Need a clock face with seconds Inspire HR

I just bought an Inspire HR to replace my aging Alta - but there's no clock face with a seconds display! I'm a pretty intense home cook & I used the seconds display on my Alta a LOT - would LOVE to have this option on my Inspire. This probably isn't a tough thing to program - pls consider this asap! Thx!


Moderator Edition: Updatet title for clarity

First Steps
Definitely unbelievable. I could maybe see their not updating the old
version, nut to no date the new Inspire seems to be blatant ignoring
ignoring of their customer base, who will be put off from buying the new
Inspire. I know I am, as are you.

One of the top uses, and sources of upgrade requests, of this product was
nurses. You would think Fitbit would pay serious attention to these people
who are doing their best to help all the COVID-19 patients. We really
don’t want them miscounting seconds of pulse rates at the end of a 36 hour
shift in a COVID-19 ward.

I think I’m going to call and write Fitbit and tell them exactly that.

Best regards,
Celeste Butler, P.E.
443 417 7387
First Steps

I am a veterinary technician and I got this as a gift, I was so excited to start using it but then I saw the lack of a seconds on any of the displays. I have to have seconds displayed for the same reason as all the nurses posted and am really bummed that there is no option for this. Now I'm try to decide if I need to return it or if I can make this work somehow, which is really frustrating. The fact that this thread is so old and hasn't seen a new response from a moderate or been fixed is making me lean towards a return. This is honestly a huge bummer.

For all those with this complaint and those yet to complain. Do yourselves
a favor and just move to another device. I personally, not just for this
reason, have given up on fitbit and migrated to garmin. Excellent customer
support and feature packed devices.
Tired of beating a dead horse with fitbit.

Keep safe and healthy all

I am a vet tech and absolutely need the second hand on the clock face.  Please develop that for the inspire.  

First Steps
Include seconds on clock face design for Inspire HR. Or at least an option to switch display info.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Fibbles, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to need a clock face with seconds Inspire HR. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". I hope to see you around.

PLEASE put a priority on this enhancement request. There have been many
MANY people asking fir this including myself.


First Steps

@YojanaFitbit Please do consider. I see many made this request as well so I am not the only one.



First Steps
I work in the medical field and it is hard not having seconds in the clock. I know about the stop watch but it takes for ever to get to it. It would be a great idea to put seconds on the clock face or make a short cut for the timer. Many essential healthcare workers I know have switched to the apple watch because of this very problem.
Status changed to: Needs More Info
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Nicomejia19Thank you for sharing your Feature Suggestion with the Fitbit Community. We aren't sure for what Fitbit device you'd like this feature to be developed so please reply with more details as that will help us to understand this idea better. We look forward to your response.

First Steps
Hi, I am talking specifically about the Inspire HR. It would really be helpful to have seconds as an option to view on the clock face so I could instantly access a seconds counter. It seems strange that this isn't already an option.

Thank you!
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Nicomejia19Thanks for clarifying that you'd like to have a clock face with seconds available for the Inspire HR. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to keep the forums organized and make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

@LizzyFitbit This has been suggested for nearly 2 years. What is Fitbit going to do? This is ridiculous for a simple request that is available on most other FB devices. This is wildly disappointing how slow and unresponsive FB is for this.


PLEASE PLEASE deliver this no-brainer enhancement!  Why is there such a delay in doing this ?? !!

Fitbit customer support:  Why don't you listen to customer requests and feedback?  This should not take so long to deliver!

First Steps
Yeah, this is part of the reason why my next Fitbit is gonna be a Garmin.
First Steps

Would love to have a clock interface with a seconds hand. I'm going into nursing school and the reason I got a Fitbit was to easily count my heart rates on patients, can't do this without a seconds hand! The next best option is the stopwatch feature, which I can't move to be easier accessible on my watch. Some poor design choices 😞

First Steps

Hi, good news for Inspire 2 users. Just noticed there is a clock face showing "seconds" after update of application. Since surface is not big, and that is why I like Inspire 2, perhaps too many information showing(letters are small), I'm quite satisfied.  


What about Inspire HR?  Only upgrade Inspire 2?  That’s not good customer service!!


It has been 2 full years and counting. Give us some updates on this! It's absolutely absurd that it takes years to get a **ahem** thing done.

First Steps

We want a clock face with the seconds on it!

First Steps

Need seconds in addition to minutes for workouts.  

Stepping Up

I don't know if Inspire HR has this, but for the Inspire 2, the "Performance" clock face shows seconds. It's the only one that does, but thankfully, it's a pretty handy clock face. In addition to the time in hours, minutes, and seconds, it shows the day of the week and month (Mon 02), heart rate below the time, and a switchable display of AZM, energy burned, steps, and distance.


More options are always good, though, and if Inspire HR doesn't even have that, well, that needs fixing.

First Steps
“Performance” clock face is perfect for workouts 👍👍

Sent from my iPad
First Steps

Please add seconds to your Inspire line. As a nurse it is a must.

First Steps

This post was almost 4 years ago? Any idea why the programmers haven't spent a couple hours in the past 4 years adding the options to view seconds? My husband bought me this for Christmas and I just now got around to setting it up...and there's no seconds feature! I'm a paramedic. I HAVE to have seconds available at work. Also--where's the military time? I looked through all bajillion watch faces (which are bold, obnoxious, and hideous) and not a single one of them has a seconds feature. Holy cow Fitbit...why not? My husband's Apple watch displays the time, day/date, weather, and notifications in a very concise and non-distracting way. All these Fitbit watch faces are incredibly unhelpful. We're both incredibly disappointed.

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