displayed (maybe every 15 seconds) when the unit is charging as well as a fully charged indicator would be a great improvement.  The tiny little battery indicator that the Surge has now is very poor for their flagship model.

Stepping Up

While a % charge displayed on the clock screen would definately be welcome, another feature that would be beneficial would be "hours left".  My Surge will run for about 1.5days after giving the "low" warning.  Unfortunatley, I have received the warning, and then forgotten the next day to charge the surge, resulting in no tracking until I get to my charger.  A simple display of "10hrs remaining" or something similar once you get really low would be more beneficial than a % remaining.  


Perhaps show % from full charge until you reach 10hrs normal use time, then start displaying the hours remaining?

Premium User
Recovery Runner

At the minute you just have a grafic to show full, medium and low.


I think it would also be much better to show a real time percentage of the battery.  If you take this for an example.


I charged my #FitbitChargeHr 24hrs ago and Its showing my battery as "Mediem" and showing the battery display accordingly now, the problum with this is its misleading and I will explain why.


After speaking with technical support I was told that a full battery shows the voltage as 4201 and was comfirmed that my tracker was at 3954 volts with to me if the battery is showing "Mediem" just after 24hrs of use you may be thinking that there is something wrong with your battery on the tracker and in this case is not true.


So i think you should also add to your website the percentage of your battery and I say website because i would guess if you add this as an option to the tracker it will drain the battery just as alarms do.


I would love this to be added and i think it would be very usfull.

So is there a timeline for the % indicator for battery ?
Not applicable

There is no timeline because there is no indication this will be implemented. There may be technical/hardware reasons why this cannot be done.

Recovery Runner
Agreed, this is a feature that should be implemented.
First Steps
Surprised this isn't a default feature! +1 from me.
Agreed - a % indicator next to the battery level icon in the Fitbit app would be very useful!
Recovery Runner

This has been requested for other FitBits in the past. The fact that they've never bothered doing it so far when it is a pretty self-evidently useful feature doesn't bode well.



I would love this im forever charging my Charge HR as soon as the app says i have hit low as i dont know how long it will last. I could probably leave it a few more hours but because i dont know i feel like i am definitly charging my fitbit earlier than what is really required.

Recovery Runner

some opinions about the next new update

1) show the percentage left of the battery level

2) choose 12/24 Hr

3) add alert for pace of every km at run mode ( now can only check after run at mobile or computer)

4) add 'swim' at exercise mode (now only can manual log)

Recovery Runner

i agree...I checked yesterday - it said I am at work without my charger, and it is telling me battery is low charge as soon as much time do I have before the battery runs out?  I am here for over 8 hours!  I don't feel like the indicator is accurate or that it gives enough warning from medium to charge it now!

Keeping Pace

Yes, this would be VERY HELPFUL in determining when it's best to recharge the battery.  It's not good to run the battery all the way down before charging it.


Currently my Fitbit Charge HR already has a battery level indicator while it's charging, just add that indicator as one of the screens I can cycle through while it's not charging.  This would enable users to check the battery level without having to open the smartphone app, or go into settings on the dashboard.



First Steps

This is not a new idea obviously but I think it is one that many of us could benefit from.  I know that this issue has happened to myself and many of my firends where we leave the house in the morning with the idicator saying half full and by the time we get to work the battery is dead.  I believe the easiest solution would be an upgrade to the app and online dashboard showing the percentage charge of the battery.  With this knowledge I think that many of us can avoid the issue of having dead Fitbits during the day with no chargers around.


Thank you. 

First Steps

I agree.  The low, medium, and high does not really help with determining when to charge.  Please also make it visible on any screen on the watch. 

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