Remove empty space in the Heart Rate view.

I would like to request an update to add an option to remove the wasted empty space when viewing our heart rates in the app.



Yesterday my heart didn't go above 110bpm, but as you can see in the screenshot above, the chart goes all the way to 240bpm, this is wasted space if my heart rate hasn't actually gone that high, and makes it hard to actually see the chart clearly.


It would even be nice to just be able to see this landscape heart rate view on android, or be able to zoom in on the graph in general. Anything to let you see the heart rate data over smaller chunks of time/with more detail would be much appreciated!

Recovery Runner

I would support this. An automatic scaling to no more that 110% of the daily max would be great. 

First Steps

PLEASE add floors to the next Altra.  I just had a Facebook memory of my first day in Edinburgh when I wore a Charge - 70 flights of stairs!  I cannot return my Altra for a Charge, as this was a gift, but I REALLY want this option, and will shop far more carefully when this one wears out.

Cross-Country Runner

I would also have to agree. Displaying the heart rate in the same manner as the "non-full screen mode" for the day would be best. It "maxes" out at the highest BPM for the day. Sometimes time in peak is wrong, but hey, the chart is easier to read.




Yes remove the empty space and allow adjustment to max range.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. 


Hello @MarcelBK!


Any update on this? I'd love the change to happen, even if it's only an option in the settings somewhere!



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