Apparently I'm really slow to update apps because other people noticed this in May. When the Fitbit app updated this morning on my Iphone I couldn't find the battery level indicator or my silent alarms. Without these on my dashboard, I can't use the app anymore. This is why.
Back in the day when my phone was too old to use the app, my biggest problem was that the Fitbit would die before it could sync to tell me my Fitbit was about to die. That's the great irony of devices--they need power to tell you they're low on juice and need charging. Then I got a phone that could use the app and the battery indicator flashed orange on my dashboard twice a week telling me to recharge my Fitbit. Problem solved! But now the indicator is no longer visible on the dashboard. What's the point of knowing how many steps I've gone if I don't know if it needs charging? Think about it. The Outlook icon on your desktop tells you if you have mail. The Microsoft teams icon tells you when you have messages. Your phone has a battery level indicator at the top because you need to remember to charge it. What's the point of an icon at the of the Fitbit app that doesn't tell you anything?
One of my favorite features of the Fitbit is the silent alarms. I can set them on my phone but you can still hear them on vibrate in an office setting. I appreciate that the Fitbit has up to eight alarms that no one hears but me. Now that they're buried three levels deep in the Device level setting, I'm back to setting them for every hour during the day so I don't have to change them. Is this what you really intended by hiding them in the new app? I don't think so.
Please put things that people need on the dashboard. I can write down how much water I drink, how much I weigh and how much I run, but I have no idea what my battery is doing and I am not a human alarm clock. Apps should do what humans can't. Thanks for listening.
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