More Notifications

Hello Fitbit Team!


after a message of one of you moderator i have decided to make that topic.


I really like you products but the people using an IOS device really need more notifications!


So please give us more! 😃


Notificions i would recommend:


Whats App


and more messaging apps


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.

Stepping Up

This is a sorely needed feature. The product management team should make this feature the top prioroty for the next firmware release.

First Steps

I know it has already been submitted multiple times but I think it is now crucial that Fitbit supports this ASAP.

The Surge should be able to receive notifications from various apps or notification centers. There is no reason not too.

The Apple Watch is now ready for pre-order and supports basically all the same feature as the Surge + Notifications (and more from an IOS standpoint) for not that much more money. The Microsoft band does as well for cheaper...

Base Runner

I just noticed in the latest update the app is separating out call and text notifications... maybe this is a hint of things to come...? 🙂


I have an android and the original samsung galaxy gear.  The watch is on its last leg and I'd like to replace it with a surge.  The lack of notifications for any selected apps is the only thing holding me back.  The galaxy gear has a whole slew of features the surge doesn't (and perhaps shouldn't), but the notifications I would truly miss.  I hope you add this!  Getting notifications on my wrist and seeing the text preview saves me from constantly powering up my phone and checking it.  A gesture folks around you often interpret as dismissive.  I am also less likely to miss a notification from a watch buzzing on my wrist than from a phone in my pocket or on my desk -- especially in vibrate mode.

Only if you can select which ones you want I'm fine with just text and
phone calls. Any other is too distracting for a while I'm exercising. They
should all be selectable as to whether they will be used or not.

Michael D. Kester (U.S.N. Ret.)
First Steps

I can understand why the fitbit doesn't display all notifications, e.g. it's not going to display photos because of the screen. Twitter notifications would be great though, as they are based on SMS and can be displayed as a text notification. I would personally put that into the next iteration of the software.

Could not agree more. Switched from Garmin Vivo smart because their software was AWFUL but the notifications on the device were great. The new vivo active is a direct Surge competitor and it has this capabilty. Really love Fitbit software (that actually works) but I really miss notifications on my wrist, especially calendar, if Fitbit does not add they may lose me to a 2nd generation Apple Watch or back to Garmin if they ever fix their software. Come on Fitbit this would be a simple enhancement and it would save you one customer for sure!!!!

Email notifications would be absolutely awesome! I know that the Surge is fundamentally a fitness tracker, but emails would give it just a teeny bit more of a smartwatch feel.

First Steps
Ok so we can get on the charge HR When someone is calling and who. So what about a notification for a txt with who it's from or new emails face book etc. I understand due to limitation on screen that full
Message can't be shown but a notification and what and who. Surely this is possible
Not applicable

Yea, that will be great, even if not the whole text but title like :

Message whole message

e-mail just title (theme)

facebook "friend request"

Just to tell us the we need to act

Stepping Up


Stepping Up

Please make this, and i go buy the Surge ASAP.

First Steps

I would prefer to take that back a step:


Anytime the phone vibrator buzzes for a notification, also buzz my Charge.  I really don't care about seeing it on the screen.


I've always felt my iPhone's vibration was too week.  To have it also on my wrist, as just a notification to look at the phone anytime the phone vibration goes off, would be great.


Also, currently when someone calls, the Charge only buzzes once, and for a short time.  A little longer, and maybe 3 times (or as many times as the phone does), would be nice.  For added impact, make it user configurable! 😉


So, to recap:  How about making the Charge vibrate each time my phone vibrates.


EDIT: This is a duplicate request; for some reason my original search didn't work.  Vote for these instead:




Lack of notifications is a glaring weakness of the Surge compared to other smartwatches. I would love to be able to enable notifications from more apps, including:

- Hangouts
- Email
- Twitter

Lack of these have me considering whether to keep wearing my Pebble during the day and only use my Surge for runs.

First Steps

I've just come from a Sony Smartband to Fitbit Surge...and am really disappointed to lose the ability to receive other notifications.  Please extend the capability to include other notifications.


Yes! This is really disappointing.  I've had a Pebble for two years, and I now feel crippled not being able to read texts (Hangouts), twitter notifications, and email at a glance.


I love the activity tracking and pretty much everything else about the Surge, but it effectively has no notification support, since all my texts come through Hangouts.  Fitbit checked the box on this one for marketing purposes, but this is clearly an MVP (minimum viable product) in this regard.  As a software developer myself, I totally get that, but I hope updates are coming down the chute.

Not applicable

Just look for Martian Notifier. It can display all notifications, from all your applications, We FitBitters (Charge,Charge HR,Surge) want the same !!!!!!

Before this is was a lot of post ideas like this, moreover, some of them was from last year, but YOU didn't do anything !!!!

Moderators : Do not give for this post status "Implemented", because it's not YET


Moderator edit: Format

Stepping Up

I agree with all of the above comments! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add more notifications like FB, Twitter, Calendar, Reminders...etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Steps
Would really like to see notifications from whatsapp Facebook etc social media

1+ for whatsapp


add this feature please


Such an overpriced product with minimal features



Base Runner
+1. This make us love our Fitbits even more!
Not applicable

Smiley Frustrated

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Smiley Frustrated

First Steps

There is really no reason not to acess the notifcation dashboard for android and ios at this point.  killer flaw 

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