More Adventures races/solo (in USA and Internationally)

Can you add more adventures to list of available choices? Right now there's stuff in New York and California but nothing that represents the middle of the country. I'd like to see Grandma's Marathon from Duluth, MN added to the list of available adventures and maybe some other well known places like Mount Rushmore or the Washington Mall in D.C. or Glacier National Park. Just please add more places. 


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


Some months ago I put in an enhancement suggestion that would let folk upload adventures rather than the slow folk at Fitbit having to do it for their customers. I do not know what has happened with this suggestion, but its goal is to enable the users of FitBit products to create adventures for other users to participate in without it being done USA centric.


I really hope that FitBit will build this enhancement.

First Steps

I know this is an older thread, but please, please,please add some more adventures!  

First Steps

How about Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona?

I am sorry I just don't have the expertise 

Tap to get Yahoo Mail
First Steps
It doesn’t seem like there is going to be any results from theses posts. My original post was quite some time ago. Many people have replied to my post with many different requests of new hiking trails but I really don’t think anyone from fitbit reads them. I think it’s just a place where we can wish.

Sent from my iPad
Not applicable

Let's keep this request going. Cannot believe more adventures have not been added yet. There should be dozens. Not half a dozen. 

First Steps

Yes please diffdiffe challenges and adventures fitbit! These old ones are getting monotonous ! 


Please add more challenges!!! These are the types of things that convince people to get a Blaze or Ionic instead of the stupid Apple Watch.  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see challenges based on calories burned and others that are not just step-based.

First Steps

Below is a statement from one of the Moderators. I’d have to say this is just a comment to try and appease the Fitbit community rather than actually take any action. Fitbit, the community members are telling you what they think and want!! Start acting on it! It’s 2018, making new challenges shouldn’t be that hard. Hell, hire some of us to help with this. The watches cost enough money, and we keep buying them, so why not throw us a **ahem** bone... dangle a carrot of hope or something.


Or, get in here and be honest- “community, thanks for buying our very expensive product. We hear you but honestly don’t care enough. So we aren’t going to make new hallenges. Stop asking.”


At least with that I can delete myself from this thread and stop holding out hooenfor change. 


LanuzaFitbit Moderator Moderator
‎01-26-18 08:14
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Not applicable

Totally agree. Lack of desired features will drive consumers to try other brands when it's time to upgrade. Impersonal responses that dance around the question don't help either.


Via twitter received this reply:


Hi! You can be assured that our moderators are doing their best to collate the features our customers want to relay to our product specialists. While we don't have anything to announce at this time, we'll be sure to make news when we do. Let us know if you have other questions!





These "Challenges" seem a Dead on Arrival stuff, being NY and Yosemite only. More of a marketing gimmick. And judging by the dates here, are never going to be expanded

Hi all. I joined the forum today to find out where I could download some new adventures. Surely, I thought, there must be scores of them by now and however much I love Yosemite and NY, I’ve done them to death and I’d like something new. 

When I saw that the post- more than a year old- which directed me here had a “solved” label attached, I thought, great, soon be up and running with some whizzy new views.

Er, no. It turns out.

has Fitbit replied to any previous enquirer regarding this subject? In the couple of minutes I’ve been here I’ve found several members asking the same question- Adventures are popular, can we have more of them? - without any response from the company. 

What’s the point in customer research if it’s never listened to, acknowledged or responded to?



First Steps

Please add more adventures. I’d love to see the Appalachian Trail added and some from other countries as well


Can we have more adventures please?

we only have 4 and we have done them over and over again. 

First Steps

I would love to have more adventure options in general but would really like to be able to create your own adventures.  I'm heading to Costa Rica this year and would like to be able to create a volcano hike that I could store and use for motivation when I am back home.  How cool would it be to re-visit your vacation by re-tracing your steps (virtually)!

First Steps

Please add more solo Adventures different locations too. Tjey really keep me motivated to get tips and badges. 


Suggestions: (Some grabbed from a previous post)

  • Toronto
  • London
  • Chicago 
  • Seattle
  • Grand Tetons - Jenny Lake
  • Mt. Rainier
  • Washington, DC
  • Montreal
  • Rome
  • Paris
  • Romania
  • Black Forest (Germany)
  • Scotland Highlands
  • Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Ireland
  • Petra
  • Egypt (Valley of the Kings)
  • Machu Piccu
  • Australian Outback
  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Rocky Mountain National Park
  • Tour de France Route
  • Great Wall of China
  • Virtual ones (?) - 7 Wonders of the World
  • Harry Potter Adventure or Narnia Adventure

There are tons of wonderful places to add both in the US and internationally (and even possibly virtually)!!  It's a gigantic BEAUTIFUL world! 🙂

Please add new ones. Thank you so much in advance!

First Steps

I know everyone would love more adventures. Maybe one challenge could be a stairs challenge where you climb the Eiffel tower, Mayan temple, Statue of Liberty or Empire State Building. After you achieve the stairs required, you get a panoramic view from the top of those landmarks.

Tempo Runner

@JuliaMacEwan Cool idea!


I would like to see a challenge in the UK please 

Lots of people seem to think so and have done for some time. For some reason Fitbit are dragging their feet on doing anything about it.
It’s crazy there are only 4 adventures
Mrs Sharon Omand
First Steps

 I don't have any friends to compete against so I do the solo adventures. I've done New York and Yosemite so many times I'm tired of it. The solo adventures were a great motivator to get me walking but having collected all the treasures in all 6 adventures I'm losing my motivation to be more active. I would greatly appreciate it if more solo adventures were added.

First Steps

I totally agree. There needs to be more adventures not only located in the US but overseas. I get airsick really bad and can only tolerate flying an hour so going overseas is never going to happen. There are good trails overseas that I'd like to do even if I can't physically go to that location and do it. Maybe do an adventure for Mt. Everest, through the Amazon, the Grand Canyon, etc. Just make walking exciting again.

First Steps

Could we have more solo adventures 

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