More badges (Add badge ideas here!)

Need more creative badges and trophies rather than just the lifetime records... that could be more motivating.

Here are a few ideas:
- Badge for reaching 10000 steps for 7 days in a row, 15 days in a row, 50 days in a row...
- Badges based on active minutes/calories/kilometers
- How about some more crazy/funny badges like "night owl" for someone who regularly achieves a lot of steps at night, "out of bed" (same principle but for early morning), etc.
- Badges that reflect poor activity; for instance a badge if you don't reach 10000 steps/day once in 7 days, ...

I think that these are all ideas that could really enrich the experience of fitbit users by increasing motivation and I believe they are all relatively simple to implement in the Fitbit system!!

Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

First Steps

I agree with the need for more badges! I did 102,000 in one day and it stopped at 75,000 steps-per-day badge which is unfortunate! They should be autogenerated, shouldn't be too difficult!

Recovery Runner

Hey Fitbit!

What about us Sherpas?

The climbing badges end at a mere 28,000 floors. I think one can reach the max climbing badge if they complete the 7 Summits group challenge. I enjoy climbing more than just logging distances so I'd like to see this category get more recognition.  I've climbed over 93,000 floors since May 12, 2012 and I'd like to get a 100,000 floor badge once I reach my goal in the next 5 to 7 weeks.  Please make it happen!

Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Those who have voted here might also want to check out this idea for "streak" badges, as it was mentioned in the comment section here.

First Steps

Dear Fitbit,

My mom has been climbing up and down every hill in her neighborhood in order to earn the motivating badges. She's now floating around in space and I miss her terribly. I'm flying around in a ufo looking for her. She was so sad to find space being the last badge, she lost all motivation to climb the hills. Being lost in space has been hard on her and even though I also might get to space one day, I'm afraid I won't find her. Any chance you can design another badge? Send mom to the moon or any other planet, so I can find her? Please, my mom is really lonely and sad, being lost in space. She wants to keep climbing, but needs the motivation of new badges.

Love Janina from Norway

First Steps

Yes!   More badges please!  Some of us really need that extrinsic motivation!  Smiley Wink  

Stepping Up

My friends and I have all done 100k, its time for 80k, 85, 90, 95, 100k...maybe even 110k badges. Its an amazing accomplishment so why not have a badge to show for it?  

Recovery Runner

I really miss the "you've climbed the tallest Lego tower" and similar badges (not sure they are really badges - more motivators). I'd love to climb enough stairs to be in outer space, but I'd settle for Mt. Everest. Please bring these fun things back!

First Steps

I've posted several times about the need for additional daily steps and floors climbed badges. I'm not sure if I'm more frustrated by the easy fix the addition of these badges would be or by the fact that no one from Fitbit ever responds to forum requests.


It's frustrating that they don't react. It's so easy to introduce further badges (100 000 floors, 1 000 ffloors a day, 20 000 kilometres)... And it would motivate a lot of us.

Cross-Country Runner

I totally agree with this suggestion.  My coworker got a Jawbone Up at the same time I got my Flex. Her experience has been so much more fun than mine.  It really interacts with her and gives motiviation. Just today she got a message like "Your longest inactive period was 2 hours yesterday - Try to keep it under 1.75 today". My flex seems like such a dud compared to that.  I have a few badges but don't even know what other badges there are to work towards.  Pretty disappointed with my purchase.  I wanted a cheerleader on my wrist, not a boring pedometer.

10K Racer

Definately need more lifetime badges for steps, miles and elevation.  I just hit 100,000 floors which is nearly 4x the current max lifetime floor badge


I completely agree about more badges.  I'd really like one for getting 10,000 steps 5 days in a row as well as 7 days in a row, and/or maybe one showing "best number of consecutive  days over 10,000 steps." I just did 7 days in a row and would have loved the little "pat on the back."


First Steps

Please please please add more badges. I ran 100 miles this past weekend and I only achieved my 75k badge and that was the top of the badge range and there are no more. I liked the challenge. I liked knowing I had reached astronaut level etc  with the climbs. I would also like the announcements to not say "walked" the steps. I would love a choice of how I got there walking or running when I post to my FB account.

First Steps

Please add more badges. I ran 100 miles this past weekend and I only achieved my 75k badge and that was the top of the badge range and there are no more. I liked the challenge. I liked knowing I had reached astronaut level etc  with the climbs. I would also like the announcements to not say "walked" the steps. I would love a choice of how I got there walking or running when I post to my FB account.

