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It would be great if you could add capability to play music through Bluetooth on your devices. I currently have to take my phone with me to get my running app and music. Are there any plans to add this feature?
Please for the love of (Diety of your choice) integrate a 4GB minimum mem module with a simple player that can handle MP3, M4A, AAC, OGG...... You have the Bluetooth aready. Pair to set of ANYTHING Bluetooth "VOILA" There you go No need for a phone, or some other device no need for a music controller. Create a whole new device for all I care. Might as well add it to the growing vine of FitBit devices. Call it "Voila" WHY carry multiple Devices? Freaking Painful. There is no reason this can not be integrated in the Charge HR 2, Blaze & Surge at $150 and up at $20 a unit increase would cover it and then some!
I currently have a pebble watch which i'm happy with but it won't last forever so i'm putting the feelers out...
do we have an interest/possibility for the freecaddie app and a music app eg, music boss and do the apps work in the same way as pebble and what can we expect in the future?
music storage, music player, voice recognition "fitbit steps" and "fitbit heart rate" with voice response., waterproof in descending order of importance.
Believe there is a whole market of users who dont want to have to bring their phone or music player with them when they exercise with bluetooth headphones. VR is commonplace now especially in cars and in radiology reporting and many other disciplines. VR capabilities to be minimal but effective at beginning. . Voice response so you dont have to reach for buttons and try to reveal screen under clothing in order to see progress. Thanks for the opportunity to communicate my suggestions
i would leave my phone at home if I could stream music through an app made available on a watch. Phones at the gym and on runs are annoying but I need music.
When fitbit bought out Pebble, I was hoping to see some music integration. With the Pebble watch that I had coming (until Fitbit bought them out and killed it) was a simple and economical smartwatch. It displayed notifications from my phone, could hold music - and play through bluetooth headphones, had a gps for tracking distance/pace/etc when running or biking, and could work independently of a phone (if you have to take your phone when running, why have a watch/fitbit?). So Fitbit, I REALLY hope you're doing something with the awesome technology that you acquired when you bought Pebble. If you bought them out just to squash some competition that had you shaking in your boots, I'm severally disappointed. And so far, I have no reason to believe otherwise.
We need more Altas like we need more Acid Rain! Here is the rundown of Rumors for Fitbit but I doubt it happens like is pictured here. the big problem is getting the size right, feature updates that we have been requesting for 3 years now. FITBIT may very well be the next Jawbone!!! just dust and bones.
Hi @Mcqueen78@jkmcarthur@TimAdam@Garret10 and @GLABELLA we’re excited to let you know that the feature you proposed has now been implemented in the newest Fitbit tracker, Ionic. You can learn more about Ionic and it’s new features, like an app gallery, music and payments here: Thank you so much for your suggestion and for taking the time to share your ideas to help us make trackers better.
Motorola Moto 360 Sport Released in 2014 4GB storage 1000 songs Sony Smartwatch 3 Sport Released in 2014 4GB storage 1000 songs Timex Ironman One GPS Released in 2014 4GB storage 1000 songs Samsung Gear S2 Released in 2015 4GB storage 1000 songs
TomTom Spark Released in 2015 storage 500 songs
Apple Watch Released in 2016 2GB storage 300 songs
FITBIT- Ionic Released in 2017 "Ionically" has only 2.5GB of storage... 350 songs.... Really fitbit... Really.......
@LizFitbit I would love to buy an Ionic but it doesn't have off line storage for Spotify like Samsung Fit2 Pro. Are you planning to implement this soon ? If not you will lose a potential customer. I think there are likely to be loads of people like me who will go for Samsung or Apple Watch if you can't fix this. Thanks
Add a fast forward and a rewind controller in the Music App. Sometimes I just want to skip a song's intro and get to the good part. It'd also be nice to be able to rewind a little to re-listen to what someone said in a downloaded podcast, without having to start the 2 hour podcast completely over.
Gone through two HR 2 and thought they were great trackers for heart rate (most accurate I've used) but decided to upgrade to Ionic for the music and GPS. Not what i expected! Very unreliable heart rate tracker. Perhaps it is the bigger watch that might move on my wrist, who knows but fitbit support couldnt fix my unreliable readings. Now my daughter wears my ionic because it has a "pretty screen face" and I am using an old HR2.
To Fitbit R & D.. Please put music on the HR3 and you will have a HIT! If you want a smart watch then go with ionic but HR2/3 are much more accurate for those looking to track fitness, but it needs music storage to be a complete tracker (everybody exercises to music) GPS is less important for me, now that i tried it on the Ionic
As a LEO, whos jail facility will only allow fitness rings,I would love for Fitbit to embrace this idea. Currently, my facility wants us to remove our wrist trackers for any jail shift. I love to see my progress and a ring from Fitbit would help- I'd rather give the cost of one to fitbit then spend it with another brand.
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