Quick Replies for iOS Devices

When will it be availible to reply with iOS for apple users. I noticed Versa can reply to text but it says only for android. I will never switch to android and the reply to text is the only thing that Fitbit is missing. Apple Watch does all the same plus reply to text and taking calls. Big miss on Fitbits part. 


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity/Added Labels

Recovery Runner

I’m afraid I gave up with the Verda and went back to my Apple Watch, no quick replies was a disappointment and I prefer the smaller size of my 38mm Apple Watch 

First Steps

Please bring quick replies to the iOS update please I have a Versa  and an iPhone and can’t reply to the text on Versa  PLEASE FIX!!!🙏🙏🙏


I upgraded to the Versa for the quick reply feature. I am an I phone user and I am considering sending my just received Versa back. I will go back to my Blaze. It wasn’t advertised that it was only for Android. I want keep the Versa, but will only consider it if I know the quick reply feature.will be out soon. 

First Steps

Please change this so when we answer calls we don’t have to go to the phone to hear the other person!

First Steps

I would think it has more to do with Apple giving access to fitbit to write the code.  Apple is not open source as Android is.

First Steps

Yes please! I would love iOS quick replies. I prefer my Fitbit Versa over an Apple Watch any day. Please make it happen, Fitbit! 😊😊👍👍

First Steps

I am super upset that what you guys advertised is not reality. Please implement this ASAP! This is 2018, and I can’t believe that your new watch can’t do this. I might return mine soon being that I thought this was something I could do. Really shady marketing on your part Fitbit...

First Steps

Please develop a way for iphone users to be able to use the quick reply feature.  I have just started to use my Versa and am enjoying it, but thought I would be able to use the quick reply feature, as it is advertised as a feature, but there is no mention of the limitation to Androids. I have had a fitbit for the past 3 years and love your product/brand!

First Steps

It would be helpful for all the iPhone users who decided not to go for the Apple Watch to have this feature. This may be one of the reasons why a lot of users go back to Apple watches because it’s more convenient. It would also benefit iPhone users when it comes to replying to messages while exercising. 

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Jeph, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here.

First Steps

I would love to be able to respond to texts or with my ionic, I just recently upgraded my phone and switched to an iPhone from an android and lost this ability. Hope to see this added soon! 

First Steps

Please add text reply to iPhone. It should be availabile for all types of phones, not just android. Your customers should not be penalized for their phone choices. 

Also if there is someone we need to contact at Apple to help set this up, let us know so we can help as well.

First Steps

I have two phones. I have an iPhone and a Samsung s8. I bought the Versa and I’m very upset with the lack of support for iOS. Please bring quick replies to iOS. I love it on android. It was advertised that way and we should recieve what has been advertised. Quick replies big step forward for you guys. Double steps back for it not working for iOS. You would likely make more sales if it were available for iOS, no?

First Steps

Please add quick text features for IOS users!


This would be amazing!

First Steps

PRETTY PLEASE make quick replies available for iOS.  This is really the only feature I like about the Apple Watch that Fitbit doesn't have (for iOS anyways).  It would be super sweet if you could customize the responses through the phone app, but for now, just the standard responses would be helpful.


There is an option in my iOS app for Quick Replies, but its disabled. By when this will be enabled?


I agree. I find it odd that this feature is only available to android users. What’s more frustrating is the fact that you can access the quick reply option via fitbitapp on your iphone but can’t even use the feature. 

Recovery Runner

Hi it would be nice if the Versa had Spotify on it. It would also be nice if there was something that you could reply to a text and phone someone from your watch for Android and iPhone users  because some people don’t want to pay for the Apple Watch or don’t think it’s worth the hype. Thanks 

Status changed to: Needs More Info
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Versa03! We wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:


Spotify for Ionic/Versa

Quick Replies for iOS Devices

Preset Texts  (This one is already implemented!) 🙂

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for.

Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!

Recovery Runner

Yes I agree.it would be nice if you could do a quick reply with iOS but also answer calls too because people might not want to upgrade to Apple Watch. 

First Steps

Come on you guys, I finally decided on this watch because I read that the quick reply feature was happening. That was months ago and we are all still waiting. You know everyone wants this feature so please stop jerking us all around, encouring us to "vote" or whatever. Just get it done.

First Steps

I am pretty sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that majority of us with Fitbits have an Apple phone and are really wanting this quick reply for IOS users. The only thing keeping me from switching to Apple Watch is the price because I really want the quick reply and hopefully the answer a call too. I just hope you guys stop with the vote for this crap and PLEASE let us quick reply as soon as possible. I want to support Fitbit, but if I don’t have this feature I might have to change.

First Steps

I’ve had 4 Pebble watches over the years and last November, switched to Fitbit. I now have had the Versa for a few months. The Pebble (which FItbit bought) was not only able to reply to texts, but had a microphone and I was able to speak my replies with ease. I knew going to the Versa this would not be possible, but there was still a lot to like. I’m very happy with the product, but there are two things I’m disappointed in: not being able to reply to texts in iOS, and the O2 sensor technology not being activated. The iOS Fitbit app started showing a Quick Replies section, however it is not activated. I’m assuming this is a feature that is getting ready for the ios12 update, and maybe this is a legal thing between Fitbit and Apple, but it’s the only explanation I have. Also, Fitbit adopted the Pebble watchface and App Store which is also disappointing. I thought Fitbit would have invested more into the overall experience. There’s a reason Pebble is no longer around and Fitbit was more than poised to be able to create something better for the end user. The watchfaces and apps are pretty much average at best. If you want to win over Apple users, which are MANY, I suggest overhauling and adding to the experience. The device is great. The software blows. Thinking of going Apple Watch soon. Thoughts???


I'm also adding my two cents. I hate Apple products. It has pretty much locked users into just using their products. As specific as it is I can't believe they are as popular as they are. I like the ability to use whatever I want and how I want. My sister gave me an Iphone so I didn't have to buy a new phone and now I am shut out of using the quick replies. THAT SUCKS!!!! no surprise to me it's apple doing it. I can't put music on my phone without jumping through hoops, can't use my ringtones because you have to buy theirs and now this. Apple fix this so your product is more consumer friendly. I will go back to an android before I spend money on an apple watch. 

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