Pregnancy setting/mode for more accurate data


Logging a pregnancy is a must, as is the ammenorheic period due to breastfeeding.  These drastically affect predictions making the app useless for many.  Eg. I have entered my data since 2011.  My periods are like clock work occurring every 27 days... but I have had 4 pregnancies in that time so the app is telling me that my peiods average every 104 days.



Option to add basal body temp and ovulation data (eg. predictor strip).


Moderator edit: title


How many suggestions do you need, to make a pregnancy setting and adjust heart rate, sleep, calorie intake, etc, for you to actually do this???

I agree, it's been years that customers have been asking for this. At any
given time a significant percentage of your users are pregnant or
breastfeeding and wanting to stay fit with the help of FitBit. Please
figure it out!
First Steps

It would be great to have a pregnancy mode for Fitbit app. It would be great to track weekly weight gain and exercise ability. Also, post natal it would be great to track weight loss and exercise activities. This would be awesome!


This would be super helpful to have a "pregnant" setting. Especially for the weight area. obviously i am supposed to gain during the pregnancy but the fitbit just sees it as im getting fat. having a pregnancy setting for appropriate weight gain would be super helpful.


With female health tracking now becoming an option, it would be nice to also allow for a pregnancy setting.

The pregnancy setting would be helpful for:

  • Calorie intake section since we are encouraged to add calories to our diet
  • Weight section since we have a healthy weight gain goal per trimester/pregnancy
  • Heart rate section since your heart rate increases during pregnancy which makes it look like I am constantly in fat burning mode even though I am not

To support females in maintaining a healthy lifestyle whilst pregnant and following child birth 


@ReallyButton wrote:

With female health tracking now becoming an option, it would be nice to also allow for a pregnancy setting.

The pregnancy setting would be helpful for:

  • Calorie intake section since we are encouraged to add calories to our diet
  • Weight section since we have a healthy weight gain goal per trimester/pregnancy
  • Heart rate section since your heart rate increases during pregnancy which makes it look like I am constantly in fat burning mode even though I am not


First Steps

Please add breast feeding as an activity so I can log it. It’s absolutely ridiculous that this hasn’t been added already - how many more comments from frustrated pregnant/nursing fitbit users do you need? Surely this isn’t rocket science and can easily be added as a function. 

First Steps

I think that there should be “pregnant” and “new mom/dad” settings to the Fitbit. Because heart rate changes with pregnancy which has nothing to do with inactivity. ALSO - sleep is HIGHLY affected when you are a breastfeeding mom — my interrupted sleep is not due to too much caffeine or anything else other than this new baby - I think the tips given could be more motivating to moms with newborns like “sleep will come with age” or “3 hours in a row? Good job momma!” 🙂 

I agree! Come on FitBit listen to your users!
First Steps

Hi, it would be really nive if fitbit included breastfeeding and pregnant options/mode. There are so many fitbit users who would be thrilled. Besides, since fitbit is developing a womens health app, it would be jist natural to include both pregnancy and breastfeeding 

First Steps

Exercises suitable for or tailor made for pregnancy and ability to change goals/tracking relevant to weeks/stages of pregnancy.

First Steps

Hi!  There should be a way to track your pregnancy and/or receive tips throughout your pregnancy.  Maybe learn about calorie goals for each trimester and some modifications for some common exercises that you can do while pregnant. 


I used to have the Withings/Nokia Activitie Pop watch, and they recently added a "pregnancy mode" that offered this type of thing and showed you if your weight gain was within a healthy range.  I'm still pregnant now that I've switched to the Versa and find that I'm missing that feature of the Withings watch.

First Steps

I agree. With the capabilities of your company there is really no excuse for not having a pregnancy mode and nursing for an activity. 


Many women purchase these to get in shape after pregnancy and are breastfeeding. I am currently breastfeeding and pregnant wanting to stay in shape but achieve proper weight gain for this baby. 


I'll make it easy for you. 

1. Research amount of weight gain recomended per week per trimester. 

2. Be sure to have anyone activating pregnancy mode update their height-weight etc.

3. Research recomended weight gain for different BMIs. This will allow you to have the program compensate for pregnant women who are over and under weight. 




First Steps

A pregnant & nursing setting would be super!

- extra calories need to be consumed.

- sleep is going to be inconsistent.

- any and all activity should be encouraged as these are days where it is going to be harder than normal! 


First Steps

I vote to add a pregnancy mode to the Fitbit Alta asap!

First Steps

Please add a pregnancy/nursing setting to help gain/lose the right amount of weight!


Please add a pregnant and breastfeeding option to Fitbit. I'd like the support and guidance to get me through my pregnancy and back to my pre-pregnancy weight after delivery.


I totally agree. I am currently pregnant and dont need predicted periods on the calendar for the next nine months. I also love the basal body temp and ovulation test ideas. 

Recovery Runner

Taken a step further, the fact that the user is pregnant or breastfeeding could then adjust their recommended caloric intake.


Now you’re talking!

Recovery Runner

I would also like to be able to log the start/end of my period on my watch.  Something as simple as hitting the drop and confirming start/stop.  The ability to log intimacy on the watch would be helpful as well.

Recovery Runner

A simple app that tracks breastfeeding would be wonderful for moms.  A simple divided screen with one side being left and the other right.  You’d tap the appropriate side when nursing starts, the screen would then show elapsed time. You would then tap the screen when it ends and the screen would revert back to left/right with the last sides used now circled or highlighted in some way.  Time since last feed would be helpful as well.  This data would need to sync with a dashboard tile that showed number of sessions and a visual of the sessions through the day (so that’s patterns can be seen).

Tempo Runner

Allow users to input their luteal phase length, if they know it, and to mark ovulation dates manually, since they may be calculating  that elsewhere. My luteal phase length is 11 days and Fitbit has assumed 14, so the fertile window calculation is off.


Right now this is the calendar method, where you just take the average cycle length and subtract 14 for assumed ovulation date, and that's appallingly unpredictable. You are going to get a lot of accidental pregnancies if poeple assume this app is reliable. Especially since the fertile window should extend to three days past the ovulation date.


I'm doing what I usually do with Clue and using "cramps" to log fibro pain instead, as I don't get menstrual cramps. Other people will be doing similar (we already know they do with Clue and similar apps), which may confuse the app if it's relying on that data for predicting periods. Though there doesn't seem to be a point, as there's no way of seeing your symptom data. Are there plans to make that visible? I was shocked at how basic the app is in this respect, and very much hope that it's an early version which will be expanded once you have user feedback. 


I don't know how hard it is to work out the algorithms for fertility tracking, but if you can do that, and many other apps do (though usually badly), put in a field for basal temperature so that people can do proper fertility tracking. Do not oversimplify this, make sure it includes full cervical data fields. 


Call it Menstrual Tracking, not Female Health. Not everyone who menstruates is a woman. You were using trans-inclusive language in your post announcing this, so I'm very disappointed. 

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Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion @JLMD

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