More in-depth sleep data analysis (eg impact of activity or HR on sleep)

Hi everyone!!!

Dear Fitbit,

it would be really nice if you could implement more functional sleep analysis. I ask/suggest/offer you to have a look at really interesting app (Sleep Cycle).  Sleep cycleSleep cycle

I am sure that a lot of Fitbit users would appreciate this kind of sleep information. Here you can see some examples but there is much more in it. 



1 2 34 I am sure this kind of functionality would bring you more customers and more fun to Fitbit users. Thank you!!!

PS. I am really surprised you have not done it yet


Moderator Edit: Edited labels and Clarified subject


This was a great feature that I had with MS Band 2 and MS Health dashboard, I switched to the Blaze for better battery endurance and automatic sleep tracking.  Having HR displayed throughout my sleep tracking results would be good to have.

First Steps
This would be great! I definitely sleep better when I've slept longer, so making that correlation clearer in the sleep analysis would be a great incentive for folks to get moving!

I also use Sleep Cycle, and was impressed by the FitBit's ability to subtract the time I am awake from the time I am "in bed", which Sleep Cycle does not. However, my restlessness basically halves my time actually asleep in the FitBit tracking because there is no distinction made between light sleep and awake. A smart alarm would be great, but I'm used to just tipping my phone up for a sec to snooze Sleep Cycle, and it's not so easy to find snooze on the FitBit. I'd love to have the Sleep Cycle sleep analysis graphs like you mention, but with the FitBit's ability to take into account time I am fully awake and maybe walking around for a minute or two. Also, since FitBit is tracking everythign else, it's easy to associate sleep pattern disruption with a certain activity or food during the day. Being able to enter specific meal times would be the final step.


 I also use that sleep app also and was just thinking more information on the app would be great. 

First Steps

I love the sleep information from my Fitbit. I've read that the most important practice in getting a good nights sleep is to go to bed and get up at the same time everyday. I would find it helpful if the sleep graph was changed from a bar graph of "hours slept" to a floating bar graph of "when the hours were slept" with the y-axis being the time of day (or night).

Then it would be easy to scan across the week or month and see if I'm sticking to my schedule.

The goal would then change from "8 hours of sleep" to "8 hours of sleep between 10pm and 6am" or whatever the user defines as a desired schedule.

First Steps
I just want to be able to combine to sleep entries. Often I end up with two entries for a single night of sleep because of a restless period that falls close to midnight.
I just want to be able to combine the two entries and have it record the gap in between the two entries correctly as a restless period.

@SarpaisI have had that happen to me also. I was thinking we can delete it and then readd the sleep but my husband just told me to leave it alone.. Its only happened 1 time so far.. Sometimes I get up and have trouble falling asleep for a few minutes. 


Great idea! 

First Steps
My miband does better analysis with deep sleep and light sleep. I think its quite accurate too...
Since the Blaze has the capability of sleep tracking, software developed to display usable (rem time,...) data would be great for marketing. As it is, the data provided was nearly a deal killer. Thank you.
Tempo Runner

Yes, please put the sleep efficiency in the app, where you can make proper charts with it, and give us the average sleep efficiency for an entire 24 hours for each day, rather than for just part of the sleep.  (It will often decide I've slept in more than one session if I was a bit restless in the night, put a 5 min "awake" period in between them, and then only count one of the sessions.)  Apart from wanting to see proper graphs, having to access it on the website means that I can't see the picture for sleep efficiency, because it uses Flash player and many Android devices no longer support Flash.


Incidentally, my Fitbit Charge HR has had very poor battery life recently, and one morning I woke early and noticed that the battery was dead.  I plugged it in to charge, went back to sleep, and put the Fitbit back on two hours later.  I'm pretty sure the Fitbit is capable of detecting when it is charging vs. when it is on my wrist.  The heart rate data certainly showed that correctly.  However, the sleep data had me logged as sleeping all the time the Fitbit was charging, and even came up with periods of restlessness and so forth.  I think it did the same for when it was turned off due to the battery having run out a few hours earlier.  What is going on here?

Yes good idea
First Steps

Time goes by and there is still nothing...

Hey, developers, is there real dev work in progress to make that basic function to work rather sooner?

Recovery Runner
Yup sleep and heart rate best features need to make em more in detail would be awesome
Base Runner
They could add cycle breakdown like rem/deep sleep. My phone/tablet can do it (I use the app pillow on iOS and Sleep as Droid on Android) as well as other fitness trackers do it, however even through the hardware is there with fitbit to be able to, they didn't bother programming the software.

What about smart wakeup cycle (when you are in light sleep, not deep) like other trackers or any number of apps? That app pillow wakes me up in a 30 minute window whenever I am most awake, and not in deep sleep. It works great and I am no longer groggy in the morning. The phone (which does it by movement) has far less data than the fitbit, which has movement and heart rate. Nonsense this feature hasn't been added yet.
Recovery Runner
Good luck. It's been over two years and they haven't even added the sleep
efficiency percentage to the mobile app.

Their app is buggy and their support is cheerful nonaction.
Would be a great feature with the different sleep cycle (paradoxal...)
Will be a major feature !
Stepping Up
Really I will appreciate more detailed sleep analysis on my fitbit alta. I love it and I think regarding sleep it's more or less accurate but details and more text rather than graphs will help
First Steps
Yes it would be great if the sleep analysis shows the efficiency of sleep and suggests ways to improve upon it as well.
First Steps

Please do this!  Sleep data is super interesting and one of the reasons I got a Fitbit (and to measure heart rate).  I would love to see more data - such as light/deep/REM sleep - and displayed in charts such as these.  This is one of the most important features IMO!

First Steps
I would really like more sleep insight, but also have the device use the sleep data to wake me up during optimal sleep phases like the app the original poster references.
Recovery Runner
I'd love to see much better sleep data on the blaze.
First Steps

When I got a FitBit I found that I am a very restless sleeper! I thought it would be useful to see the sleep and heart rate data together on the app to see how these co-relate - to have the heart rate data superimposed onto the sleep record.

Just my two cents! 🙂
Something I've personally noticed while having a fitbit is that often, how rested I feel depends more on how long the biggest block of unbroken sleep was rather than the total number of minutes I "slept" (or laid half awake while tossing and turning). Being in bed for 9 hours and getting restless every 20 minutes is actually less restful than a night I'm only in bed for 6 hours but only got restless for a few minutes an hour in or something.

I can manually look at how long my longest block of unbroken sleep was, but it's cumbersome, and I imagine it'd be fairly easy to add that in as another data point for the sleep log.

The original suggestion is great but I have a fitbit one, so no heart rate info. I may have to consider the jawbone from the sound of the first post... A lot of people get fitbit for the sleep analysis (including a bunch of friends that got interested the other day when I posted a screen shot of my sleep log!) so fitbit might want to step it up here. Thank you for your consideration!
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