Premium for free - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Given the current climate and people’s need to be isolated in their homes due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) does Fitbit plan on issuing Fitbit Premium for free to assist all people with a Fitbit to continue exercising in their homes?? What a great community/global act this would be. It doesn't have to be in place indefinitely, but as all our gyms have closed in the short term, at least a month with no lock in contract would be considered generous. 😊



Recovery Runner

Fitbit launched a 90 day trial for this very reason yesterday! Enjoy.

Community Legend

this was posted yesterday and lets you know some things are now free - click to read

Status changed to: Released
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

As the global situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, we want to support our Fitbit community. Anyone new to Fitbit Premium can get a 90-day free trial of this paid subscription, which includes personalized health insights, health guidance, advanced sleep tools, customized programs, and 150+ workouts from fitness brands to help you stay active at home. We’re also offering 40 new pieces of Premium content free in the Fitbit app.


To learn more, see the message on the Fitbit Blog.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @rafiki40 in gratitude of your suggestion, each of your votes will now count as 5 votes in the forums. Thank you for sharing this idea, we hope you all enjoy this new addition.

Recovery Runner

What about those of us having tried premium for 7 days previously? i also want to try 90 days

First Steps

Agreed - I signed up for the 7 day trial last week before this was offered. How can I extend my trial? Thanks. 


Let's really make it free (no credit card information required)! I suggest that Fitbit makes premium available for free without the required credit card information then asks for payment should the client want to continue after the 90-days. By not asking for credit card information, clients can enjoy the service and decide for themselves if they want the premium after Fitbit requires payment. I feel that this will not only solve an influx of people cancelling the service, or calling Fitbit because they forgot to cancel it, but also puts less strain on Fitbit's resources and less stress on the clients (I'm assuming that both Fitbit employees and clients are already stressed out as it is).  


With people losing their jobs and Covid-19 pandemic, premium should be free for users during these months. No matter the times, there should be a premium family account. I have four children and a husband as an educator, at least honor a educator discount and a family premium option if nothing else. Shouldn't be a vote, should just be common sense and human decency.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @BJCC it is! Please see more info here.

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