More accurate battery level or % on website

I would like to suggest the addition of a Tile for the Dashboard.  Battery Level.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label


It would also be nice if the level had a little more data than "high, medium, and low".  Shouldn't be too difficult from a software standpoint.

Recovery Runner

I would really like to see the battery charge icon on the dashboard.  I'm new to this, so if I'm not seeing it on that page, tell me.  I see it on Settings, but I'd like it readily viewable with my data.

Hill Runner

Good idea - should be a simple fix

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Thanks for the suggestion, @Zitman11. I've gone ahead and moved your idea to the Product Ideas section to give it more visibility and to allow other community members to add their comments and vote for your suggestion.


It is currently possible to view the battery level by clicking the gear icon. Do you feel that this is not accessible enough to meet your needs?

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 3.10.47 PM.png

It seems to me that adding a battery tile would take up valuable dashboard real estate. I realize it would be optional and could be placed according to a user's individual preferences, but would like to get a better understanding of how you all might benefit from a battery tile. Thanks in advance for the additional insight!


I agree that there should be an option to see what the battery charge is on the dashboard. It could be incorporated into the header where there is dead space. There are many ways to make a small icon that would show charge levels or even better have it just show the level as a percentage, that might take even less space. For the many users out there that arn't computer savvy or only use their computers to check tracking it would be very helpful to be able to see the charge anytime they are on the site. These people also don't get any notification the battery is dying unless they are near their computer with their email open. Not everyone using fitbit products use smart phones. I have a force and it would be nice to see the charge as an option on its display.


How about putting the battery status on the front page of the dashboard next the 'Notifications' icon.

Status changed to: Duplicate
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for the feedback! I'd suggest placing your votes and comments in this existing idea.


I'll go ahead and close this topic so we can keep it all in one place.


I do not see the need for a dedicated tile.  I think the status could be placed next to the 'Notification' icon.

Recovery Runner

I agree, something else should be used for battery charge. Possibly a numeric percent. Just looking at the battery one has no idea what kind of increment the "charge" portion will change. Does it show full, half full then empty? 

Recovery Runner

I don't necessarly need it as a tile on the dashboard, but I would love to see a % of battery life.  It would be a lot easier to guage when to charge it up instead of High, medium, low. 


I would love to see the battery level as a tile on the dashboard. I don't think to look in settings regularly. It would be nice if it was put somewhere I look more regularly than in the settings. Most times you set the settings and never go back. I would like to know it is getting low before it gets to the point of sending me an email or a warning on my dashboard. If it was in the dashboard I'd see it every time I sync which to me would be helpful so I can plan my charging to an inactive time better.

First Steps

I also concur that a battery status indicator either as a tile or a permanent indicator on the top bar would be a valuable enhancement.  The gear icon is helpful when you think about checking it.  But the adage "out of sight, out of mind" kicks in most of the time.  I think most users would appreciate better monitoring of the battery at each sync with an automatic visual indicator rather than having to remember to click on an icon.  THANK YOU!

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Progression Runner

Great idea! Thanks for posting! 


So let me get this straight:


Request was posted on:

‎01-03-2014 08:26


Seems to be a great idea.


It is now 01/02/2016 and as a new user I find that device software does not allow me to detect a feature (obviously needed) on the user dashboard for a device.


Will this get done in my lifetime or should I return this gift [Fitbit One] and get one that is better supported????




Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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