Natwest bank added to Fitbit Pay

Please add Natwest Bank to Fitbit Pay

First Steps
This is all a load of **ahem**, the fitbit team are talking **ahem**, people have
been "suggesting" this for well over a year, fitbit pay will never have
natwest or any other known UK bank, hopefully it will get replaced with
google pay now that Google own fitbit.
Stepping Up

@JR1998 - we can but hope... I first logged this issue nearly 2 years ago, but despite many comments supporting confirming the issue, Fitbit has steadfastly ignored us. But who knows, as you say, Google are the masters now!

Would like to use Natwest bank with fitbit please.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Whazzman, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see Natwest bank added to Fitbit Pay. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about it here. I hope to see you around.

First Steps
This will never happen, this is a waste of time, people have been asking
for this for years, maybe noe Google own fitbit we'll get Google pay on
fitbit devices.
Base Runner

I got my Fitbit Ionic 6 months ago to replace a blaze with a failed battery. 

One of the reasons I purchased this model was for the ability to pay thefor goods using the watch. Imagine my surprise when I found that NO UK banks were available!

I don't care which UK banks are added, just get them added!

I currently bank with NatWest, Santander and TSB, but happy to move to whichever offers the best deal. 

Come on Fitbit!

Base Runner

I got my Fitbit Ionic 6 months ago to replace a blaze with a failed battery. 

One of the reasons I purchased this model was for the ability to pay for goods using the watch. Imagine my surprise when I found that NO UK banks were available!

I don't care which UK banks are added, just get them added!

I currently bank with NatWest, Santander and TSB, but happy to move to whichever offers the best deal. 

Come on Fitbit!

First Steps
Starling is an available UK bank and there is one other, you can see these
on the list of banks.
First Steps
Starling bank works with Fitbit

Sent from my iPad
First Steps
I’ve just bought the versa 2 for the fact of Fitbit pay and to realise only Santander is on it I hope to hear natwest will get added very soon thank you.
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Ryanmarshall, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about adding Natwest to the list of banks supported by Fitbit Pay, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here to keep this board organized.

First Steps
Although there is a list of banks it would be nice to see major UK banks included asides Santander as this would be much more convenient for the millions of customers not able to use fitbit pay
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Lasassin96, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to use Natwest bank on Fitbit Pay. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". I hope to see you around.


For 2 years now I've seen multiple requests on your community pages to get the major uk banks added to fitbit pay.  But these requests seem to have fallen on deaf ears.  There is still no sign of the likes of Natwest bank, Lloyd's bank, Barclays bank to name just a few of the UK biggest banks.  When are you going to give your loyal uk supporters what they've been asking you for for a long time

First Steps
Seeing as Google bought fitbit they should just add Google pay.
First Steps

Goodbye Fitbit. 2 years on and you still cannot be bothered to add any more uk banks. Your product is rubbish so I have bought a Garmin Vivoactive 3 and I am much happier with it. Have fun ignoring all your UK users. I will not be back.

First Steps

I just got a charge 4 for my birthday and got extremely excited to see it could handle contactless payments, (working at a hospital means I'm not always able to carry a mobile) however I got very deflated to see that my bank Natwest is not on the supported list and even more so the issue has been ongoing for nearly 2 years. I was looking at getting a Samsung gear watch with an Esim sometime in the new year for this purpose so this was a gift well received and I am now just left with disappointment. Is this something you are actually looking to include or am I going to have to approach the gift giver and explain that however lovely this gift is it would be a waste not to refund it because I would be be hard pressed finding a time to wear it when I'm not wearing a device that is compatible with my bank.

Many thanks for reading this and please say it's something that will be done soon 😞


Can we bump this to the top. Can it also be advised if the deciding factor is in the hands of Fitbit or the banks themselves?



First Steps
Add NatWest to the list of supported banks for Fitbit pay in the UK
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @J99ckc, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see Natwest UK bank added to Fitbit Pay. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". I hope to see you around.

Thanks but I'm not going to hold my breath anything will get done. We've
been asking for standard uk banks to be added to the list for a long time.
Why can't we use Google pay
Stepping Up

Hi @Jane_1965  - I definitely would not hold your breath (there's no exercise option for that, just as there isn't for Badminton - only the most heavily participated in racket sport globally). This question of UK bank support has been limping along for years. There even was a bright spark who continuously suggested that it was up to us to request our banks to support fitbit pay. So no, don't hold your breath... (BTW - it was moved to "Under Consideration" several updates ago.)

First Steps
As google now own fitbit why not do a very simple update too add Google
Stepping Up

Very unlikely to get google software on our existing platforms. They will release a new Fitbit with google only software, which will mean we will have to buy a new device. I mean, why would they elongate our use of an older device?

First Steps
Large banks in the UK to enable us to use Fitbit Pay, such as NatWest Bank and Barclays Bank. They already support Apple Pay why not Fitbit Pay? You would increase your sales of Fitbit if people had more options in the UK to use their Fitbit pay.
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