Remove Weight from Inspire HR

I just received the inspire hr and so far so good. The one option I’d like to see is being able to customize the device. I don’t care to see my weight listed all the time when scrolling through.

Being able to customize the device how the user prefers would be great.  


Moderator Edition: Format and subject for clarity & label


I strongly agree with you! Weight can be a trigger for so many people, including for unhealthy behaviors, that it seems important to me that people can customize when they see it while using their wearable. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing @Drussell1! We look forward to hearing what other community members think. Robot Happy

Recovery Runner

It does total sense to me, each user might have different ideas for using the device, and I don’t think showing all options should be the solution.


In fact, I’m missing some shortcuts such as the live countdown time (if set) as part of the quick notifications.

Recovery Runner

Agreed. I know the Alta made it possible to not show some of those on the device. 

Base Runner

I agree that it would be great to be able to select what appears on the device. I don't really want to scroll through everything all the time. I don't track water intake at all, and I would prefer not to see that or weight on my Inspire HR. I like it on the dashboard, but that's enough!


Hi all - The Inspire HR is my 4th Fitbit.  Struggled with the setup (and HATE the flimsy USB connector), but finally got the unit going cleanly.  Was very surprised to see the display/menu is cast in concrete.   I agree totally with the previous posters  - we should definitely be able to customize the display menu ala some of the other fitbit devices, to retain or remove some of the items.  I have no desire to see or scroll through about half of the ones shown on the Inspire HR:)  

First Steps

I strongly agree! I wish there was a way to customize which items display, and also in which order. I dislike having to scroll through a bunch of things I don't utilize to get to the one I want to see.

Recovery Runner

I agree with all the comments. They took away a lot of options with this new tracker. I would like to turn off the clock, why did that option go away? I don't understand when companies update and upgrade products. They take away options instead of adding options, I don't get it.


Make the app/tracker so that we can customize the way we want.


Thank you!

Recovery Runner

I strongly agree with this idea!  I am terribly disappointed that there is not an option to customize the device.  I absolutely am not happy about seeing my weight on the device.  I also do not need to see how many cups of water I am drinking each day.  My Alta looks better and better to me and I am sorry I didn't do my homework before purchasing this device.  The only aspect of it that I appreciate more than the Alta is the fact that I don't have to worry about it getting wet in the shower.  Other than that, not a very smart purchase on my part!  

First Steps

Agree with many of these comments. I have an Alta HR and expected some of the customization would be the similar on the Inspire HR. There’s no reason to lock in what we scroll through on the display. If this can be programmed with different faces and can get alerts about texts or calls, it would seem reasonable to be able to delete / add items that are most beneficial to the individual. This is a fail and should be changed.

Base Runner

There is a topic with almost 400 votes on this subject. If you haven't voted there, please do so that at least ONE of these will get their attention!


I don’t want to see my weight displayed on my wrist.  Not sure why Fitbit wouldn’t allow us to remove display items when syncing.

Keeping Pace

I agree!  While there are many things I like about my new Inspire HR over my One, this is not one of them.Certain thing are just a waste of space and a pain to have to keep swiping by to get to things I care about.

First Steps

I've seen many posts about this already but for those of us with disordered eating, current or past, seeing our weight displayed as one of the main watch faces is extremely triggering.  I've had my fitbit inspire HR a few days and I'm considering returning it despite the fact that I like other functions way better than my apple watch, because this isn't optional to turn off/remove/hide etc.


This is extremely upsetting and disappointing.  I've had a fitbit before and I Don't recall this being an issue!  Please Please Please push an update that provides the option to remove it!


Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Lorilynnm and @mlecklitner! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing. I've moved it into a similar request. You can also check this other suggestion, post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support for clock faces. Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for.

First Steps

I strongly agree with this! Weight is a triggering topic for many, as well as just a private matter. I am uncomfortable seeing my weight on the Inspire, and don't want others to have the access to it. Many people are uncomfortable with this and it should be changed.


Very disappointing to have to contribute to this thread. I wish I would have found out that the apps were not removable or customizable before getting a new one.   I personally don't want to be cluttered with weight or alarms I don't use.  Also, what is the point of having a water stat you cannot do anything with?  This was not thought out and it's just sloppy. 

First Steps

I had the Alta for the last 3.5 years, finally got the new Inspire HR to replace it and very disappointed to see I can't change what apps are shown, such as my WEIGHT?! That is NO ONE'S business but my own. And for those out there with eating disorders this could be deemed very dangerous!

First Steps

I just got the new Inspire HR and I’ve been eagerly awaiting it, but after seeing my weight displayed on the face and realizing that I can’t get rid of it, I’m not sure I want to keep it. I’m working hard to lose weight but I don’t want to see it in my wrist every day. It’s demoralizing. This was a really bad decision. I’m going to look into your return policy now.

First Steps

I upgraded from my Alta to a Inspire HR.  I haven't had it even 24 hours and am very disappointed.  Why can you not choose which stats are displayed on the actual fitbit?  You could do this on the Alta so it doesn't make sense that you took that feature away.  I shouldn't have to scroll through stats I don't care about in order to get to the stats that I do care about.  For example, I don't even wear it when I sleep so why would I want that stat displayed on my wrist.  I'm thinking the new fitbit was a complete waste of money since I will probably continue to use my Alta since it is better.  I was looking forward to the HR feature but if operating it raises my heartrate from frustration maybe it's not a good idea.  Again, very disappointed.

Not applicable

I agree.  I recently upgraded from the Alta HR to the Inspire HR and was disappointed when I couldn't choose what was shown on my wrist and what wasn't.  I like the Inspire HR so far but that was a pretty great feature I enjoyed on my Alta HR and would love to see Fitbit come out with an update that would allow the Inspire to support the user's choice of what is shown and in what order.

First Steps

I could not agree more with this. My old charge 2 let me customize, and now I’m forced to see my weight when scrolling through the menu. I would put in 1 pound or something crazy but I do want accurate calorie/health data recorded. I want to be encouraged by icons (get up and move!), not frustrated (that’s the number on the scale). Very triggering and disappointing.

First Steps

There are several screens - especially weight -  that I'd prefer not to see on my actual watch (or have anyone else see!). Please provide some customization for this!

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this suggestion! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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