More stats regarding the heart rate

There is only resting heart rate and being able to hover over the daily HR chart to get HR at that moment in time. What I want to see is the following


HR min, max, average, variance, median, std dev, 99th percentile, 95th percentile, etc. I’m ok if you’ve already aggregated and averaged out the HR on the watch itself, or the sample rate is not down to the second. Variance or median of the average is still useful to me even though it is not statistically pure. 


have a breakdown on daily, while asleep, while awake, during exercise, and range which I can select. 


Be be able to take the asleep/awake/day level stats and graph it cross multiple days. 


I notice when I am under the weather my hr goes up, and my hr variance is difference during different times of the day. If I can see the trends of these stats the I can personally make inferences they my body may be functioning suboptimally. 

First Steps

This is also useful for the website dashboard. And if your not giving this feature at least allow it to be exported so I can calculate these alone on excel.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Hey @Forbidder! Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think having more stats regarding the heart rate in the Fitbit app.

First Steps

Include max and min heart rate a day

Status changed to: New
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hello @Seadog57 ! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy


I’m a cardiology PA.  While in clinic, I had a patient with episodes of passing out who had a Fitbit. I hoped she would be able to tell me her heart rate high and low. She couldn’t. I tried to find a way to display the range on my app and couldn’t. Is there a easy to see the day’s high and low?  This would be very useful at helping identify causes of loss of consciousness. It would also help us determine if a patient could handle a medication change - if we were increasing a med that would slow the heart. 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this suggestion! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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