More control on fitbit os simulator config (locale, date/time, activities levels)


I think it can be a good thing to have options in simulator to

- change locales (language, 12/24h format)

- force a given date/time

- force a given battery level, steps and other activities data


This will help to test and reproduce cases for app/clockface



Not applicable

Those are great suggestions @gfxfr, thanks for suggesting them. It's not planned yet, but I'll check with the product team and leave that suggestion open for votes and comments.

Recovery Runner
It will be great to have a set of switches in the Fitbit OS Simulator to change temperature degrees units (from Celsius to Kelvin), to change distance units (from metric to imperial) .
Also it will be great to have a set of sliders to set hour, minute, number of steps, floors, distance, active minutes, calories etc just like the battery one.
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