Permanent heart rate display during workout

As a workout enthusiast I would like to view my heart rate on my Charge HR throughout my workout without having to hit the side button.  I would like to see an option that can be set to "keep display on during workouts".


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.

First Steps
Would be great to have a continuous display of heart rate during an activity on tracker as it is really a pain having to cycle through with button. Really disappointed as thought using the fitbit hr would simplify things and mean I don't need to have phone with me.
Also an interval trainer would be great.
First Steps

I'm actually going to take this thing back becuase of this. I need to see my heart rate the entire time, without constantly pushing the button. I'm very disapointed.

First Steps

Absolutely needed! When working out would be great to see my HR instead of hitting a button. When lifting, I wait 45 seconds between sets. Really don't like having to keep pushing the button. I understand the battery life issue but this should be an option. Almost a deal breaker.


I need seconds for workouts.  The lack of seconds is one of my few disappointments with the Surge.  What smart watch on the market does not have seconds?

+1 Agreed. I researched every heart rate monitor on the market and believed I'd found the ideal choice with the Charge HR (aside from not being waterproof for swimming). BUT, the quick screen fade, with no setting to vary it with an "always on" setting, is a significant oversight. Whether it be to constantly show the time, or most importantly for viewing heart rate whilst training. ...Sometimes I wonder what product testing takes place. This was a frustration within a day of using it, and I may we'll get a refund. It's one thing if technology struggles to meet consumer needs in a cost effective way, but this is a user experience issue that can be resolved very easily.
First Steps

Two of us here would also like this feature added.  Time, HR, mileage, etc. all would be great.  As the battery life is quite good I would think the battery drain during a workout would be minimal in the scheme of things. 

First Steps

Like others, I bought Fitbit assuming that when I excerise I would be able to just glance at the band and see my HR.  I row and it is hard to even tap when rowing.  It would be terrific it this could be adjusted with a software upgrade.  I don't care if it diminishes battery life.  Thanks.

First Steps

this should have been standard or as an option for us to choose, would love to have this feature if not i'm returning the item.


Purposed Firmware Implementation:  (Auto Heart Monitor with Workout Accuracy)

I find that conserving power during a workout is unnecessary, because the heartrate should be constantly on for precise workout results.  After ending workout, the power saving feature of Auto heart monitor would resume.


Reasoning for Purposed Feature:

My workouts are not very long, but usually a quick 15 min pilates/jog/circuit train combo during lunch, break, etc.  Being told to turn heart monitor feature, ON, then back to Auto, is tedious and not something I want to adjust multiple times a day.


For the Surge, it would be cool to have the configuration option to leave the back light on when working out, as I run a lot at night or early morning when the sun light is not good, and for turning on the light I have to click a side button over and over again, so having this feature implemented would help just the same as leaving the screen on for the other Fitbit devices.

Stepping Up

Please consider adding a feature in the firmware that allows the heart rate to stay on longer than the few seconds currently provided. Perhaps holding the button in until it vibrates pauses the 5 second timer, repeating this undoes the the pause and things return to normal. You could also apply this feature to the stopwatch which would be more useful. I realize that a sustained display can affect battery life but as a tournament poker player I would like to periodically watch the heart rate clandestinely (I have the display on the bottom side of the wrist) so I can potentially control the heart rate so as not to give away my poker hand's strength especially when I'm bluffing. Poker hands don't last that long so battery hit wouldn't be an issue. I'm also a runner and would like to watch the HR cycle up and down during raining runs.

Other than this feature, I like the watches feel, accurate and fast HR as well as the price.



Recovery Runner

Gets my vote! At the moment I find the Charge HR more of a distraction than and aid during training, as I have to keep pushing the button, or tapping the screen, to get the information I want.

Recovery Runner

4 months since the OP. Has there been any news or feedback from R+D on this? I've only just bought my Charge HR, and within 10 minutes of starting my first workout wearing it I was getting frustrated that there wasn't a constant read out option.

First Steps
I would be willing to charge the battery more frequently just for this option.
Recovery Runner
This is suggested in a few other posts, and is one of my main annoyances with the HR. I think once you activate the workout timer, the display should stay on in whatever mode you want.
Stepping Up
Thanks for the post. I did go looking for something similar but there are
so many suggestions. I returned the hr charge under Best Buys return policy
but would buy it in a heart beat - no pun intended - if it had this
feature. Let's hope the powers-that-be listen.
First Steps
An option allowingheart rate display to stay on and time.
First Steps

I owned my HR for about an hour before I wondered why this feature wasn't available. I've been advised by my doctor to keep my heart rate down until I can see a cardiologist as a result of a heart valve issue. Love the HR so far, but really hoping that the OP's suggested feature is implemented.

First Steps

I agree.  I was hoping that this feature existed.  I received my Charge HR as a gift but an going to return it because of this issue.

Not applicable

I would like this feature too please! the option to switch between continuous hr display and the exercise timer while exercising would be good too. I'm doing a walk-run program and need to see when its time to change between the two. Pushing the button every 90 seconds is annoying!

Stepping Up

YES! Maybe you could make a workout mode where it will automatically display heart rate and customize the order of information that is displayed when in workout mode. 

First Steps
Love my HR but it is a pain to keep my iPhone alive when I am on the treadmill. I keep track of my HR and would like to have the HR displayed while the phone is locked. Or have an HR screen that shows a large HR display and keep the phone from locking. Whatever works to be able to read my HR while running in the treadmill without having to touch the iPhone screen ever few minutes to keep it from locking.

I replaced my Fitbit Flex with Fitbit Charge HR hoping to use the "continuous HR" monitor and to retire my Polar system with the "chest strap" to perform the "continuous HR monitor".  Unfortunately, the "Fitbit CH HR" "heart rate" display cannot continuously display the "heart rate".

With my heart condition, my doctor told me not to exceed heart rate of 135.  Therefore, I need to be able to see my heart rate w/o keep pressing the button or taping the Fitbit band.  In addition, I notice that that accuracy of the "HR" is much improved if we press the button for two or three times.  Each time we press the button, it will display up to 15 seconds.  I have to press it two or three times before the "hear rate" is closer to the "Polar with "chest strap" continuous heart rate monitor".   This means, if we let it run as long as we need it, I am hoping it will be very close to accurate and it can replace the "Polar" or other brand's "chest strap" continuous heart rate device/system.   Please enhance add this feature.  Thank you. 

First Steps

I would like my HR to display continuously while exercising.  It is a pain in the a__ to have to push the button or tap the display twice.


Strongly agree that this needs to be added as an option.  The whole point of having heart rate monitoring is so you can work to reach the different zones of performance when exercising.  Running on a treadmill and having to keep pressing the button on the side is a pain in the butt.  



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