Pregnancy setting/mode for more accurate data


Logging a pregnancy is a must, as is the ammenorheic period due to breastfeeding.  These drastically affect predictions making the app useless for many.  Eg. I have entered my data since 2011.  My periods are like clock work occurring every 27 days... but I have had 4 pregnancies in that time so the app is telling me that my peiods average every 104 days.



Option to add basal body temp and ovulation data (eg. predictor strip).


Moderator edit: title

First Steps

I noticed that the other Breastfeeding feature request post with 44 comments was marked as "existing feature" so I'm going to guess that the FitBit team is no longer looking at that one any more. Unfortunately, I think they must have misunderstood the feature request, or marked as "Existing" because you can log a custom activity. Here are some potential ways of implementing the functionality so that it is useful to a nursing mama!


1. If you mark "nursing" in the settings, automatically allow for an additional 500 calories (or allow the user the enter in a daily calorie amount). I would even be fine if it added 500 at the beginning of the day, doesn't need to be spread out every time someone nurses. 

2. If you want the nursing community to enter in custom activities, allow for custom activities to be added in the mobile app. Maybe I'm missing something but I can only add a custom activity on the web. 

3. Also, if you want this to be a custom activity, allow to schedule recurring activities so that it doesn't need to be logged every single day. This sounds more complicated and less desirable by the users than option 1 though. 


First Steps

Would really like to be able to tell my Fitbit that I am 24 weeks pregnant, and have the dashboard take into account for the purposes of calorie intake, max activity levels and targets.


These will all change as the pregnancy moves on over time, so it wouldn't just need to be a single setting, and perhaps should also take into account due date to work backwards...

Track breastfeeding as an exercise option!!!
Adding an option of extra calories to make up for breastfeeding
First Steps
You should include breastfeeding under exercise since it burns a tremendous number of calories. Fitbit really is not pregnancy or post partum friendly.
Not applicable

Thanks for stopping by the Feature Request Board @Leesha884! As @Rich_Laue has said, there's already an option to do that. This can be found in the Settings page under "Body Info". Once you have changed that information, you will only need to hit the 
"Save button". You can also check out this article: Can I track breastfeeding on my Fitbit dashboard? for further information. I encourage you to keep participating in the Fitbit Forums.


Catch you later!

First Steps
Hi, love the product! Mybwofe and I both have the flex. My wife is currently Brest feeding and we thought it would be cool if there was something on the app to account for the extra burned calories fomr nursing.
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Currently, we do have nursing and pregnancy settings on body info section at the dashboard. Take in consideration that you can track breastfeeding on your log, but at this time, nursing setting does not affect your calorie burn.


Thanks for stopping by! Woman Wink

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This is a great idea. To have a pregnancy option that will actually make a difference in calorie intake and activities done would be great. It would be cool to have the option to put specific amount of weeks you have been pregnant so the dashboard can calculate the right data. I will vote for this idea, thank you for the suggestion. Hopefully we will see this in the nearest future.

First Steps
There is no way to log breastfeeding on the app. It would make logging it so much easier as this is something that is done untitled times a day and I really can't stand the redundancy of logging online and using the app. Please add it on! This activity can burn approx 500 calories per day
First Steps
*multiple, not untitled. Sorry
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Thank you for sharing your request! It would be of great help if this option could be added to the web and app Dashboard. It would be interesting to see the number of calories burned while nursing. 

The weight gain feature would also be nice for those of us trying to make sure we gain weight at the right speed. I'm not concerned about excessive weight gain so much as battling the "must stay at a low weight" mindset. It'd be nice to have a smiley face when gaining the right amount of weight instead of a red down arrow which makes me feel worse despite the fact that we know it's healthy for us to gain weight during pregnancy. Also as every woman is recommended different weight gain goals by their doctor based on their health, it'd be nice for the goals to be customizable for per week/per month/total gain.
First Steps

As a recovering/ed anorexic and am now pregnant. Tracking my weight and seeing it increase and having that be a bad/red item is quite upsetting.

Also having heart rate alarms, increased fluid intake, would be helpful to other pregnant/nursing women.


Please create a Pregnancy feature! As the above users mentioned, there are a TON of benefits for those of us whom are pregnant, to using a fitness tracker as succinct as Fitbit. However, to currently be watching my stats get "worse and worse" is terribly discouraging and stressful!!

While you're at it, please include a breastfeeding feature as well! The increased nutrition and hydration during this time are really important to maintaining adequate and health breastmilk production. 

As I currently can not find an all around app for pregnancy/breastfeeding/fitness, you'd be a cornerstone in the marketplace!

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Hey! This feature has been removed from dashboard since it didn't have effect on the account. 


As you may know, they were previously visible for accounts set to the Female gender - however, choosing them had zero effect on calories or anything else. We removed the front-facing option to prevent users from thinking that their data was being adjusted based on this setting, and potentially making misinformed decisions about caloric intake.


I suggest manually logging a custom activity on your dashboard to keep track of breastfeeding sessions, you can learn more about this at our help article.


Thanks for stopping by! 



First Steps
I agree with everyone above. When I first became pregnant, there was an option for the second and third trimester and I was looking forward to Fitbit helping me through this period, like it did with my weight loss last year. I love my Fitbit Charge HR, but I find myself relying on it less now in a time I should be more focused on my health
Keeping Pace
Please add settings specifically for pregnancy and breastfeeding. For instance, specific calorie goals based on trimester and activity level. Right now I am pregnant and I'm in my first trimester. My doctor says I should only gain 25 pounds total because I am slightly overweight. It would be helpful to pace this weight gain with the help of Fitbit. Also, some calorie counters for pregnancy tell you to eat certain amounts of calories based on categories like light, moderate, and heavy exercise but they do not define what that is so it would be helpful for Fitbit to generate calorie goals based on my actual activity level and my trimester. Thanks!!
First Steps

Really disappointed to find that the pregnancy option has been removed now I've finally hit 2nd trimester and could use it! Would be good to have this feature back and to reflect changes in calorie intake and heart rate for exercise recommendations (lower I know than normal and handy to keep an eye on, particularly in the summer when exercising). Don't mind the weight thing too much as everyone is different but be nice to reflect the change in status.

First Steps

All the links to how to track breastfeeding are leading to a file not found page.  Please provide the updated link. 

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Hopefully this option can be taken into consideration again, since they had no effect on any data, they were removed to prevent any potential confusion but I'm happy to see the support this request has been receiving. 


I believe that many women can benefit from having this information available on the Dashboard. Thank you for sharing!

First Steps

This is a completely necessary setting, without it using a fitbit as a nursing mother is next to impossible. Please add breastfeeding as a setting for calories burned and calories in.

First Steps

Why was the pregnancy option removed? 

Do you think it will be added back? 


I understand FitBit doesn't want to be responsible for stating if weight gain is on target (or not) during pregnancy. However, it would be great to know the weight isn't held against you until after birth. As a nurse in the health care setting, our computer system notates if a woman is pregnant and then weight, BMI, etc. are calculated but are marked N/A until after birth. 


Is it possible for something similar to be done with FitBit?

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