Recovery Runner

I too did an ultra this past week end and walked 89 miles in 24 hrs. I'd love to see 100,000, 125,000, 150,000 175,000 and 200,000 daily step badges.


Let's increase the climbing badges from 28,000 floors to 100,000 floors and eventually 200,000 floors and beyond.


At the very least we should be able to receive multiple climbing badges, i.e., Astronaut 28,000 floors with the number of times you've accomplished it and the last date it was achieved. Just like the step badges.

Just sayin'


How is this still "Under Review"?  This is such a simple idea/request that would take minimal programming time and would only add to the FitBit experience.  Not all of the proposed badges need to be implemented, but an expanded list is definately needed. 


It is from ideas like this that I am convinced that FitBit doesn't really want or care about our ideas.  Heck, if you look in the "Implemented" category, most of those aren't even real ideas.  This type of behavior makes customers feel unappreciated and not listened to.  That is poor customer service.


I'll agree that a group of lifetime steps badges would be good.  Also, I think 5000m should not be the last distance badge or 28000 the last floor badge.

Recovery Runner

My weight loss is a bigger goal for me than getting more than 5-10k steps per day! I just got my 30 pound weight loss badge & would rather see that every time I look at the dashboard rather than just the steps per day badge. Seems it would be an easy thing to add to allow users to choose which top badge is the default!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels


It's a shame that they the site guru's, seem to turn a deaf ear to our pleas for more badges Man Mad


Love this Idea! I would totally rack up a bunch of "Night Owl" badges. Whenever I haven't hit my goal for the day, I'm jogging in place next to my bed furiously before midnight, trying to reach my goal and beat out my friends. Lol.


Also, maybe there could be an additional system between friends. A way to give awards to each other that are a healthy mix between cheering and taunting; as opposed to giving badges for unhealthy or stagnant behavior.

Recovery Runner

They are great techies but poor marketers. They don't seem to understand there are only 2 ways to grow a business. One is keep your current customers by keeping them constantly engaged with new customer experiences and number two is going out and getting new customers.


What Fitbit fails to realize is that by really wowing the Fitbit Community thru enhanced customer experiences they are activating an army of Fitbit sales people they don't need to pay. Every addicted Fitbitter has a circle of influence of 10 people. By really taking care of their current customers wants and motivations they can accomplish exponential grow. 


They need to read Marketing Without Money by Tom Patty. Tom retired as the CEO of Chait/Day the only Ad Agency Steve Jobs worked with during his time as CEO at Apple.


I attend Tom's Marketing Without Money Score Seminars in Newport Beach. Fitbit should join me. 


Burrito Bob




Why not add badges for additional activities/achievements such as:

- First time a user increased the goal for total steps, miles, etc.
- Badge for establishing a weight goal.
- Badges for hitting milestones in a weight loss/gain goal.
- First tracked activity (walk, run, hike).
- (Utilizing the new GPS tracker feature) First hike in a national park.
- "New York Minute" badge for logging active minutes along city streets.
- Badges awarded for logging particular combinations of activities. For example, logging activities for running, biking and swimming would unlock a "Triathlete" badge.
- An "Early Bird" badge for tracking/logging an activity before 6 a.m.
- A "Night Owl" badge for tracking/logging an activity in the evening.
- "Weekend Warrior" for significantly exceeding your goals on a weekend.
- "Top of the Heap" most 7 day steps among all friends.
- "Back on Track" user starts meeting goals again after a lapse in activity.


I would like to see more badges that you could set yourself; I'm disabled, to walk 10000 steps in a day is a dream!  It takes me 5 days to do that much (unless I overdo it).  I'm unlikely ever to get most of the badges, it would be nice to have maybe a choice of lower range one, or ones tailored to ones goals; I have 2,000 steps as my goal each day - it would be more motivating for me to achieve my goal on x days running etc otherwise I'd never get the benefit of motivation from the badges as they are out of my reach.

Base Runner

Was just coming to post the same thing. Upvoted from me!


Wow this was put under review 6 months ago .  Is this for real what exactly needs reviewing it should be at the absolute core of fitbits creative efforts . Someone is not looking at the competion and seeing that new and creative acheivement tokens are the lifeblood of keeping apps fresh and new and users enthused. 

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