Play mindfulness sessions and sleep stories with the screen turned off and offline.

Right now, in the premium version, there are multiple sessions available for mindfulness. There also are some sleep stories and relaxing sounds. The screen needs to be turned on to play the sounds. There isn't even anything to watch on the screen, but when you turn off the screen, the sounds stops playing.


I guess Fitbit has used the same player as the workout video's to play the sounds, but this should be a different player (just for audio). When listening to a sleep story, I don't want any distractions. I would like the screen turned off, preferably all signals turned off (offline) and ready to go to sleep.


Moderator edit: Labels

I was thinking the exact same thing. Fitbit, when are you going to address
  • I actually started this post 9 months ago. I really liked the option to log my mindfulness sessions. Since a couple of months I only have access to 3 free mindfulness sessions. And I am a paying customer! I have requested help from the Fitbit support team. I've asked for some updates from their part, because I was waiting for a long time. They have said they asked for a solution from the development team, but it takes such a long time! In the meanwhile I'm still paying for the premium service 🤬
First Steps
Me too...

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

How is this still not a thing?? Please PLEASE fix this.

Recovery Runner

Yes, this. I absolutely cannot sleep with bright lights in my room. Even the standby lights on various devices drive me crazy so I certainly won't be during of to sleep with my phone screen blazing away next to me.

Well Fitbit, you've lost my membership. I think it's really sorry that not
only have you not fixed the issue but after all this time you won't even
address it. My money will go somewhere it is deserved.
Same here. My subscription will end in a couple of days.
Maybe I will be coming back when the paying customers will be a priority
First Steps

totally agree with all. a mindfulness session supposed to take you to sleep yet you have to stay awake to turn your screen off. makes no sense at all.

First Steps

Please change this app so i don't ahve to teun it off after relaxing so beautifully to the sleep and mindfulness apps. Since using this app my sleep has improved I just hate having to turn on my side to reach over and turn my phone off. Love this part of the premium range and if it change would consider subscribing longer


Stepping Up

It makes no sense for the screen to stay on while you're listening to mindfulness audio to help you sleep. 

First Steps

I cannot use the meditation features because the phone stays on and bright. After relaxing, I have to turn it off. If you use it, you should get credit for it if it finishes all the way. Some of the meditations stop abruptly, making me think FitBit was given an excerpt.

Stepping Up

I'm afraid of I can not turn my phone off. It's the final deal breaker & I'm such of this sense.. sending it back to shop. 

Stepping Up

Please can you update me on what is happening on this.... it will amke me decide if to buy a fit bit or alternative smartphone

Stepping Up

Fitbit doesn't seem to care for their Premium paying customers. The support has been terrible. All they do is repeat back what your question is in an overly polite way because that's the script they've been given. It simply amazes me that this thread has been going on for a year and yet still this issue hasn't been addressed updated or fixed. I subscribe to several other services similar to this like Calm, Headspace, Oura, and Insight Timer. All of them provide this option to turn the screen off during their mindfulness sessions and video workouts. Sadly this makes Fitbit inferior to them. I just don't get it. It's so frustrating. I will finish out my premium and move on and I won't be subscribing again. 


Please fix this issue! I shouldn't have to drain my battery every night in order to use this feature that we also pay to use. Plus the light is annoying. Please consider all these comments about the fix that is needed.

First Steps

Have just started premium via free trial. I can't believe the sleep mindfulness sessions don't shut down automatically. What's the point if I have to stay awake to turn it off and rate how I feel? My phone is emitting light and heat all night. Annoying, dangerous and damaging my phone. Sorry but I won't be paying for premium when the trial ends unless this is fixed.


Im glad this feature now works with the screen off, but it still needs to be available offline. I prefer to turn internet off completely for the night and put in airplane mode.  The audios don't work without internet. It is disruptive to have to switch it off after the relaxing routine, undoing half the relaxation achieved.

First Steps
Please add new mindfulness sessions for sleep periodically
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @VivTs, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding new mindfulness sessions for sleep periodically. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps

I can't believe this was posted in 2020 and it's not implemented yet or that it has such a low vote count... I want to turn off all distractions (no do not disturb is not enough, I don't want messages delivered to me) and do a mindfulness session when I go to sleep.

Does is sound insane?

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