More Adventures races/solo (in USA and Internationally)

Can you add more adventures to list of available choices? Right now there's stuff in New York and California but nothing that represents the middle of the country. I'd like to see Grandma's Marathon from Duluth, MN added to the list of available adventures and maybe some other well known places like Mount Rushmore or the Washington Mall in D.C. or Glacier National Park. Just please add more places. 


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

I love them too.  Would like to see a lot more hiking adventures. 

Base Runner

I would love to have adventures for The Blue Ridge Parkway and/or The Great Smoky Mountains National Park! Both of these areas have such beautiful landmarks.



how about  a south pole adventure section... .  3 different ones to include ...1.  Shackleton. 2.   Scott and 3. Amundsen.  I really think this be fun as well as educational lots to learn there about birds/marine life and esp penguins,  as well as climate change effecting the ice. 


im pretty obsessed with what these guys did so to do a virtual trek of there journey i think would be amazing 

First Steps

The Torres del Paine trek in southern Chile would be beautiful. It has plenty of landmarks along the way, from glaciers to lakes to mountains - which would fit well with the adventure format.


My husband is a photographer and he has been there multiple times to take panoramas. The scenery is stunning.

First Steps

I couldn't agree more, as a world traveler, I truly love the integration of the adventures to the fitbit app. Let's add more locations!!  There are millions of great walks around the world to choose from. 

First Steps

I think most agree this would be awesome feature to develop more. Where is the response of Fitbit on this? Thank you.

First Steps

Would love more adventures similar to the Yosemite ones. I find them very motivating. Hoping for loads more and soon! If there were a simple tool on the Adventure page, users could share their own, complete with tips, trivia and exercises like the originals. This would help populate with a wide choice of adventures. The fitbit app should definitely have more of them. I am wondering if fitbit plans to sell these as an upgrade, or if they already are doing so. A reply from Fitbit on this would be helpful.

First Steps

More woodland/park adventures.  Loved Yosemite! NYC, not so much.  As I am stuck in my office getting steps where I can, it is great to see the trees, lakes, mountains, & wildlife.  More, more more!

First Steps

I have seen other people's adventures, and they are different than mine. I have Yosemite and New York. Love it, but I want the castle step one and some other areas in the world. How do I get the ones they have?

First Steps

I would love to see local State and National Parks on the Fitbit Adventures. I would love to know what I'm getting into before I get into it and I would love the chance to pre-plan vacations around beautiful Scenic areas close to home. Please Fitbit, Please give us more adventure! It is the light in my boring, routine, everyday life. I love the scenic landmarks. Please, Please, bring it on!


First Steps

I would love to have some adventures in Canada as the only ones that I have available now are all in America. I find that they could be a great motivator, and I will complete the NYC and Yosemite ones eventually I hope. 🙂

First Steps

I would love to see the adventures expanded.  The NYC and Yosemite adventures are great but it would be nice if there was more diversity.  More cities and hikes and include international locations. That would be a fun way to preview a new location. 

First Steps
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Though I enjoy the adventures and find them motivational, I'd like to see UK based adventures available. 

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I  agree with Blueorbits. A vertical challenge, say to Everest base camp, would be so cool. But any adventure is a great one. Cinque Terra, the Adirondacks, Banff... I find them so motivational.

Not applicable

More adventures please! They are motivating and fun.

First Steps

Would love ve to see some adventures in Mexico. With envy type of climate and terrain, I would for sure make travel plans just to complete these challenges. The Sierra Madres are beautiful and Leon, Guanajuato has a bike/run/cycle trail all around the city. They even beat out Zurich for best pedestrian trails ! 🙂 

First Steps

PLEASE more adventures! I've never found anything so motivating. I think it's been nearly 6 months!


Would love to see adventures in the Smoky's! Not all of us live anywhere near Yosemite or NYC nor have the funds travel that far and would like to be able to do some adventures too.

First Steps

Please add more adventures. They are more motivating me to exercise more, and is also fun

Stepping Up

Can there be more hiking trail challenges? I love the Yosemite ones, it would be great if there were more locations! Thanks!

First Steps

definitely agree, they can't justify the price of the fitbits if they're not going to support the places they sell them, I'm partly feeling ripped off


Moderator edit: format

First Steps

Adventures are an excellent way to get people inspired and to see parts of the world they wouldn't normally see. We found lots of amazing walks in Australia. Melbourne streets and alleyways,  Daintree Rain forest, the sunrise walk round Uluru, Sydney harbour via Botanical gardens and round to Bondi beach and Kangaroo Island to name a few. 

It would be really good if you could invite your friends along  to walk the challenges with you.

Kangaroo Island (137).jpg



Kangaroo Island Marvelous Rocks.jpg



Sydney Views.JPG



Sydney Views Bondi Breach.JPG



Ayers Rock (139).JPG



Ayers Rock (27).jpg



Daintree Rainforest (7).JPG



Port Douglas Thala Beach (28).jpg



Not applicable

Beautiful images!

First Steps

Hope you'll add more adventures, like the Grand Canyon or other parks

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